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Showing posts with label Editor's Corner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Editor's Corner. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2024

Announcing our Line - as a Live Chat Feature

 Update: December, 2024
(Live Chat Feature Service No Longer Pursued Through The Use of the Line application)

Original sub-article is listed below.

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Just a quick update for today regarding some of our ongoing communications build-out on this blog platform.

We are happy to announce we have added a new Live Chat feature here for anyone to use who also uses the same application. The worldwide application is called "Line" which is highly regarded as among the most widely used communication applications available.

We decided to give Line a try simply because we felt our readers deserved an opportunity to chat with our editors here on this blog.

Blogger leads the way in providing one of the most highly accessible and easy to use blogs today.

Through this, we find that our editor's are able to update the blog more conveniently (as opposed to far less accessibility opportunity on our main site Since Blogger is more accessible for our editors, we thought it best to add a monitoring Live Chat feature here as well.

So, if enjoying the opportunity to speak with someone in real-time who is on the other end of the same article your reviewing, or other added service feature your researching listed here on our Blog, then feel even more encouraged to reach out and interact with our on-site editor using the Line application for answers to your questions.

Editors online (within operating hours daily - 10 AM to 9 PM Eastern) at the time your on as well are usually able to respond to your questions within minutes, or even seconds.

Give Line a try today. It's free. And, so is the opportunity to chat with a member of our peacekeeping Staff.

You will need to download the application first before being able to use this feature. Simply go to your App Store and ask for Line by name.

If you have any issues on your end, do not hesitate to comment below this article and share with us your issue.

You'll find the Line - Live Chat bubble in the lower left corner of each page.

This is the Quick Reference Code to enter our Live Chat through Line

Monday, June 24, 2024

Updating our Service Timeline

 Several readers have inquired about our visual service timeline located on the website asking if our team might be able to provide more article content regarding more of what took place through 202-2023.

We are in the process of putting more of those details together when more available office time becomes available. However, we do have a few articles being drafted at this time in reference to how The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has successfully evolved over such a short time.

Much of the draft details we are working on so far include cursory mentions of how the first PKTF Directorate became off-center of what their service objective was, which is what our current service objective still remains. Other details in draft include how The Continental Marshals Service (during its own infancy) systematically carried forward with its primary service function in the Land and Sea Jurisdiction with considerable success despite PKTF assistance. Without a fully functioning peacekeeping service to aid in its Evaluation, Education and coordination needs, external peacemakers and peacekeepers (County Reeves, Continental Marshals, and State Guardian Militia services) will inevitably meet challenges beyond their ability to serve effectively.

This is where PKTF service assets at the international level offer provisional, logistical, and collaborative services that merge all three peacekeeping services together simultaneously, and superb accuracy!

We encourage our readers to visit our current timeline here > to visualize more on what the PKTF pathway has been like up to our current timeline.

If you would like to suggest any other details throughout the timeline - areas across the timeline itself you would like more detail please feel free to contact us using our current Contact Form. Simply place into the Subject Line what area/s of interest you would like more detail about, and our editors will add your request to their editorial workload.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The April/May 2024 - PKTF Newsletter (Subscribers Edition) Is Finally Released

 Many thanks go out to everyone who put in the extra man-hours within our PKTF Newsroom to help in their spare time get out our first Exclusive Newsletter before the absolute deadline!

The April/May Edition was a significant challenge to our novice and slim team of researchers and editors. But we were finally able to release it to all subscribers this evening.

Front Page to our Newsletter - Subscribers Edition

For anyone who has not received the April/May Edition, and who has subscribed, we do apologize for this extreme delay and return oversight. You should now have this newsletter in your inbox. But if not, please be so kind as to subscribe once again here > > to receive the April/May newsletter right away!

Our team realizes the unique content value opportunity our current, and future newsletters will provide to all subscribers. And so, we devoted many days and weeks preparing in real-time what would be needed going into each Edition bounding forward throughout each blended seasonal edition.

For readers interested in previewing each current newsletter cycle, a preliminary newsletter outline can be found at the top center of our Homepage at for your convenience. The outline provides only a glimpse at what can be found within each Subscriber Edition. The Subscribers Edition, however, offers multi-layered information on advanced service projects and developments that are not readily available on other information platforms at the time of the bimonthly newsletter outline release. And so, we encourage everyone interested in the most in-depth aspects of what takes place with our peacekeeping services projects and other potent peacekeeping advancements to subscribe to the bi-monthly newsletter when able.

Our peacekeeping volunteers are doing what they can daily to bring such work together consistently. We believe it is due to our growing community of subscribers that truly makes a decidable difference in sharing the notice of our peace-bridging work for our American State Assemblies and others worldwide.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Announcing our States Map Tracking Progress Towards Ex parte Milligan

 Thanks, and congratulations to all State Assemblies who have been in a positive position along their journey towards Ex parte Milligan qualification examination thus far.

The monitoring aspect of this tremendous campaign is truly a cut above all others! In terms of profound significance resulting from any one of our American State Assemblies qualifying to invoke this pivotal measure- simply to observe such a stellar achievement is simply phenomenal!

Specific Map series as of February 28, 2024

The map above illustrates a realistic representation of several American State Assemblies who has reported significant progress towards qualifying for the invocation implementation of each their own Jural Assembly focus respectively.

The entirety of all four American State Assembly Pillars within the structure, at the State level is the particular goal. All American State Citizens elected to carry out State business, and American State Nationals who are working diligently within Committee to establish the completion of these four Pillars - is what provides for such an accomplishment.

The amount of hard work and dedication it takes to build towards this achievement results in a truly honorable service and brilliant outcome!

Without question, this opportunity can only come about once in a lifetime, perhaps even several consecutive lifetimes does an opportunity such as this manifest and become known on the world stage.

Additional reports are beginning to trickle in that other American State Assemblies are drawing nearer as well; some only mere weeks away in some instances.

My team here with The Peacekeeping Task Force write about these matters as they are nearing success from our State Assemblies. We are amazed at all the such labor of love shared between such fine mem and women. These are the types of experiences that easily convinces our team that - not only are we are on the right side of history, but that we get to experience such genuine hard work through respective, can-do behaviors and mentalities these Assembly men and women possess.

Simply hover over each State Assembly on the map, as found on the site for more information.

We are still in the process of building out the webpage that posses the above mentioned map. Please stand by for updates.

Be on the lookout for a full article listed regarding this topic and other topics mentioned on this blog over on site.

Thanks very much, America- for all you are achieving; slowly, organically, but positively and surely!

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Editor's Corner

For those having previously visited The Peacekeeping Task Force - pktfnews site since it launched earlier this month, you might have also reviewed the Editor's Corner page over at as well.

If so, please continue to monitor that page for sideline details for semi-exclusive content, ponderings, discussion excerpts, honorable mentions, sudden and/or recent developments about various aspects of the site itself.

The Editor's Corner will be just that; some of the designer details that we over at the PKTF newsroom deal with regularly. As we strive to make space in our own daily lives to bring the people and People who serve others, we thought it also fair to share with everyone else some of the similar challenges many People serving others within the State Assemblies also struggle to work through and maintain.

We share many of your similar obstacles, as well as several of your similar success stories. This is why the Editor's Corner was created. Some on our team still see it as somewhat of a potential clutter factor on the site, but for now we'll see how it goes. If our readers find value in it we will keep it  and maintain it regularly with those same type of Editor's updates.

Our next update for the Editor's Corner will be our mentioning of this blog post - The Peacekeeping Task Force - Blog Station.

Keep in mind we are brand new on the scene, so we are needing to get the initial word out as much as possible; making various announcements such as these as seemingly redundant at times.

However, if you would like to help get the message out about our services, please share this blog station link with family and friends at your leisure. We certainly do appreciate the reference and we certainly do intend - not to disappoint.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...