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  1. Peace is at the very heart of every American! and these positions of CMS & PKTF lead, guide, and connect our nation states with harmony. Let's put our BEST FOOT FORWARD in 2025 and every year!

    1. My sentiments exactly! Thank you Karen for your comment.

  2. Thank you for all your help we received on the Missouri. assembly Sessions. We really appreciate it.

  3. I couldn't agree more. Joe and Kathi exemplified Article 8 of the PKTF Service Charter to perfection. Missouri has been at a critical crossroads in preventing State Annexation while the PKTF Directorate conducted their Assembly Integrity investigation.


Building the Future of Peacekeeping: PKTF Prepares Liaisons for 2025 Training

 Join the Conversation on MeWe and Help Shape the Federation’s Mission at the State Level T he Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) by the Federa...