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Showing posts with label State Assembly Liaison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label State Assembly Liaison. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Many Special Thanks to all Donors! Your Contributions are Greatly Needed and Appreciated!

 Since May 2024, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has relied on donors' generous support to sustain its mission.

Our dedicated staff, who currently receive no salaries, ensure that all donations are reinvested into maintaining PKTF's websites and advancing organizational research.

This approach is vital for our continued success as a Land, Soil, and Sea Jurisdiction Service Maintenance Provider until regular operational funding becomes available.

Visit for a comprehensive look at how your contributions make a difference and to learn more about our initiatives.

Our cause is to do our part to protect the people and The People who serve them regarding themselves and their private and public assets.

This BlogSpot provides concise summaries, while offers full-length articles that delve deeper into our work and the essential role of donor support.

Discover how you can be part of this impactful movement by reading the full article on today!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison Offices are Increasing

 Much appreciation and admiration goes out to ongoing State Assembly growth trends from The Arizona Assembly!


Graphic image representation of The Arizona Assembly, State Seal

Along with gracious private investment and volunteer service from fellow, lawful people of The Arizona Assembly - Arizona now also have a Central location to further facilitate its own lawful peacekeeping efforts.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is currently between training series with over 25 American States and two foreign countries on two continents. Training will resume mid July, 2024, and open up with specific detail scenarios focusing on international land, sea and air jurisdiction where peaceful planning measures are concerned. Now with the opening up of the new Phoenix, Arizona office, more interactive training opportunities become available moving forward.

The Arizona Assembly is the second American State Assembly to have implemented the use of a physical meeting space. Both status-correction meetings can be held at these locations, along with the primary service function of building a more professional peacekeeping interface with members of other law enforcement services at the State of State and Municipal service provision levels.

Phoenix, Arizona will become the second State location to stand, while the current Louisville, Kentucky location works alongside Arizona as the Central Office for PKTF service roles and responsibilities.

Although not quite where Arizona is at this time, however, numerous other State Assemblies (during previous PKTF Assembly Liaison training meetings) such as Florida and Pennsylvania, have reported similar service build-out planning progress opportunities for the near future.

Readers should soon expect follow-up articles on this BlogSpot (and on the magazine site) illustrating a photo journalistic perspective of the new Phoenix, Arizona office location. Along with reports and virtual meeting replays of lawful, peaceful business being conducted from the Phoenix office, PKTF will also provide available meeting replays from multiple office locations for current and future PKTF - Assembly Liaison training purposes.

Again, much appreciation and admiration to the men and women of The Arizona Assembly for your willingness to invest in success and continuous volunteer sharing of your valuable time  towards your peacekeeping presence and other necessary State Assembly sponsoring efforts.

We will certainly see your Laision Team at the office next month.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Where to Find The Peacekeeping Task Force Located Within The American State Assemblies

 It was recently brought to our attention that - while observing the various slide presentations and illustrations on How to Build an Assembly - many people have been left wondering where The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is within the Four Assembly Pillars.

That's a wonderful question - and, perhaps an even more wonderful observation!

It's true when observing several of the current slide presentations and illustrations observing the various activities taking place within each State Assembly Pillar - The Peacekeeping Task Force element seems missing.

(Zoom in to identify the various area functions in the slide presentation below)

One of the main purposes for not being able to readily identify where PKTF services exist within each State Assembly is largely due to the unique qualities upon which The Assembly Militia Pillar is structured.

Please Note:

The Peacekeeping Task Force is there - within The General Assembly and The Assembly Militia.

However, PKTF functions are subdued (in a sense) being that PKTF services exist with Committee (both as part of Support Member participation within The Oversight Committee and Outreach Committee of The General Assembly.

as well as... an integral part of The Assembly Militia working closely within the various Committees as Support Member gathering developmental information so as to help validate those particular Assembly Pillar functions.

01) Present within Committee (Oversight and Outreach) of The General Assembly.

Services offered to The Outreach Committee is in the form of a subcommittee (when needed) to assist with questions and concerns from new Assembly members seeking information regarding peacekeeping matters of an immediate nature.

Services offered to The Oversight Committee has to do with providing developmental reports to The General Assembly regarding peacekeeping efforts that are exterior to The State Assembly, but that serve both State and County peacekeeping efforts collectively.

02) Present within The Assembly Militia assisting with Project Development and Assembly Militia Services Validation.

Services offered to The Assembly Militia is in the form of building  to provide proper Evaluation, Training and Coordination between Assembly Militia Peacekeeping, Community-Based Services to their respective State of State Agency, Bureau and Law Enforcement Service Counterparts.

Services offered to all American State Assemblies, to all such service providers is provided by each PKTF - Assembly Liaison Service - who are American State Nationals currently being trained to provide such capable interface operations.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...