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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Another Place to Share Work from Other Amazing Content Creators

 Back in September 2023, we put together an article here on this blogspot titled - 

American Content Creators Support Effort - 

 - regarding the subject of outreach and support from sources outside each American State Assembly.

In the article, we showcased a unique work from members of two separate State Assemblies: one from the East Coast and the other from the West Coast. And, while other great content designers and providers have also joined the peacekeeping outreach effort, this particular channel has done its part to set the bar, so to speak, in terms of vision, purpose, intent, longevity of theme, friendliness, uniqueness, and the like.

Since then, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has stepped up its own outreach effort by adding a Slide Advertisement platform located here > which builds upon other works that, in their own unique way, provide additional interest to what our American States and Counties are really all about.

Before the month is up, PKTF will have prepared a section within the Slide to present TheAmericanStatesAssembliesPodcast in its entirety - according to its available channel content.

We're working on a draft article describing the content addition, as well as the details behind the creation of the work and those creators who put in the hard work and dedication along with their story. Once the article has been approved by the minds behind the channel, we will provide a full-featured article on the site as an exclusive to the monthly magazine. 

This effort is just another way of illustrating to our readers our own dedication to helping spread the word of lawful peacekeeping, while still making, upholding, and maintaining the Public Law through steadfast means.

We'll be sure to link this preliminary article to the comprehensive article to be found on the main site.

If you would like to recommend other content you feel can or does help to provide further awareness to our American Reconstruction process, please let us know - either in the comments section or by way of email.

Main Site

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