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Showing posts with label PKTF Liaisons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PKTF Liaisons. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Our Series Two Training for PKTF - Assembly Liaisons is Fast Approaching

 July 20th is Day 1 when we resume where we left off during the last week of May.

Time truly does slip by quickly when considerable progress is made! And our Assembly Liaison Service at the State level is already beginning to take on new heights.

For our current Assembly Liaisons (in-training) - please be prepared to bring your General Assembly progress reports such as questions your General Assembly has asked of you that you may not have had clear answers to during those meetings.

Thank you all as well for your attendance during our initial Series One Introduction and Training Conference that launched during the first week of March this year. We have received an impressive amount of positive feedback throughout that time.

At the company (and now management) level, we have also made some considerable progress within The Peacekeeping Task Force despite being on Administrative Leave. Much or what makes this organization work requires ongoing progress each week. 

However, when we do take time off, we do minimize certain training functions in order that our Liaisons can return to their Assemblies (this being that of their Assembly Militia development and its Citizenry progress and their General Assembly committee reporting opportunities) and share what they have learned.

As this final week comes and goes, we are expecting to receive a significant amount of discussion along these lines as our Series Two training ventures into the realm of scenario based daily operations within and without State Assembly Militia participation.

These scenarios will be built around what is anticipated to make up the bulk of preliminary contact between all known State of State subcontractors who are the counterpart equivalent to our unincorporated peacekeeping offices and service organizations. And this is just the start of our Series two training rollout.

So, if you currently have a Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison, or if you are growing more interested in attending our training, please inquire further by commenting below or reach out by using the contact form below for more detail on how to get involved.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Offering Previous Training Access and Conference Replays for all Peacekeepers

 Our management team continues to grow at a responsible rate and talented rate.

Thanks to readers and commenters across the various communication outlets, we have considered your shared advice. And we appreciate every opportunity to receive all such advice from our supporters.

Since the start of May 2024 (Series One Liaison Training), our Staff has offered access to all replays, along with previously provided attachments to screenshare presentations during such training. Doing so has offered the ability to remain resilient and flexible with all time zones and challenging family work schedules experienced by all participating Assembly Liaisons (in training). However, the inevitable limits to adequate storage space for such meetings have now been reached - regardless of how cleverly our studios have recorded prior meetings. These same recording limitations will only persist as training content continues to accumulate.

And so, we have made the appropriate, cost-effective adjustments.

Announcing our unlisted Rumble Channel audio/video of all previously held Assembly Liaison training conferences.

Local Newsworthy Reporting

Upon request, all people enrolled in our Assembly Liaison Training Series will now have access to all prior training without the need to be provided with a replay link located on a limited server or the need to be supplied a limited link via email. Those currently enrolled in this vital training will have access to all unlisted training, so long as the Rumble server is online.

For added safety to all previously conducted training, PKTF now backs all training conferences to local servers, in multiple locations separately. Doing so helps to minimize the total loss of our training models as these models stand as worldwide proof of our peaceful service model.

PKTF has chosen to utilize this cloud storage feature for several reasons. Many reasons have to do with service genre, whereby local Outreach efforts are the ultimate default position for all future peacekeeping ventures for all liaisons. Other reasons for choosing a local news reporting channel, is that it is provided by a major alternative network platform that is easy to use and has a robust cloud storage feature.

Rumble is also, conveniently teamed with another growing popular alternative network platform called Locals whereby Content Creators can post, manage, and retain their work all while being given the option to receive viewers' support in exchange for exclusive community interaction and content options.

The Peacekeeping Task Force advocates these and other similar alternative networking platforms at this current time. Our team strives to utilize as many platforms as found to be professionally useful. This has shown to be a rather tedious venture at time, and is one that has shown to grow slowly, but surely over time.

Notice of Function -

For those of our enrolled PKTF - Assembly Liaisons:

To access our entire Series Training Conference recordings, please be prepared to receive directions on where to go to on our Rumble access channel to our unlisted library for review of all prior training. Once a training meeting, conference, or tutorial has been provided that pertains directly to PKTF - Assembly Liaison service details, those of you who have enrolled in the training will be provided the link for each unlisted recording.

This option will then allow our IT office to clear all previously held meetings from our designated meeting platform, thereby allowing for a renewed recording capacity without having to spend our limited funds for increased storage capacity.

For more information about this prior meeting publication feature and network selection strategy, please feel welcome to comment below.

We are always eager to read from those who follow and support our ongoing work.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison Offices are Increasing

 Much appreciation and admiration goes out to ongoing State Assembly growth trends from The Arizona Assembly!


Graphic image representation of The Arizona Assembly, State Seal

Along with gracious private investment and volunteer service from fellow, lawful people of The Arizona Assembly - Arizona now also have a Central location to further facilitate its own lawful peacekeeping efforts.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is currently between training series with over 25 American States and two foreign countries on two continents. Training will resume mid July, 2024, and open up with specific detail scenarios focusing on international land, sea and air jurisdiction where peaceful planning measures are concerned. Now with the opening up of the new Phoenix, Arizona office, more interactive training opportunities become available moving forward.

The Arizona Assembly is the second American State Assembly to have implemented the use of a physical meeting space. Both status-correction meetings can be held at these locations, along with the primary service function of building a more professional peacekeeping interface with members of other law enforcement services at the State of State and Municipal service provision levels.

Phoenix, Arizona will become the second State location to stand, while the current Louisville, Kentucky location works alongside Arizona as the Central Office for PKTF service roles and responsibilities.

Although not quite where Arizona is at this time, however, numerous other State Assemblies (during previous PKTF Assembly Liaison training meetings) such as Florida and Pennsylvania, have reported similar service build-out planning progress opportunities for the near future.

Readers should soon expect follow-up articles on this BlogSpot (and on the magazine site) illustrating a photo journalistic perspective of the new Phoenix, Arizona office location. Along with reports and virtual meeting replays of lawful, peaceful business being conducted from the Phoenix office, PKTF will also provide available meeting replays from multiple office locations for current and future PKTF - Assembly Liaison training purposes.

Again, much appreciation and admiration to the men and women of The Arizona Assembly for your willingness to invest in success and continuous volunteer sharing of your valuable time  towards your peacekeeping presence and other necessary State Assembly sponsoring efforts.

We will certainly see your Laision Team at the office next month.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Countdown to our Next PKTF - Assembly Liaison Training Series

 The first Familiarity & Training Series for The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) - Assembly Liaison has now concluded.

We received a tremendous amount of interest and overall participation very early on from nearly half of all 50 State Assemblies when we launched on March 2nd of this year!

A total of 9 separate, biweekly meetings were held and recorded which were followed up with meeting replay links along with all supporting presentation materials and attachments.

We had an average, live participation, variation rate between 12-18 States and two foreign countries (Canada and Terra Australis).

PKTF is extremely optimistic to soon have several other American State Nationals from other States that are not yet enrolled, but have shown gradual interest joining our future meetings.

We are currently enjoying a well deserved "Administrative Leave" for the next 6-8 weeks to catch up on other build-out portions of total PKTF serviceability. Also, our currently enrolled PKTF - Assembly Liaisons are now working on various state-level service function details and meeting environments/platforms within their own Assembly Militia workspaces based on the prior Series 1 training.

Readers of this BlogSpot will find a real-time reminder of when our next training series is set to commence in the near future by visiting the lower section of this site.

(If you are not able to view the real-time image as is seen in the image above, please use a different browser). (Even if you do not see the real-time image among the footer of this site, you should still be able to read the Title above each section prompting you that the features are present, but viewable only by use of a different browser).

If you, or someone you know who is interested in learning more about how to enroll in this fascinating training, please inquire further by reaching out to our Contact Office through the Contact Form within the Footer of this site.

Also, if you would like an update to discover if someone else from your State Assembly has already enrolled in the training, but who might not yet have provided updates or reports to your General Assembly on the training process so far, use the same Contact Form below and we'll be happy to provide you those details.

As of today, we still have 44 days until the next training series (Series 2).

The basic requirements are :
  • American State National. 
  • General (short version) Background Check. 
  • Take part in one Federation level interview.
  • Available to volunteer between 5-8 hours weekly, with no more than 90 minutes of those average hours every other weekend on Saturday @ 7:30 PM Eastern to attend the live training and discussion opportunity.
  • Be able and available to speak face to face with local and State law enforcement supervisors, criminal investigators, labor union representatives, and Command elements leading your regional National Guard Bureau.

And that's it.

We are eager to hear from and speak with all American State Assemblies soon and very much look forward to working with others among the finest of our status-corrected American men and women!


Sunday, May 12, 2024

An Interesting Approach for our PKTF - Assembly Liaisons in the Upcoming Future

 For more information around some of the dynamics surrounding our PKTF - Assembly Liaisons at the State level, please see our latest full featured article over on our site regarding Growth Trends for 2024 regarding this topic.

Many people have begun embracing the scope and breadth of this endeavor - what exciting opportunities are just ahead for our Assembly Liaisons. As these roles and expectations become more familiar in the hearts and minds of benevolent people worldwide, so too will our American State National, professional men and women liaisons growth excited for the service opportunity.

Serving the people and their communities in honor is the goal. Remaining diligent to foster lasting, genuine service relationships in the face of uncertain times and contrived, unnatural disturbances is the objective.

The people and People of these - The United States of America (Unincorporated) are educated to the schemes and maneuverings of clandestine evil-doers whose objective is to syphon a positive service, and seek to turn such right-ruling efforts against itself. These same people and People will simply not allow such negative influences to take root.

We stand by those brave men and women who service and protect their community infrastructure in the way in which the people and People expect - according to Natural, Common, and Merchant Law respectively.

We look forward to your comments.

Please share comments on the full-featured article on the site here as well. 

Quick Reference Chart to the Current Time Zone Configuration in The Continental United States

  F or those of you who are among our Land, Soil, and Sea Jurisdiction Peacekeepers, please consider utilizing this simple zone border map f...