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Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The April/May 2024 - PKTF Newsletter (Subscribers Edition) Is Finally Released

 Many thanks go out to everyone who put in the extra man-hours within our PKTF Newsroom to help in their spare time get out our first Exclusive Newsletter before the absolute deadline!

The April/May Edition was a significant challenge to our novice and slim team of researchers and editors. But we were finally able to release it to all subscribers this evening.

Front Page to our Newsletter - Subscribers Edition

For anyone who has not received the April/May Edition, and who has subscribed, we do apologize for this extreme delay and return oversight. You should now have this newsletter in your inbox. But if not, please be so kind as to subscribe once again here > > to receive the April/May newsletter right away!

Our team realizes the unique content value opportunity our current, and future newsletters will provide to all subscribers. And so, we devoted many days and weeks preparing in real-time what would be needed going into each Edition bounding forward throughout each blended seasonal edition.

For readers interested in previewing each current newsletter cycle, a preliminary newsletter outline can be found at the top center of our Homepage at for your convenience. The outline provides only a glimpse at what can be found within each Subscriber Edition. The Subscribers Edition, however, offers multi-layered information on advanced service projects and developments that are not readily available on other information platforms at the time of the bimonthly newsletter outline release. And so, we encourage everyone interested in the most in-depth aspects of what takes place with our peacekeeping services projects and other potent peacekeeping advancements to subscribe to the bi-monthly newsletter when able.

Our peacekeeping volunteers are doing what they can daily to bring such work together consistently. We believe it is due to our growing community of subscribers that truly makes a decidable difference in sharing the notice of our peace-bridging work for our American State Assemblies and others worldwide.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Stay Connected to The Latest Peacekeeping Task Force - Hot Topics

 Announcing our most recent notification service - The Peacekeeping Task Force Newsletter.

A complimentary, bi-weekly announcement product equipped with numerous dedicated perspectives on what our professional staff are working on during any given 8-10 week period.

We have been contemplating how to provide this free notification service in a way that is robust, just as much as it is designed to be informative.

Image from the first portion of our two to three page bi-monthly Newsletter. Be sure to visit the PKTF news org website and click the same image on the Homepage to access the embedded Newsletter in PDF.

According to our current schedule for 2024 and beyond, our team plan to provide at least a half-dozen exclusive PKTF Newsletters as part of our contribution to all subscribers of our Internet News Magazine site - With each bi-monthly issue, this team will gladly set aside a portion of their busy work weeks, to provide an added emphasis and optimism on further showcasing those items of interest listed within our newsletters in follow-up articles.

All bi-monthly newsletters are, and will be continuously designed to prime our readers for learning more about what areas of service interest our PKTF Staff are focused on most intently during any given publication period. As these newsletters offer only surface level details about any given product operation, our editors will already be working on featured articles to support each Newsletter that goes before future each monthly news issue.

We are grateful for the words of encouragement and moral support from our already interested readers through their inspiring commentary during recent magazine issues. 

Our team anticipates an ongoing, natural curiosity from future readers worldwide inquiring more about how genuine peacemakers conduct business. And The Peacekeeping Task Force is eager to meet, and exceed these - even our own level of anticipation over future progress.

For more information about what is found on our Newsletter, please visit where you will find a link to the full Newsletter itself linked from the Homepage.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Newsletter Strategy

As the pktfnews site continues to open to full navigation, our team is also working simultaneously to provide a complimentary bi-weekly Newsletter for everyone who signs up.

The Newsletter will provide Exclusive article material of various projects taking place within all State Assemblies where peacekeeping efforts and campaigns are forming. The Newsletter will provide a progressive peak into these and other aspects of upholding and maintaining lawful American project practices.

This same Newsletter and its content will be provided weeks in advance of all future monthly news site updates. Each monthly update to the site, at the time of its first Edition launch will be rendered as a magazine layout showcasing intricate articles of what was previously provided as an Exclusive by each preceding bi-weekly Newsletter.

If there is anyone from among the various State Assemblies who would like to participate in building the particular Newsletter layouts and designs, we would be honored to have you join as part of our design team.

We currently have one remaining Open Position as part of our Editorial Team for Graphic Designer (see the Editorial Page on the site for the Team Support Roster listed under PRODUCTION).

Several very talented and dedicated minds are behind much of the success of the pktfnews along with several of the additional support elements accompanying site exposure.

Anyone from among the American State Nationals of the 50 nation states who are not currently considering participating directly with their own State Assembly Pillar activities at this time, but are still considering being an integral part of the great American Reconstruction effort in other ways, we welcome those of you to join our peacekeeping team.

Simply contact us at the email addresses or the SMS device contact feature listing located within the far left footer section of the site if or when you become interested.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...