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Showing posts with label Misinformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misinformation. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

PKTF Follow-Up: The Importance of Accuracy, Transparency, and Collaboration

We are thankful to all who are available to present and want to encourage their skills in accurate content.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) would like to address recent misunderstandings and emphasize the critical importance of accuracy when sharing information about its mission, services, and role within the Federation. As a cornerstone of self-governance and peacekeeping advocacy, PKTF relies on clear communication to foster trust and collaboration across all State Assemblies.

Clarifying the "Reboot" and PKTF's Current Role

The term "reboot," as referenced in the February 24th article on this same BlogSpot, refers to a pivotal restructuring that took place in June 2023.

Click here to access that timeline -

This process allowed PKTF to recalibrate its services in alignment with its Service Charter, ensuring that its operations are efficient, transparent, and effective. Since that time, PKTF has refined its training programs, advocacy efforts, and collaborative frameworks to near perfection. No current content published by The Peacekeeping Task Force since that one and only reboot, of which had recovered from faulty Directorate Leadership by someone who has not worked within PKTF for many years has been flagged for inaccuracies by the Federation Military Affairs Liaison or Federation Fiduciary Office.

It is important to note that PKTF is not currently undergoing another reboot, as some have very recently mistakenly, and carelessly suggested. The organization has been fully operational since mid-2023, providing essential peacekeeping training and advocacy for all State Assemblies—whether they are in the early stages of Assembly Militia development or have achieved full Standing and Seatment.

The Importance of Accuracy in Information Sharing

PKTF would like to stress the following points regarding the dissemination of accurate information:

Thorough Reading and Engagement: Readers are strongly encouraged to read all articles in their entirety to avoid misinterpretations or incomplete understandings. If any questions or concerns arise from the content, readers are welcome to engage in the comments section or reach out directly for clarification.

Accurate Presentations by State Speakers: PKTF thanks any State Speaker who have achieved Standing and Seatment for sharing their experiences with other Assemblies. However, it is vital that these presentations remain respectful, accurate, and productive - first and foremost being accurate.

Referring to published articles and training materials ensures that information shared during meetings or discussions is factual and constructive.

Proactive Communication: If presenters or Assembly members have questions about PKTF's role or services before an upcoming meeting or presentation, they are encouraged to reach out to PKTF-Assembly Liaisons or relevant committees under their Assembly Militia sub pillar for clarity. This proactive approach minimizes confusion and enhances collaboration.

Fairness Toward PKTF-Assembly Liaisons: PKTF recognizes the valuable contributions of Assembly Liaisons who have pursued training, vetting, and onboarding as American State Nationals - all of which is provided by PKTF. Assemblies are reminded to remain fair, balanced, and peaceful when addressing concerns about these volunteers. If an Assembly has a justifiable issue with a Liaison before, during, or after their onboarding—such as pending investigations or concluded disciplinary matters—it is essential to follow proper Due Process by submitting written evidence to PKTF for review. This ensures transparency and accountability while maintaining decorum within Assemblies.

Addressing Misinformation Trends: PKTF has observed patterns of misinformation stemming from individuals who may not have fully engaged with available resources or training materials. These inaccuracies can lead, and have already led to unnecessary setbacks for Assemblies working toward developing their Militia sub-pillars. To prevent this, PKTF remains committed to transparency by publishing accurate articles, maintaining open communication channels, and providing accessible training opportunities.

Support for Speakers and Other Qualified Presenters: PKTF welcomes written feedback from readers who feel compelled to monitor presentations such as State Speakers and other opportunities for international meetings with pending concerns. Future assistance will be provided to ensure that these presentations accurately reflect PKTF’s mission and services.

Lessons from Recent Meetings

The recent meeting with The Ohio Assembly Militia sub-pillar was highly productive overall, and of which highlighted areas where clarity is needed moving forward. While most questions were answered during the nearly two-hour session—supported by insights from the Federation Fiduciary—subsequent discussions revealed lingering misunderstandings about PKTF’s role.

To address this challenge:

A replay of the February 2025 meeting will soon be made available in the DropBox located in the footer of the website.

A semi-annual Committee Synergetics Outline shared during this meeting will also be uploaded for reference.

Readers are encouraged to utilize these, and other relative resources as part of their own ongoing education about peacekeeping advocacy.

Moving Forward: A Call for Accuracy and Collaboration

PKTF emphasizes that proper Due Process must always be maintained within Assemblies when addressing internal issues or concerns about members seeking peacekeeping training or roles as Liaisons. Instances where important investigatory information has been withheld or misrepresented—whether intentionally or unintentionally by at least one Marshal-at-Arms Office—causing significantly unnecessary setbacks for it's own Assemblies’ Militia progress for many months. Such oversights undermine the peaceful and sovereign environment we strive to maintain.

To ensure continued progress:

PKTF will always remain forthcoming and transparent in all its activities.

Written concerns from readers regarding presentations or verbal/visual communications are appreciated and will be reviewed carefully.

Assistance will be provided to State Speakers seeking accurate information for their presentations when found necessary.

Final Thoughts

The Peacekeeping Task Force stands ready to support all State Assemblies in their pursuit of self-governance through accurate information sharing, respectful collaboration, and constructive engagement. Together, we can advance the mission of peacekeeping while fostering lasting trust across jurisdictions.

And, again, interested readers are continuously encouraged to read articles thoroughly, engage with them via comments if they have questions or concerns, and reach out directly for clarification when needed.

By working together with integrity and transparency, we can ensure that every Assembly benefits from accurate information sharing along their journey toward Standing and Seatment.

For more information on past developments or current initiatives, please visit and explore our timeline of milestones since June 2023.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The "sovereign citizen" pejorative is Sinking Fast!

While "the jury is still out", as the idiom goes, it is quickly becoming apparent as to the verdict on this "paper tiger" narrative.

The term "sovereign citizen" is, indeed dying a terrific death in the educated minds of kind-hearted people all across the earth. And the evidence surrounding this victory is just over the horizon.

The root cause for the end-of-life can be found by singling one word out of the equation. And that word is "citizen."

In this, the sovereignty expression begins to stand alone as a non factor. We will, however return to the embrace of sovereignty in later articles, and how the desperate attempt to couple these two words together was perpetuated for an impressive 60 plus year's - until today.

As we turn our focus on the word citizen, along with it's etymology, we then begin transitioning into its Jurisdictional boundaries and service vicinity, it's vessel, it's roles and responsibilities, then finally to the Equal Rights associated with it's status.

As mentioned above, the jury is still out regarding its verdict on the matter. And, so, as we wait patiently for the presentment let us ponder just a few from among the mounds of evidence gathered so far.

Citizenry (as it's vessel being a "citizenship") is a necessary, limited status functioning within an evolved community of self-governing people. Citizenship (when joined into and navigated respectfully) should be experienced on behalf of the governed as a tremendous honor among mankind! And, in turn for this honor, such same levels of respect for serving the people be returned by the governed to its Citizenry (it's People) for their honest service.

When examining the evidence so far should be well known as an appreciative fact. People in service to people should always be appreciated, especially among communities where self-governance is what underpins the community as a whole.

What has been purposefully distracted from the entire equation, and of which has largely, successfully caused such confusion through its purposeful distortion up until recently has been that of the insistence upon "compulsory service."

Compulsory service, or the persistent instance to carry the label (along with sensitivities for the Rights of such People" as a "Servant of the people") does seem to have been the linchpin.

Certain select intelligence communities, in all fairness to speculative observations have, therefore, seemingly thought it best to maintain an extremely loose affiliation between People who freely volunteer to serve others with honor, and those people who respect others in voluntary service.

These same intelligence communities have apparently attempted to maintain a fragile, yet potent narrative between the priority (compelling) need to maintain an honorable Citizenry, while simultaneously seeking to earn genuine respect among the people (sovereigns) for their service.

Empirical evidence has shown, thus far a consistent deficiency in both - a willingness by sovereign men and women to continue voluntarily serving other sovereign people who have consistently maintained a record of disrespect towards their servants over time.

Ongoing research of both the previous records, and current observations of the same undertakings are leading to these details being the prevailing evidence on the matter. When encompassing the lawful duty around self-governance and voluntary, yet necessary element of needing to serve those who are also responsible to self-govern inadvertently causes a very interesting paradigm!

When abuses to servants, while in voluntary service to other's goes without correction only leads to even more disrespect to the opposing scale, (as well as a lack of future volunteer service) often leads to bitter animosities. It is at this point where a pivot has been shown to have taken place slowly over time.

We are beginning to uncover the finer details behind the notion of volunteer servants being neglected, disrespected, verbally abused and taken advantage of by those whom they have served. And, in all fairness to historic observations we can attest to the record as reflecting such a narrative whereby we are told that "harsh servitude" is, indeed a part of our past - at least on some level or another.

If this is the case, and of what we are experiencing today is a type of "turning the table" parallel shift in roles, as well as a sense of nullification unto natural jurisdiction, then we can start to appreciate such an attempt to press onward with using the "sovereign citizen" pejorative in an attempt to undermine by gas-lighting those seeking lawful political status-correction by correcting the record to that of a foreign sovereign.

Now everyone among the sovereign men and women appears to be compelled to serve others (as part of a Citizenry), and that now everyone among the sovereign men and women appears to be receiving the same unilateral levels of disrespect by those who now behave with and maintain a self preservation "citizen sovereign" hybrid status.

And so, here we appear to be at this time. It bears repeating that the jury is still out on this as fact, but, the details are most certainly evident!

- What might be the remedy of the above observations be the case in fact?

> The sovereign people must, themselves consider to continue temporarily volunteering to forego a portion of their own sovereignty to serve their communities, and to do so honorably.

> The sovereign people who remain fully sovereign must consider maintaining self-governance by upholding common law, while returning deserving respect to the People who serve their communities.

> The sovereign people must consider never to compel, manipulate, purposefully or recklessly mis-characterize, or deceive anyone to voluntarily (or involuntarily) serve another, nor foment the same exploitation upon anyone to remain in voluntary servitude beyond a reasonable length of term.

> The sovereign men and women must consider continuing to honor and protect the Equal Rights of the People (their Citizenry) in service to their communities at all times.

This very much appears to be where we are at this point in time!

More to follow as we venture on with more op-ed pieces like this on the topic of properly dismantling the "sovereign citizen" pejorative.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Peaceful Dismantling of The "sovereign citizen" Pejorative

 Our work is just beginning on this topic, but our collective research over the past few years has returned numerous resourced findings on this contrived, social/political obstacle.

As we now struggle to schedule adequate time needed to pour over our gathered resources, then construct the necessary thought-provoking rebuttals we return to the key factor of time deprivation.

Nevertheless, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) will meet the challenge head-on as the only current American peacekeeping service capable (with the correct status, standing, and charter) to address each point one by one.

The pejorative term, touted as being a significantly (extreme) criminal element known loosely as "sovereign citizen" may have very well met its proverbial match in terms of valid talking points in debate format.

The key elements found fueling this pejorative are commonplace when entities who construct them are intent on seizing a narrative with blatant falsities riddled with well-placed, disingenuous, partial truths.

Seizing the narrative is vital in this manufacturing!

And so, we lean into this construct with what should be the obvious at this time - which is - the catch-all itself.

Sovereign  < & >  Citizen 

We ask our readers of this series to recognize that the two words are, indeed not congruent. This fact is what further establishes it's characteristics in use as an oxymoron (or "moronic" < which is known as a feebleminded diagnosis placed into practice during the early 20th century in America (further detail on this research in later articles)).

In future series on this topic, PKTF Directors and Staff Liaisons who work within our Liaison Office will be dedicating our time and energy on flushing out all known details about this type of linguistic weaponization.

Our PKTF volunteers will attempt to reveal why a decades long, worldwide propaganda campaign has been maintained to merge these two, mutually exclusive words together. Along with the manner in which the words combined have been sculpted to form a destructive narrative for boths words simultaneously, our team of researchers will work to properly dismantle it's crafty framework.

And so, let our current and future detractors (as well as those genuinely misled law enforcement and criminal investigators) be notified:

For the sake of peace and proper recognition for a safe environment for everyone, the lawful, peaceful people and People of the world are eager to set the true narrative upright. In this, we ask that the people and People of the world decide the facts and evidence as each decide for themselves - first in the court of Public Opinion, then (when need be) within a lawful Common law Court of Peers with a proper Trial by Jury.

As of this month through 2024 and 2025, our teams will be compiling all known, and future research findings for all to read, discuss, and share on all known social networking platforms.

We feel the time is long overdue! And that the pejorative (along with it's equally demeaning narrative) has certainly gone on largely unabated for far too long!

This newly launched, dedicated work will be found here, as well as on our main site at - monthly magazine.

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If our readers would like to contribute early to the ongoing effort of this rebuttal series, and would like to share the findings published herein, please consider supporting this work with a small gift at the following link  🔗$PKTFgift 
to show your support.

As an added measure, PKTF will also like to offer an honorable mention to each supporting man, woman, or family unit along with their State Assembly on our website under the States Page map for added Assembly support exposure to compliment each donation. We will be writing further about this added appreciation measure in future articles as well.

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Thank you all, in advance for your interest and support!


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