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Showing posts with label Platforms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Platforms. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The PKTF Telegram Channel


The Peacekeeping Task Force's presence on Telegram

As with all social networking platforms our Team utilizes, Telegram is currently among the most popular (or potentially, highly useful) alternative platforms.

Other platforms such as UGE, LinkedIn, MeWe, Clouthub, Substack, and Reddit (just to name a few) are all viable networking alternatives we currently use along with Telegram.

Despite various contentions, several other social networking platforms have been caught up with (such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (none of which we have ever used since PKTF inception) over the past several years - Telegram is largely absent from such controversies. The unique and dependable features Telegram offers our Teams and readers worldwide cause this particular platform to make our select list of preferred networking assets. At present, the only annoying setback Telegram suffers (from our vantage point) is the occasional, uninvited bot-driven solicitor abruptly joining our channels with nonsensical items or ideologies for sale or consideration - then is promptly deleted, blocked, reported, and banned when able.

Admittedly, my team and I are not yet frequently utilizing Telegram features to the extent, or necessity we would like. In fact, (up until this month), much of our focus has been largely on Training conferences built upon - resulting from our prior monthly PKTF featured article and blog post sub-articles.

Since the first week of March 2024 our Team has been working closely with over 25 of our American states on a one-on-one basis regarding PKTF - Assembly Liaison development. Until recently, the logistics behind this endeavor have been considerably time-consuming and involved! But this is soon to be adjusted to fit our current growth trend and networking projections with more streamlined, familiar meetings as more American states become further involved and similarly familiar with the same training material.

Along with these same training material adjustments, the PKTF will soon provide more project detail exposure across Telegram and other networking channels and pages in the coming days and weeks. As we learn to operate Telegram more proficiently, our readers should expect to find considerably more content the platform boasts to accommodate all Telegram users.

Thank you, to all readers here and on Telegram where PKTF content and discussions continue to take place. If you still need to join us over on Telegram, please always feel welcome to join the group linked above in the top graphic.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Adding Brighteon to our Growing List of Freedom Outlets

 As we continue seeking new means of expanding our peaceful outreach all the earth we continue to discover ever new and exciting ways to do so.

Introducing our latest interviewing platform addition hosted by Brighteon.

Brighteon is an established freedom-sharing video platform for researchers and content creator's alike.

While other earlier established juggernauts, yet swiftly approaching legacy platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter (X) and select others continue to make the grade of below board transparency, Brighteon is doing its part to help right such wrongdoings.

With less than user friendly, near ruthless, wildly unfounded content control measure strike and banning features these types of platforms have maintained over recent years- new and improved forums such as Brighteon have emerged.

At the time this article is being published, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) intends to provide worldwide interviews with Subject Matter Researchers of various topics and general interests outside of all immediate State Assembly development.

Exclusive interviews provided and uploaded onto the Brighteon platform, hosted by PKTF staff depends largely upon available time we are able to devote towards such content in the near future. The purpose of this project at this time is to stay ahead of the anticipated influx interest of what we offer and what The American State Assemblies all across America are doing as well.

Please stay tuned for future interviews found uploaded onto Brighteon by PKTF at some point beginning in 2024.

Our readers can find access to the link and other similarly new posting platforms in the top right margin of this BlogSpot.

Monday, February 12, 2024

A Warm Thank You to Everyone - our subscribers and occasional readers

 Our team here with The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) created a call-out several days ago for those interested in showing their tag following on this BlogSpot how to do so.

As the call-out slowly makes its rounds, we would like to give an early "thank you" to those of you who answered the request early on. This effort helps our current, and future additions to our editing team to better identify who might be among our growing number of people who follow our work. For those who might be more curious about what following this blog provides - it provides our team here with a very basic and minimal, quantifiable demographic of those who at least are privy to our PKTF work effort.

                                               From our Team to you - Thank you very much for your support!

We currently receive questions all across the earth via email; many are questions that ultimately do not pertain to American Common Law or proper peacekeeping according to The Law of Peace as it is written.

We are currently working through numerous hard-hitting questions in a separate forum of planners, thinkers, scholars, and, of course, dedicated peace-makers. And so, as our audience grows and as our team of experienced peacekeepers grows, we rely on a combination of exclusive email collaboration and public commentary as found within our comments section.

At the bottom of each post, our readers can leave a comment, as well as reply to pre-existing comments.

Readers may also choose to offer general recommendations on what they would like to experience take place in future PKTF developments. Readers may also share local developments regarding peacekeeping taking shape where they physically dwell.

All these aspects and others are what lay ahead of the people interested in doing their small part to build a better, brighter, far safer, more sincere, and genuinely honest future.

Please consider sharing with others near and dear to you - and with those from your local county about this particular American peacekeeping BlogSpot.

Believe it or not, we are in a genre' largely uninhabited as we speak. We look forward to the day when there are other peacekeeping services all across the earth dedicated to proper peacemaking and arbitration. 

Monday, September 25, 2023


We have been listed in several channel locations on Mattermost with The American State Assemblies for about two years now.

The Peacekeeping Task Force team, along with several volunteer contributors, have maintained useful reader content periodically with mixed results. It has been our experience as peacekeepers (so far) that the forum is, and can often be quite a chore to utilize in a streamlined manner. At least, that's the way in which it appears and feels overall.

While we most certainly do appreciate the forum all together with its exclusive outreach features and like-minded community architecture, we have decided to begin focusing our content on the recently launched pktfnews website.

Of course we will continue to utilize the Mattermost Channel platform as long as it remains available to us, however our expectations are as we mature as an important peacekeeping conglomerate, so will our continuous need to improve communications needs to mature as well.

We are maintaining a linktree for easier accessibility and familiarity with where we are throughout the nation states - from the international to the county level. Our goal is to be available all across the landscape where and when we are needed.

As our readers know by now, we are still very new on the scene. As odd as it is realized, we are virtually without a comparable service competitor at this time. Nevertheless, we have chosen to waste no time while continuing to set up shop as consistently as necessary.

According to our current research estimations, perhaps; even if only by loose comparison, the only other peacekeeping services organization at an international level is - quite possibly only (ironically enough) - The United Nations.

For example, when we type in any internet browser "The Peacekeeping Task Force" what we find are predominantly provided publications regarding The United Nations. And, of course The Peacekeeping Task Force is not, nor will ever be affiliated with The United Nations in any way whatsoever we notice the irony of how The United Nations seems to command the notion around international peacekeeping.

And, if this does happen to ultimately be the case, then not only are we in the most extreme minority from among a vastly unattended industry sector, but we will also be swimming with the largest, most impressive paper tiger peacekeeping service entity ever envisioned during our modern time.

Needless to say, we are expanding our searchable capabilities beyond the familiar realm of Mattermost to include, but will not be limited to only these sites. As we grow to full maturity, we will continue to modify our internet presence as needed.

Please know we will continue to monitor the Mattermost channels we have established there, but as the pktfnews site evolves along with other directly associated sites we will eventually (gradually) begin having less and less of a daily presence on Mattermost.

For those interested in learning more of, and keeping up with what we provide to the American States and People, then frequent our various website and blog station locations for ongoing detail.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...