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Showing posts with label Now Hiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Now Hiring. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Adding Brighteon to our Growing List of Freedom Outlets

 As we continue seeking new means of expanding our peaceful outreach all the earth we continue to discover ever new and exciting ways to do so.

Introducing our latest interviewing platform addition hosted by Brighteon.

Brighteon is an established freedom-sharing video platform for researchers and content creator's alike.

While other earlier established juggernauts, yet swiftly approaching legacy platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter (X) and select others continue to make the grade of below board transparency, Brighteon is doing its part to help right such wrongdoings.

With less than user friendly, near ruthless, wildly unfounded content control measure strike and banning features these types of platforms have maintained over recent years- new and improved forums such as Brighteon have emerged.

At the time this article is being published, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) intends to provide worldwide interviews with Subject Matter Researchers of various topics and general interests outside of all immediate State Assembly development.

Exclusive interviews provided and uploaded onto the Brighteon platform, hosted by PKTF staff depends largely upon available time we are able to devote towards such content in the near future. The purpose of this project at this time is to stay ahead of the anticipated influx interest of what we offer and what The American State Assemblies all across America are doing as well.

Please stay tuned for future interviews found uploaded onto Brighteon by PKTF at some point beginning in 2024.

Our readers can find access to the link and other similarly new posting platforms in the top right margin of this BlogSpot.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Now Hiring

Please visit our LinkedIn page located at the bottom center of the website footer for more detail on how you can join our team.

The Peacekeeping Task Force currently maintains 3 Directorate opportunities to serve the American people within this Federation level organization. The LinkedIn page was established recently to help broadcast the need for more office holders in a modern, more professional setting. For those of you who already have a LinkedIn account or are interested in setting up a professional presence online this is a healthy approach.

A LinkedIn account is also a great way to become familiar and begin loosely associating with various professionals from a wide range across the all-industrial realm. We recognize the value in this bridge-building opportunity between professionally inclined men and women at a juncture where DeFacto corporations meet the dejure.

LinkedIn has been highly regarded for many years now as a viable means of reaching out to others interested in serving in a respectable manner, providing the expected and necessary detail of skill levels, purpose and intent of business owners and potential future official workers alike.

We also have other office positions available within the pktfnews website for those interested in joining our Editorial staff in that venture.

Simply click the LinkedIn icon located at the footer section of the website to get started.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...