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Showing posts with label Bridge Building. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridge Building. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The April/May 2024 - PKTF Newsletter (Subscribers Edition) Is Finally Released

 Many thanks go out to everyone who put in the extra man-hours within our PKTF Newsroom to help in their spare time get out our first Exclusive Newsletter before the absolute deadline!

The April/May Edition was a significant challenge to our novice and slim team of researchers and editors. But we were finally able to release it to all subscribers this evening.

Front Page to our Newsletter - Subscribers Edition

For anyone who has not received the April/May Edition, and who has subscribed, we do apologize for this extreme delay and return oversight. You should now have this newsletter in your inbox. But if not, please be so kind as to subscribe once again here > > to receive the April/May newsletter right away!

Our team realizes the unique content value opportunity our current, and future newsletters will provide to all subscribers. And so, we devoted many days and weeks preparing in real-time what would be needed going into each Edition bounding forward throughout each blended seasonal edition.

For readers interested in previewing each current newsletter cycle, a preliminary newsletter outline can be found at the top center of our Homepage at for your convenience. The outline provides only a glimpse at what can be found within each Subscriber Edition. The Subscribers Edition, however, offers multi-layered information on advanced service projects and developments that are not readily available on other information platforms at the time of the bimonthly newsletter outline release. And so, we encourage everyone interested in the most in-depth aspects of what takes place with our peacekeeping services projects and other potent peacekeeping advancements to subscribe to the bi-monthly newsletter when able.

Our peacekeeping volunteers are doing what they can daily to bring such work together consistently. We believe it is due to our growing community of subscribers that truly makes a decidable difference in sharing the notice of our peace-bridging work for our American State Assemblies and others worldwide.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Countdown to our Next PKTF - Assembly Liaison Training Series

 The first Familiarity & Training Series for The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) - Assembly Liaison has now concluded.

We received a tremendous amount of interest and overall participation very early on from nearly half of all 50 State Assemblies when we launched on March 2nd of this year!

A total of 9 separate, biweekly meetings were held and recorded which were followed up with meeting replay links along with all supporting presentation materials and attachments.

We had an average, live participation, variation rate between 12-18 States and two foreign countries (Canada and Terra Australis).

PKTF is extremely optimistic to soon have several other American State Nationals from other States that are not yet enrolled, but have shown gradual interest joining our future meetings.

We are currently enjoying a well deserved "Administrative Leave" for the next 6-8 weeks to catch up on other build-out portions of total PKTF serviceability. Also, our currently enrolled PKTF - Assembly Liaisons are now working on various state-level service function details and meeting environments/platforms within their own Assembly Militia workspaces based on the prior Series 1 training.

Readers of this BlogSpot will find a real-time reminder of when our next training series is set to commence in the near future by visiting the lower section of this site.

(If you are not able to view the real-time image as is seen in the image above, please use a different browser). (Even if you do not see the real-time image among the footer of this site, you should still be able to read the Title above each section prompting you that the features are present, but viewable only by use of a different browser).

If you, or someone you know who is interested in learning more about how to enroll in this fascinating training, please inquire further by reaching out to our Contact Office through the Contact Form within the Footer of this site.

Also, if you would like an update to discover if someone else from your State Assembly has already enrolled in the training, but who might not yet have provided updates or reports to your General Assembly on the training process so far, use the same Contact Form below and we'll be happy to provide you those details.

As of today, we still have 44 days until the next training series (Series 2).

The basic requirements are :
  • American State National. 
  • General (short version) Background Check. 
  • Take part in one Federation level interview.
  • Available to volunteer between 5-8 hours weekly, with no more than 90 minutes of those average hours every other weekend on Saturday @ 7:30 PM Eastern to attend the live training and discussion opportunity.
  • Be able and available to speak face to face with local and State law enforcement supervisors, criminal investigators, labor union representatives, and Command elements leading your regional National Guard Bureau.

And that's it.

We are eager to hear from and speak with all American State Assemblies soon and very much look forward to working with others among the finest of our status-corrected American men and women!


Monday, May 27, 2024

Why Does Sponsor Independent Research Like MyLunchBreak?


Following intriguing, thought-provoking research like what is found from the Content Creator known as MyLunchBreak (MLB) on Rumble and other popular, current Freedom of Speech advocacy platforms testing other limitations by offering compelling research!

MLB is reported to have started out his own research journey while sharing personal contemplations about matters of concern during his own brief lunch break while at work. Early-on videos reveal such humble beginnings when MLB took the limited time, he had to express his disappointments in life. While at the same time of sharing his thoughts and ideas on how to move forward, MLB decided to make a more positive change. Not only for himself, but for the research he found extremely important that other people around the earth might also enjoy - and promote.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) does most certainly relate to many aspects of the concepts underlining grass roots research, and those who conduct such work in return for modest reader's support and information share.

The work that MLB puts together is, indeed, compelling! And the detailed subject matter displayed from each weekly episode is apparent. Grass roots research providing intensely thought provoking, paradigm shifting, useful information-share that is substantive, can be considered rare in our current day and age! The uncovering of errors found hidden-in-plain-site regarding mainstream narratives can be most helpful to other researchers working in the same fields of study. And, so, MLB illustrates extreme dedication in his cause of unearthing such narratives with backstories, visuals, locations, practical contemplations, reasonable cross-comparisons, and fair logic while utilizing the basic scientific method - starting with "observation."

PKTF, (although focusing its research exposure and service renderings elsewhere) directly relates to similar methods of approach and delivery. The time required to facilitate exposure to such work can easily total dozens of hours each week. PKTF has also endeavored to utilize multiple platforms to help cater more towards the fact that numerous groups of people and schools of thought are found across a wide spectrum of information platforms worldwide. So, by combining both multi-platform share-utilization, and the valuable time required to descriptively provide our work we are able to measure and justify the tremendously dedicated effort needed to accomplish the tasks at hand!

We would like to thank MLB for providing the world his information-gathering journey and share campaign. The collective work, in our professional opinion is extremely vital - if only in terms of supporting ground-level research that pushes the narrative in a healthy, objective direction.

Both readers of our peacekeeping work here will find  listed during each MyLunchBreak episode within the "Honorable Mentions" section of each weekly episode, in exchange for our own continuous monthly support. PKTF has been a consistent sponsor of MLB since December 2023. The 54th Episode is where PKTF does its part by helping to support MLB. The title of the episode is shared with the realization of discovering antique structures alleged to have been manufactured by designers and architects - not necessarily by modern man. Finding hidden structures of The Old World originated by people who were far more advanced than people are purported to be in our modern time, or by some other enormously unexplained phenomena, through continuous dedication on the topic like with MLB will tell!

To help PKTF further support complimenting, newsworthy Content Creators like MLB and others outside our American State Assembly, we humbly encourage our own dedicated readers to aid in our monthly support to such Content Creators by contributing at our Direct Donations Cash App. From here PKTF is able to more quickly maintain our immediate expenses toward gathering research, cross-referencing our findings, drafting our results, scheduling time to edit, and publish final work, along with helping to support other realms of hard-hitting research.

Many thanks to all our readers and those able to support by any nominal amount!

News - Digital Magazine Site

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Current Donations Trend

 We received our second of two donations for USD $20.00 this morning!

It's difficult to express in few words how appreciative we are for this level of readers support. But, we will try.

As many may know, until very recently, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) itself, has not accepted direct donations.

A donation portal was established very early on since the website was launched, but those donations were designated for International Land and Sea support contributions primarily for a Pilot Program dedicated to assist with immediate, emergency support to The Continental Marshals Service (CMS) known as The Emergency Family Relief Fund during mid-2023.

The Emergency Family Relief Fund through CMS remains a successful and respected service as an immediate provision assistance fund for family members in distress of unlawfully incarcerated Continental Marshals upon all 50 States. The Emergency Family Relief Fund has only been utilized once and has now been preserved for post analysis and later, future service implementation when needed.

Along with The Emergency Family Relief Fund now in mission service hibernation, so too has now went the original donation portal that facilitated donations for that cause using the impressive, and respected Square clearing house, merchant technology. A tremendous thank you to all who supported that fundraising campaign! The CMS Chieftain is keenly aware of who donated, and we are hopeful they returned their appreciation to you all for your generous support during that campaign!

Many thanks, as well goes out to CMS for their support during ongoing general operations to PKTF - especially during the launch of the initial PKTF internet presence which took place during 2023.

But, now, as of this month, May, 2024 PKTF stands largely autonomous in its efforts to provide international service to all 50 American State Assemblies through donation support. In addition to service advice offered to all other benevolent foreign states worldwide such as to, for example, Terra Australis and Terra Canada respectively, PKTF maintains international outreach through service advice at the highest levels of its Directorate.

Although our charter does allow for advice to all foreign states worldwide, PKTF Service obligations, however remain the centerpiece for all 50 American State Assemblies - first and foremost.

It is by example of the ultimate success from our American State Assemblies where all other foreign states worldwide stand ready and able to be successfully set into motion as well.

Thank you, to everyone who is in a position to support our work via donations when able! Much gratitude is extended to our readers who also provide questions regarding our services! Such questions return similarly appreciative value to our readers worldwide when we are in a position to answer such inquiries, and by adding them to our Frequently Asked Questions repository found on our FAQ Section.

Feel free to provide any questions you might have along with any monetary donations.

Direct donations can be provided here >$PKTFgift - as well as questions to be asked, addressed, and added to our Frequently Asked Questions repository here > for your convenience.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Peaceful Dismantling of The "sovereign citizen" Pejorative

 Our work is just beginning on this topic, but our collective research over the past few years has returned numerous resourced findings on this contrived, social/political obstacle.

As we now struggle to schedule adequate time needed to pour over our gathered resources, then construct the necessary thought-provoking rebuttals we return to the key factor of time deprivation.

Nevertheless, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) will meet the challenge head-on as the only current American peacekeeping service capable (with the correct status, standing, and charter) to address each point one by one.

The pejorative term, touted as being a significantly (extreme) criminal element known loosely as "sovereign citizen" may have very well met its proverbial match in terms of valid talking points in debate format.

The key elements found fueling this pejorative are commonplace when entities who construct them are intent on seizing a narrative with blatant falsities riddled with well-placed, disingenuous, partial truths.

Seizing the narrative is vital in this manufacturing!

And so, we lean into this construct with what should be the obvious at this time - which is - the catch-all itself.

Sovereign  < & >  Citizen 

We ask our readers of this series to recognize that the two words are, indeed not congruent. This fact is what further establishes it's characteristics in use as an oxymoron (or "moronic" < which is known as a feebleminded diagnosis placed into practice during the early 20th century in America (further detail on this research in later articles)).

In future series on this topic, PKTF Directors and Staff Liaisons who work within our Liaison Office will be dedicating our time and energy on flushing out all known details about this type of linguistic weaponization.

Our PKTF volunteers will attempt to reveal why a decades long, worldwide propaganda campaign has been maintained to merge these two, mutually exclusive words together. Along with the manner in which the words combined have been sculpted to form a destructive narrative for boths words simultaneously, our team of researchers will work to properly dismantle it's crafty framework.

And so, let our current and future detractors (as well as those genuinely misled law enforcement and criminal investigators) be notified:

For the sake of peace and proper recognition for a safe environment for everyone, the lawful, peaceful people and People of the world are eager to set the true narrative upright. In this, we ask that the people and People of the world decide the facts and evidence as each decide for themselves - first in the court of Public Opinion, then (when need be) within a lawful Common law Court of Peers with a proper Trial by Jury.

As of this month through 2024 and 2025, our teams will be compiling all known, and future research findings for all to read, discuss, and share on all known social networking platforms.

We feel the time is long overdue! And that the pejorative (along with it's equally demeaning narrative) has certainly gone on largely unabated for far too long!

This newly launched, dedicated work will be found here, as well as on our main site at - monthly magazine.

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If our readers would like to contribute early to the ongoing effort of this rebuttal series, and would like to share the findings published herein, please consider supporting this work with a small gift at the following link  🔗$PKTFgift 
to show your support.

As an added measure, PKTF will also like to offer an honorable mention to each supporting man, woman, or family unit along with their State Assembly on our website under the States Page map for added Assembly support exposure to compliment each donation. We will be writing further about this added appreciation measure in future articles as well.

- - - -

Thank you all, in advance for your interest and support!


Monday, April 8, 2024

Stay Connected to The Latest Peacekeeping Task Force - Hot Topics

 Announcing our most recent notification service - The Peacekeeping Task Force Newsletter.

A complimentary, bi-weekly announcement product equipped with numerous dedicated perspectives on what our professional staff are working on during any given 8-10 week period.

We have been contemplating how to provide this free notification service in a way that is robust, just as much as it is designed to be informative.

Image from the first portion of our two to three page bi-monthly Newsletter. Be sure to visit the PKTF news org website and click the same image on the Homepage to access the embedded Newsletter in PDF.

According to our current schedule for 2024 and beyond, our team plan to provide at least a half-dozen exclusive PKTF Newsletters as part of our contribution to all subscribers of our Internet News Magazine site - With each bi-monthly issue, this team will gladly set aside a portion of their busy work weeks, to provide an added emphasis and optimism on further showcasing those items of interest listed within our newsletters in follow-up articles.

All bi-monthly newsletters are, and will be continuously designed to prime our readers for learning more about what areas of service interest our PKTF Staff are focused on most intently during any given publication period. As these newsletters offer only surface level details about any given product operation, our editors will already be working on featured articles to support each Newsletter that goes before future each monthly news issue.

We are grateful for the words of encouragement and moral support from our already interested readers through their inspiring commentary during recent magazine issues. 

Our team anticipates an ongoing, natural curiosity from future readers worldwide inquiring more about how genuine peacemakers conduct business. And The Peacekeeping Task Force is eager to meet, and exceed these - even our own level of anticipation over future progress.

For more information about what is found on our Newsletter, please visit where you will find a link to the full Newsletter itself linked from the Homepage.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Announcing Your Peaceful County Presence

Sometimes the simplest declaration of purpose, especially when viewed through declaring peaceful intent can often times become overlooked by those seeking to express such declaration.

Only Items Needed:

a. A Civil Peace Flag on a mast.
b. A small drone with mounted camera.
c. Access to your local County Courthouse Lawn (or lawn nearby)
d. A pleasant day.

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Step 1a:

Visit your local township on a favorable day (sunny, calm winds, not too busy, etc.)

Step 1b:

Take with you a decent sized Civil Peace flag on a pole, for temporary planting purposes.

Locate a peaceful place near by your County Courthouse away from foot traffic, in an earthing area to gently plant your flag. (Flag planting is only necessary for about 15 minutes will suffice).

Step 2:

Take your borrowed, or owned drone, with a gimbled camera mount and visual remote device for flight.

Fly over and around your very own Courthouse grounds capturing the best of what your county seat has to offer from a height between 100 feet and below. (**Be sure to fly clear of any moving animals, low wires, and machinery).

Once you've captured moving images of a suitable lift off, flight around the vicinity after reaching suitable heights (focusing mainly on your courthouse with an admirable sense), then comes the 3rd and final step.

Step 3:

As you round off your flight, be sure to position your descent over your Civil Peace Flag (temporarily planted early preflight).

As you prepare your descent, the concluding focus now becomes the flag and the courthouse combined.

As you descend to capture the final image now to face your courthouse, (as of you lower the drone near to eye level) be sure to bring the camera lense where the Civil Peace Flag (in focus) can now be seen between the drones camera and your courthouse (as slightly out of focus in the background).

Extra Step: - post production

As part of your final edit, it would be perfect to add an audio track fitting for your location upon your County or State with your completed video.

This visual presentation can be duplicated upon all American counties, as well as anywhere on earth where a courthouse exists and a status-corrected man or woman dwells being owed lawful access to it for conducting lawful business.

And with that, The Peacekeeping Task Force/s (from all lawful, peaceful Land and Soil Jurisdictions) will be honored to see them and share in the peaceful and unique charm of all such counties worldwide.

Friday, March 29, 2024

The Ohio Assembly - Nearing Full-Session, Evaluation Status

The Peacekeeping Task Force is honored and excited to learn we will be making the appropriate planning necessary to assist The Ohio Assembly regarding its nearing Full-Session status completion.

Select members within the Federation will soon be tasked with conducting proper Assembly Pillar Evaluation, so as to offer validation authentication to State Assembly recognition.

If you have any questions whatsoever about the Pillar Evaluation process, particularly where The Peacekeeping Task Force plays a vital role, please feel more than welcomed to comment in the Comments Section below this sub-article.

Please click the link below to read the full article provided over on our main website at - am intended monthly news magazine site location.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

As Promised - Reaching out to Other English-Speaking Countries, and Beyond

 A warm thank you goes out to David and Gwen from The Canadian National States Assembly for hosting a meeting between themselves and The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) with The United States of America (Unincorporated) for the first time.

Earlier this year, our team began breaking ground on the notion of how discussions would go when speaking with other countries on Earth regarding lawful, peaceful status correction. With this preparation, we thought it best to first establish a type of placeholder online by building out our purpose and intent with a notable, measurable, and honorable presence.

It has now been at least 6 months since our team moved ahead by creating the enhanced online version of The Peacekeeping Task Force, and therefore - virtually worldwide. We will have been conducting peacekeeping efforts for one year this coming August 2024 - having a trusted online presence to help carry PKTF's purpose and intent as far as possible worldwide.

The meeting (initially scheduled for 45 minutes) seemingly flew by in a matter of moments - even as 45 minutes turned out to be 90 minutes of gentle and appreciative conversation between Canada and PKTF.

The Canadian National States Assembly - as the Assembly on Canada is referred to, so are The American States Assemblies in a similar kind, in my opinion, we were all in wonderful company during the meeting!

A stunning rendering of what Terra Canada has recently placed into development regarding their newly created Civil Peace Flag. While this magnificent project is nearly complete, the image above is a significant part of what the living people on Canada have been discussing and designing. The Canada Assembly, official Civil Peace Flag is in the final process of adoption.

(The image above is not the completed design for The Canada Assembly 

 As the current Executive Director of The Peacekeeping Task Force for The United States of America (Unincorporated), it is an extreme honor for me to become an integral participant and proponent of this initial step towards worldwide peacekeeping discussions with other countries.

The notion pertains to Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Common Law observation and practice for all people on Earth. The PKTF is quite aware of the potential for helping to share our experience with other countries pursuing proper interfacing techniques from that of Incorporated (manufactured, inferior status perspectives) to that of Unincorporated (sovereign superior perspectives).

The PKTF team - with The American States Assemblies is extremely enthusiastic to offer surface-level assistance with providing general advice that helps lead to more familiarity surrounding obligations necessary for sovereign lands - unto the sovereign people who live upon... what it takes to make, uphold, and keep enduring lawful peace.

Thank you once again, to The Canada Assembly for your hard work and peaceful dedication towards providing an entry point, for other fellow Canadians to come back home to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction.

Through the help of The Canada Assembly, other countries we are further attempting to speak with regarding lawful, peaceful means of building a proper interface with current law enforcement services are numerous. These countries include, but are not limited to - Terra Australis, New Zealand, England, Italy, Jamaica, Portugal, Romania, (countries within) South Africa, and Spain just to name a few.

We are extremely honored for the opportunity to begin collaborations with Canada throughout this initiative. Without The Canada Assembly, reaching these countries in particular would be a much greater challenge overall!   

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A Quick Notice to all other English-Speaking Nations Outside of The United States of America and other Non English-Speaking Nations

  We are pleased to announce that The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is taking considerable steps by preparing meeting dates, times, and digital spaces to meet with all available Coordinators from those other nations.

We analyze with care and consideration where much of our Internet information sightings are viewed, commented on, email replied to, SMS text, and phone conversations from all across the earth.

We would like to take the time during this brief sub-article to extend our appreciation to you all - (from all over) for reaching out and sharing our message of purpose and intent regarding peaceful cooperation with the Restoration process of all status-corrected people in every area of our beautiful world (age).

As part of The Peacekeeping Task Force future, reaching out across the earth to promote truly long-lasting, peaceful means is a large portion of the same mission as is here at home in The United States of America 

Other nations such as Canada, Terra Australis, New Zealand, and England among those other English-speaking land masses. 

Several of these nations we have already begun reaching out to and offering to spend time in general discussion with those of Assembly coordination. PKTF is formulating the appropriate actions needed to help forge such peaceful relations as well.

We would like to encourage everyone everywhere to please continue sharing this, and all relevant messages to people of your surroundings. To everyone you feel might gain inspiration and courage to step up, take responsibility, plant a firm stance, and insist on peaceful measures be taken in light of peaceful resolve and remedy, these articles are for them.

-   -   -   -

And, as always, please be on the lookout for any and all featured articles that expound upon these and other such topics on our magazine website.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...