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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Growing List of Common Law County Sheriff's

 As the American States grow gradually - (adding slowly, but surely more and more Soil Jurisdiction County Reeves), so too grows the awareness behind the hidden mystery of this particular, American County Guardian Service.

The hidden aspects become all too apparent as current research reveals the obvious obscurity behind the design of the Sheriff Star itself. But, more on those details a bit later in this article.

What we would like to touch upon first is the priority need for establishing a mental (and, when possible - physical) presence for County-level peacekeepers at this time during the American State Assembly, organic, Restoration evolution.

The Office of Sheriff (County Reeve) is of a most particular importance to County structure - if only by the fact that he (or she) is, indeed the only elected Guardian of the County that the people dwell upon! In this, it is the people who ultimately protect the County, by way of electing the only Guardian tasked with upholding and amplifying American Common Law across the County. And so, the County Reeve is the direct extension, at the County level of the American people themselves that elected him.

With this Office comes a significant amount of tremendous responsibility to the County people! The recognition of service is one of equally tremendous adoration for honorable service by the people, who themselves are also, collectively engaged in honorable self-governance upon their County! So much so is this honor, as it is also exemplified by the unique design of the Star worn by the County Reeve while in Office.

Today, however, research is hard pressed to actually locate an existing image of a proper 5-pointed, upright Star having 5 sharp points (as opposed to having bulbus points). Believe it or not, even with Artificial Intelligence, generative image assistance algorithms it is still a real challenge to prompt a clear abstract image production of a 5-pointed Sheriff Star having sharp points.

Regardless of such oddities, our ongoing research continues to reveal even more interesting preservations of this particular, County- level high-office. Even the traditional name of this County "Reeve" (Guardian) over that of "Sheriff" (or Shire - Reeve) is also quite telling, whereby a Shire is a "Township" setting, yet a Reeve is a Countywide Guardian.

We plan to publish more article content on this particular high-office on our site in the coming days, but we did want to reveal a bit of the apparent purpose to hide the traditional image of the Star, as well as the Title of the Office from the minds of The American People as a whole.

At nearly every aspect when investigating the traditional implementation of this particular Office, obvious (intentional) roadblocks are met by the researcher. All evidence gathered through current investigations lead to a reasonable conclusion, in that those who currently control the larger narrative simply do not choose to reveal accurate education about the Office of County Reeve.

To the fact that it is unreasonably difficult to locate a proper 5-pointed Sheriff Star (one without bulbus points, but rather be 6, and 7,  pointed stars without bulbus points instead) and largely incorrect type of smelted precious metal used to fashion the Stars.

All this, and more we will be discussing in more lengthy articles over on our monthly magazine site this month (time permitting).

If you are interested in learning more about the honorable role of a County Reeve, or would like to share your current findings about this extremely necessary County-level Guardian function, please feel free to comment below or send us an email. We are happy to share any comments or questions our readers might have by placing such contextual value in future articles.

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