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Showing posts with label Manuals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manuals. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Peacekeeping Task Force - International Operations Manual Development

 As is with numerous other intricacies of our current Service Developments list, none seem more pressing than the publication of the initial operational framework titled The International Lawful Infrastructure Against Criminal Encounters.

The International Lawful Infrastructure Against Criminal Encounters

We would like to briefly touch upon the tremendous work that is, and will continue to be placed into this proposed Service Outline.

This 100 plus page, Series One - Operations Element will function as the cornerstone of our chartered services description and procedures diagram for 2024-2028.

This is a collective effort from numerous intellectual perspectives, skillsets and supporters from across North America.

By the publication of this work, our Assembly Liaisons will function with administrative ease and convenience catering to each interactive encounter with local and State law enforcement, criminal investigators, and service union leaders.

The main components of this particular service framework are:

a) the People affirmed to abide by the framework, for the good of protecting the people and People, as well as their private assets and public properties.

b) the Process by which private and public safeguards are maintained according to the adoption of, by, and for the people.

c) the Technology needed to conduct, and maintain service continuity, according to what each American State, General Assembly, Oversight Committee has approved and in accordance with what the Service Policies and Procedures will have provided at the time of service publication.

Through this publication, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) will effectively be operating in real time, and in an active capacity of interfacing lawfully with local and State level law enforcement officers and all available agency management throughout their administrations (where applicable and feasible).

The International Lawful Infrastructure Against Criminal Encounters framework is centered around all currently identifiable chartered items that PKTF is able to provide.

PKTF reserves operational abilities as it's Phase One Implementation capabilities until the following calendar month, after the official publication of this service material. Official publication of this service material is anticipated for Autumn, 2024.

We encourage our readers, as well as our current and future supporters to comment as the need may arise - as our editing team provides exclusive service periodicals via bimonthly newsletters and updates regarding publication release details.

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