Volume 1
Coming Soon
Volume 1
Coming Soon
Many thanks go out to everyone who put in the extra man-hours within our PKTF Newsroom to help in their spare time get out our first Exclusive Newsletter before the absolute deadline!
The April/May Edition was a significant challenge to our novice and slim team of researchers and editors. But we were finally able to release it to all subscribers this evening.
Front Page to our Newsletter - Subscribers Edition
For anyone who has not received the April/May Edition, and who has subscribed, we do apologize for this extreme delay and return oversight. You should now have this newsletter in your inbox. But if not, please be so kind as to subscribe once again here > > to receive the April/May newsletter right away!
Our team realizes the unique content value opportunity our current, and future newsletters will provide to all subscribers. And so, we devoted many days and weeks preparing in real-time what would be needed going into each Edition bounding forward throughout each blended seasonal edition.
For readers interested in previewing each current newsletter cycle, a preliminary newsletter outline can be found at the top center of our Homepage at pktfnews.org for your convenience. The outline provides only a glimpse at what can be found within each Subscriber Edition. The Subscribers Edition, however, offers multi-layered information on advanced service projects and developments that are not readily available on other information platforms at the time of the bimonthly newsletter outline release. And so, we encourage everyone interested in the most in-depth aspects of what takes place with our peacekeeping services projects and other potent peacekeeping advancements to subscribe to the bi-monthly newsletter when able.
Our peacekeeping volunteers are doing what they can daily to bring such work together consistently. We believe it is due to our growing community of subscribers that truly makes a decidable difference in sharing the notice of our peace-bridging work for our American State Assemblies and others worldwide.
Several of our readers (or at least those from among people around the world aware of The Peacekeeping Task Force) are reporting experiencing prolonged issues seeking answers to select questions related to our work.
Hopefully this sub-article will help shed a brighter light onto the solution far and wide!
Of course, we are familiar that a continuous effort will be required; with outreach in mind (a solid word-of-mouth, group effort approach) before any semblance of a critical mass, level of awareness regarding our services become more commonplace.
The Peacekeeping Task Force is taking the appropriate steps to peacefully counter all numerous logical fallacies asserted against the lawful rights of self determination from free and sovereign men and women on earth.
In the coming articles on our pktfnews.org site, our research teams and editor's will be reporting on loosely affiliated, yet fairly blatant and consistent false claims alleged against peacefully and properly declared, recorded, published and cured status-corrected Americans living lawfully upon the Land and Soil of America.
Such false allegations will be defended against those men and women in good-standing; having committed no criminal offenses, dishonor, or trespasses against any other living man, woman, or to any other of such same kinsmen, or their offspring - in any capacity whatsoever.
The Peacekeeping Task Force will further attempt to provide remedy through clarity of the following:
Any such false allegations against such innocent people, or People who have been, or are now somehow being falsely...
• associated with in any way -
• financially supported or educated through -
• inspired or motivated by -
• co-existing alongside or in receivership of promotion from -
any Incorporated Citizenry of any fictitious Form or Substance who declares themselves as being that of a "Sovereign-Citizen".
Likewise, we will soon be preparing to offer peaceful solutions to all other people's living upon other continents.
Similar tactics against other innocent people worldwide have been falsely alleged against, or being made subject to false claims by this same pejorative assertion from intellectually dishonest publication entities.
The Peacekeeping Task Force intends to lawfully assist with bringing a peaceful end to this continuous verbal neglect and reckless abuse for all lawfully declared sovereign men and women having been mischaracterized and subsequently mistreated.
Please feel welcomed to support our work by commenting below, or by emailing your questions regarding this, or any other peacekeeping initiative our officers and liaisons will be working on during 2024 and beyond.
The bulk of our featured articles will be found on our official website - pktfnews.org - for more information and content.
Our inboxes have been met with significant interest in seeking more details about the role, while more continue to flow in daily.
The role of PKTF - Assembly Liaison is at the State level yet is provided by way of the Federation of States, through The Peacekeeping Task Force as a perpetual, yearly service opportunity.
This means that, rather than sunsetting (as does the role of State Coordination at the Federation level once each State Assembly qualifies to rejoin the Union of States), the service role of PKTF - Assembly Liaison (an appointed role as a Federation service asset (PKTF)), however, does not sunset.
Much more detail will be provided on the pktfnews.org website as a featured article this month as meeting minutes are recorded. This sub-article, however, is only published to provide exclusive details before all semi, featured, or full-featured articles are published on pktfnews.org. Below are the following main bullet points:
PKTF - Assembly Liaison (current participant State Assemblies)
Enrolled States are highlighted as pink
(as of February 29th, 2024)
We look forward to, and are expecting to have nearly all, if not the entire 50 American State Assemblies in participation very soon.
Meetings with all participating States will begin on March 2, 2024.
We will begin with bi-weekly meetings for the 1st and 3rd weekends of each month tentatively.
The meetings will be provided using the Free Conference Call meeting forum and are slated for 90 minutes. Each meeting will be recorded, but recordings will be provided only to those State Assemblies who are actively participating as having an Assembly Liaison enrolled in the meeting.
All live meetings are essentially closed to the General Public.
The primary purpose for this decision is simply due to the fact that the information shared with all Assembly Liaisons is provided to each Liaison in a type of rapid-fire stylization. Concise and deliberate information flow is the objective for purposes of maximizing time balanced firmly with the volume of information to be shared during each bi-weekly meeting.
For more information on this evolving development, please read a bit more detail on the subject over on pktfnews.org here.
T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...