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Showing posts with label Content Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Content Support. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Offering Previous Training Access and Conference Replays for all Peacekeepers

 Our management team continues to grow at a responsible rate and talented rate.

Thanks to readers and commenters across the various communication outlets, we have considered your shared advice. And we appreciate every opportunity to receive all such advice from our supporters.

Since the start of May 2024 (Series One Liaison Training), our Staff has offered access to all replays, along with previously provided attachments to screenshare presentations during such training. Doing so has offered the ability to remain resilient and flexible with all time zones and challenging family work schedules experienced by all participating Assembly Liaisons (in training). However, the inevitable limits to adequate storage space for such meetings have now been reached - regardless of how cleverly our studios have recorded prior meetings. These same recording limitations will only persist as training content continues to accumulate.

And so, we have made the appropriate, cost-effective adjustments.

Announcing our unlisted Rumble Channel audio/video of all previously held Assembly Liaison training conferences.

Local Newsworthy Reporting

Upon request, all people enrolled in our Assembly Liaison Training Series will now have access to all prior training without the need to be provided with a replay link located on a limited server or the need to be supplied a limited link via email. Those currently enrolled in this vital training will have access to all unlisted training, so long as the Rumble server is online.

For added safety to all previously conducted training, PKTF now backs all training conferences to local servers, in multiple locations separately. Doing so helps to minimize the total loss of our training models as these models stand as worldwide proof of our peaceful service model.

PKTF has chosen to utilize this cloud storage feature for several reasons. Many reasons have to do with service genre, whereby local Outreach efforts are the ultimate default position for all future peacekeeping ventures for all liaisons. Other reasons for choosing a local news reporting channel, is that it is provided by a major alternative network platform that is easy to use and has a robust cloud storage feature.

Rumble is also, conveniently teamed with another growing popular alternative network platform called Locals whereby Content Creators can post, manage, and retain their work all while being given the option to receive viewers' support in exchange for exclusive community interaction and content options.

The Peacekeeping Task Force advocates these and other similar alternative networking platforms at this current time. Our team strives to utilize as many platforms as found to be professionally useful. This has shown to be a rather tedious venture at time, and is one that has shown to grow slowly, but surely over time.

Notice of Function -

For those of our enrolled PKTF - Assembly Liaisons:

To access our entire Series Training Conference recordings, please be prepared to receive directions on where to go to on our Rumble access channel to our unlisted library for review of all prior training. Once a training meeting, conference, or tutorial has been provided that pertains directly to PKTF - Assembly Liaison service details, those of you who have enrolled in the training will be provided the link for each unlisted recording.

This option will then allow our IT office to clear all previously held meetings from our designated meeting platform, thereby allowing for a renewed recording capacity without having to spend our limited funds for increased storage capacity.

For more information about this prior meeting publication feature and network selection strategy, please feel welcome to comment below.

We are always eager to read from those who follow and support our ongoing work.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Why Does Sponsor Independent Research Like MyLunchBreak?


Following intriguing, thought-provoking research like what is found from the Content Creator known as MyLunchBreak (MLB) on Rumble and other popular, current Freedom of Speech advocacy platforms testing other limitations by offering compelling research!

MLB is reported to have started out his own research journey while sharing personal contemplations about matters of concern during his own brief lunch break while at work. Early-on videos reveal such humble beginnings when MLB took the limited time, he had to express his disappointments in life. While at the same time of sharing his thoughts and ideas on how to move forward, MLB decided to make a more positive change. Not only for himself, but for the research he found extremely important that other people around the earth might also enjoy - and promote.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) does most certainly relate to many aspects of the concepts underlining grass roots research, and those who conduct such work in return for modest reader's support and information share.

The work that MLB puts together is, indeed, compelling! And the detailed subject matter displayed from each weekly episode is apparent. Grass roots research providing intensely thought provoking, paradigm shifting, useful information-share that is substantive, can be considered rare in our current day and age! The uncovering of errors found hidden-in-plain-site regarding mainstream narratives can be most helpful to other researchers working in the same fields of study. And, so, MLB illustrates extreme dedication in his cause of unearthing such narratives with backstories, visuals, locations, practical contemplations, reasonable cross-comparisons, and fair logic while utilizing the basic scientific method - starting with "observation."

PKTF, (although focusing its research exposure and service renderings elsewhere) directly relates to similar methods of approach and delivery. The time required to facilitate exposure to such work can easily total dozens of hours each week. PKTF has also endeavored to utilize multiple platforms to help cater more towards the fact that numerous groups of people and schools of thought are found across a wide spectrum of information platforms worldwide. So, by combining both multi-platform share-utilization, and the valuable time required to descriptively provide our work we are able to measure and justify the tremendously dedicated effort needed to accomplish the tasks at hand!

We would like to thank MLB for providing the world his information-gathering journey and share campaign. The collective work, in our professional opinion is extremely vital - if only in terms of supporting ground-level research that pushes the narrative in a healthy, objective direction.

Both readers of our peacekeeping work here will find  listed during each MyLunchBreak episode within the "Honorable Mentions" section of each weekly episode, in exchange for our own continuous monthly support. PKTF has been a consistent sponsor of MLB since December 2023. The 54th Episode is where PKTF does its part by helping to support MLB. The title of the episode is shared with the realization of discovering antique structures alleged to have been manufactured by designers and architects - not necessarily by modern man. Finding hidden structures of The Old World originated by people who were far more advanced than people are purported to be in our modern time, or by some other enormously unexplained phenomena, through continuous dedication on the topic like with MLB will tell!

To help PKTF further support complimenting, newsworthy Content Creators like MLB and others outside our American State Assembly, we humbly encourage our own dedicated readers to aid in our monthly support to such Content Creators by contributing at our Direct Donations Cash App. From here PKTF is able to more quickly maintain our immediate expenses toward gathering research, cross-referencing our findings, drafting our results, scheduling time to edit, and publish final work, along with helping to support other realms of hard-hitting research.

Many thanks to all our readers and those able to support by any nominal amount!

News - Digital Magazine Site

Sunday, March 24, 2024

As Promised - Reaching out to Other English-Speaking Countries, and Beyond

 A warm thank you goes out to David and Gwen from The Canadian National States Assembly for hosting a meeting between themselves and The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) with The United States of America (Unincorporated) for the first time.

Earlier this year, our team began breaking ground on the notion of how discussions would go when speaking with other countries on Earth regarding lawful, peaceful status correction. With this preparation, we thought it best to first establish a type of placeholder online by building out our purpose and intent with a notable, measurable, and honorable presence.

It has now been at least 6 months since our team moved ahead by creating the enhanced online version of The Peacekeeping Task Force, and therefore - virtually worldwide. We will have been conducting peacekeeping efforts for one year this coming August 2024 - having a trusted online presence to help carry PKTF's purpose and intent as far as possible worldwide.

The meeting (initially scheduled for 45 minutes) seemingly flew by in a matter of moments - even as 45 minutes turned out to be 90 minutes of gentle and appreciative conversation between Canada and PKTF.

The Canadian National States Assembly - as the Assembly on Canada is referred to, so are The American States Assemblies in a similar kind, in my opinion, we were all in wonderful company during the meeting!

A stunning rendering of what Terra Canada has recently placed into development regarding their newly created Civil Peace Flag. While this magnificent project is nearly complete, the image above is a significant part of what the living people on Canada have been discussing and designing. The Canada Assembly, official Civil Peace Flag is in the final process of adoption.

(The image above is not the completed design for The Canada Assembly 

 As the current Executive Director of The Peacekeeping Task Force for The United States of America (Unincorporated), it is an extreme honor for me to become an integral participant and proponent of this initial step towards worldwide peacekeeping discussions with other countries.

The notion pertains to Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Common Law observation and practice for all people on Earth. The PKTF is quite aware of the potential for helping to share our experience with other countries pursuing proper interfacing techniques from that of Incorporated (manufactured, inferior status perspectives) to that of Unincorporated (sovereign superior perspectives).

The PKTF team - with The American States Assemblies is extremely enthusiastic to offer surface-level assistance with providing general advice that helps lead to more familiarity surrounding obligations necessary for sovereign lands - unto the sovereign people who live upon... what it takes to make, uphold, and keep enduring lawful peace.

Thank you once again, to The Canada Assembly for your hard work and peaceful dedication towards providing an entry point, for other fellow Canadians to come back home to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction.

Through the help of The Canada Assembly, other countries we are further attempting to speak with regarding lawful, peaceful means of building a proper interface with current law enforcement services are numerous. These countries include, but are not limited to - Terra Australis, New Zealand, England, Italy, Jamaica, Portugal, Romania, (countries within) South Africa, and Spain just to name a few.

We are extremely honored for the opportunity to begin collaborations with Canada throughout this initiative. Without The Canada Assembly, reaching these countries in particular would be a much greater challenge overall!   

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Adding Brighteon to our Growing List of Freedom Outlets

 As we continue seeking new means of expanding our peaceful outreach all the earth we continue to discover ever new and exciting ways to do so.

Introducing our latest interviewing platform addition hosted by Brighteon.

Brighteon is an established freedom-sharing video platform for researchers and content creator's alike.

While other earlier established juggernauts, yet swiftly approaching legacy platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter (X) and select others continue to make the grade of below board transparency, Brighteon is doing its part to help right such wrongdoings.

With less than user friendly, near ruthless, wildly unfounded content control measure strike and banning features these types of platforms have maintained over recent years- new and improved forums such as Brighteon have emerged.

At the time this article is being published, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) intends to provide worldwide interviews with Subject Matter Researchers of various topics and general interests outside of all immediate State Assembly development.

Exclusive interviews provided and uploaded onto the Brighteon platform, hosted by PKTF staff depends largely upon available time we are able to devote towards such content in the near future. The purpose of this project at this time is to stay ahead of the anticipated influx interest of what we offer and what The American State Assemblies all across America are doing as well.

Please stay tuned for future interviews found uploaded onto Brighteon by PKTF at some point beginning in 2024.

Our readers can find access to the link and other similarly new posting platforms in the top right margin of this BlogSpot.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Another Place to Share Work from Other Amazing Content Creators

 Back in September 2023, we put together an article here on this blogspot titled - 

American Content Creators Support Effort - 

 - regarding the subject of outreach and support from sources outside each American State Assembly.

In the article, we showcased a unique work from members of two separate State Assemblies: one from the East Coast and the other from the West Coast. And, while other great content designers and providers have also joined the peacekeeping outreach effort, this particular channel has done its part to set the bar, so to speak, in terms of vision, purpose, intent, longevity of theme, friendliness, uniqueness, and the like.

Since then, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has stepped up its own outreach effort by adding a Slide Advertisement platform located here > which builds upon other works that, in their own unique way, provide additional interest to what our American States and Counties are really all about.

Before the month is up, PKTF will have prepared a section within the Slide to present TheAmericanStatesAssembliesPodcast in its entirety - according to its available channel content.

We're working on a draft article describing the content addition, as well as the details behind the creation of the work and those creators who put in the hard work and dedication along with their story. Once the article has been approved by the minds behind the channel, we will provide a full-featured article on the site as an exclusive to the monthly magazine. 

This effort is just another way of illustrating to our readers our own dedication to helping spread the word of lawful peacekeeping, while still making, upholding, and maintaining the Public Law through steadfast means.

We'll be sure to link this preliminary article to the comprehensive article to be found on the main site.

If you would like to recommend other content you feel can or does help to provide further awareness to our American Reconstruction process, please let us know - either in the comments section or by way of email.

Main Site

Thursday, September 21, 2023

American Content Creators Support Effort

American State Assembly Interviews

We simply cannot thank Tammy Healy with The New Jersey Assembly and Michelle Ford with The California Assembly enough for hostessing interviews with several of the various men and women from among other American State Assemblies.

So far, these women have interviewed 12 separate State Assemblies and fully intend to interview all 50 State Assemblies in a relatively short timeframe.

It has also been expressed that Tammy would like to conduct interviews with each State Assembly once again in one full year to see how developments have gone on in between their first interview until the next interview opportunity.

Both Tammy and Michelle have managed to capture a fresh and raw angle provided by those participanting Americans who have offered to share their working experiences so far within their own Assemblies.

The questions that these hostesses ask throughout these interviews are extremely valuable for promoting perspective intrigue into the daily and weekly goings-on from these dedicated, volunteer Assembly men and women.

The interviews are very colorful, both in their delivery as well as their informative content overall.

We highly encourage everyone interested in gaining an operational perspective on what has been taking shape within these State Assemblies to visit the platform at < The American State Assemblies Podcast > for full details.

Please consider supporting this channel by subscribing, commenting, sharing with others if you feel so moved as are we here with The Peacekeeping Task Force.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...