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Showing posts with label Status-correction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Status-correction. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

To Concerned American State Assemblies - Be Advised

 We are developing an exclusive Call-Out of known businesses across the Continental United States known or suspected to be grifting off the status-correction process.

We will work diligently to research those alleged businesses that are not operating in good faith. The reports coming in reflect abuses such as offering to provide automated paperwork processes found to be in error.

In addition to the reported errors, these businesses are found to be soliciting exorbitant prices for such services without providing contact information pointing their clients to their respective American State Assembly for proper recording.

These poor business practices and others will be a part of our ongoing, nationwide exposure campaign highlighting these negative consumer reports as they continue to be gathered.

For information about any alleged status-correction services operating dishonorably, we want to hear from you.

For alleged businesses, in the manner described above supporting the name of The American States Assemblies or claiming to be part of the Federation of States for The United States of America (Unincorporated), please let our offices know.

Thank you, in advance for your participation in helping expose wrongdoing exploited against honest men and women in The United States of America.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Other Services Provided by The Peacekeeping Task Force for Prior Service Members of The American Armed Forces

 Please read the following post located on our LinkedIn page for more details on how The Peacekeeping Task Force centers a considerable amount of it's service projects around honorable Prior Service Members.

We will be bolstering our efforts during 2024 of this priority service made available to all American State Assemblies as each Assembly builds out their own Outreach Committee project management capabilities.

Numerous current, and prior service military members and veterans continue to reach out to our offices seeking process information regarding their upcoming, or previously conducted ETS - Transition Process.

A visual depiction of returning home to "civilian status" after Military Service 

With regards to future Transition obligations (or adjustments to prior Transition strategies) - these services should be conducted smoothly and concisely in terms of completely ex-filling any and all prior service obligations.

Whether your Military Service Transition requirements are in the near future, or are now behind you; where any unforeseen or unwarranted Return to Service obligations are concerned, PKTF is available to make your political status-correction proclamation process become a confirmed receipt onto the public record.

PKTF would like to help make certain such transitioning requirements are seamless and correct - according to the law.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

As Promised - Reaching out to Other English-Speaking Countries, and Beyond

 A warm thank you goes out to David and Gwen from The Canadian National States Assembly for hosting a meeting between themselves and The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) with The United States of America (Unincorporated) for the first time.

Earlier this year, our team began breaking ground on the notion of how discussions would go when speaking with other countries on Earth regarding lawful, peaceful status correction. With this preparation, we thought it best to first establish a type of placeholder online by building out our purpose and intent with a notable, measurable, and honorable presence.

It has now been at least 6 months since our team moved ahead by creating the enhanced online version of The Peacekeeping Task Force, and therefore - virtually worldwide. We will have been conducting peacekeeping efforts for one year this coming August 2024 - having a trusted online presence to help carry PKTF's purpose and intent as far as possible worldwide.

The meeting (initially scheduled for 45 minutes) seemingly flew by in a matter of moments - even as 45 minutes turned out to be 90 minutes of gentle and appreciative conversation between Canada and PKTF.

The Canadian National States Assembly - as the Assembly on Canada is referred to, so are The American States Assemblies in a similar kind, in my opinion, we were all in wonderful company during the meeting!

A stunning rendering of what Terra Canada has recently placed into development regarding their newly created Civil Peace Flag. While this magnificent project is nearly complete, the image above is a significant part of what the living people on Canada have been discussing and designing. The Canada Assembly, official Civil Peace Flag is in the final process of adoption.

(The image above is not the completed design for The Canada Assembly 

 As the current Executive Director of The Peacekeeping Task Force for The United States of America (Unincorporated), it is an extreme honor for me to become an integral participant and proponent of this initial step towards worldwide peacekeeping discussions with other countries.

The notion pertains to Land and Soil Jurisdiction and Common Law observation and practice for all people on Earth. The PKTF is quite aware of the potential for helping to share our experience with other countries pursuing proper interfacing techniques from that of Incorporated (manufactured, inferior status perspectives) to that of Unincorporated (sovereign superior perspectives).

The PKTF team - with The American States Assemblies is extremely enthusiastic to offer surface-level assistance with providing general advice that helps lead to more familiarity surrounding obligations necessary for sovereign lands - unto the sovereign people who live upon... what it takes to make, uphold, and keep enduring lawful peace.

Thank you once again, to The Canada Assembly for your hard work and peaceful dedication towards providing an entry point, for other fellow Canadians to come back home to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction.

Through the help of The Canada Assembly, other countries we are further attempting to speak with regarding lawful, peaceful means of building a proper interface with current law enforcement services are numerous. These countries include, but are not limited to - Terra Australis, New Zealand, England, Italy, Jamaica, Portugal, Romania, (countries within) South Africa, and Spain just to name a few.

We are extremely honored for the opportunity to begin collaborations with Canada throughout this initiative. Without The Canada Assembly, reaching these countries in particular would be a much greater challenge overall!   

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...