"Guide us to where your inner peacekeepers are located in your State Assembly Militia sub-pillar, and we will meet you there."
A sincere thank you to the 20-31 State Assemblies that have taken serious steps in peacekeeping activism. Your commitment to training, coordination, and progression demonstrates the strength of our shared mission. Yet, the past year has not been all smooth sailing, particularly in the area of communicating with Assemblies that are at varying stages of development. Miscommunication internally and silence have generally been the causes of unnecessary hurdles.
"Communication is King"—without it, there will be delays. PKTF is determined to walk beside each Assembly where they are in the process of assembling and bringing them along.
The PKTF - Assembly Liaison provides critical services to all American State Assemblies, including:
State Assembly Standing Validation: Ensuring all offices are properly elected, published, and ratified by the Federation.
Peacekeeping and Law Enforcement Interface Advocacy: Helping Assemblies develop rapport with local and national law enforcement agencies.
International Outreach: Expanding the reach and authority of State Assemblies globally.
Emergency Services Maintenance: Providing equipment and training for effective emergency communication and management.
These services are offered at no charge for training in service management within the Peacekeeping Task Force. With participation levels currently ranging between 21-29 members per State Assembly from among the mean of just over 30—and growing monthly—PKTF remains committed to fostering collaboration and success.
The 6 Development Categories of State Assemblies so far
Each Assembly currently falls into one of six categories based on its development stage and growth trend. PKTF strives to meet each Assembly where they are, offering tailored support for their peacekeeping goals.
If you are now, or considering soon correcting your own political birthright status, and are aware of the current condition of your State Assembly, see where yours sits within this list of categories
1. Fully Functional with Major Interim Posts
These Assemblies have:
State Coordinators who have been selected.
An interim Marshal-at-Arms who actively engages with PKTF on State Border Defense systems.
An Ombudsman Service that is seeking training.
A functional or developing Oversight Committee.
PKTF's Role: These Assemblies are well-placed for Standing validation. PKTF provides guidance on conducting valid elections, posting results, and gaining full validation by the Federation. "Just point us to where your internal peacekeepers are, and we will meet you there."
2. Close to Completion but Missing Elections or Specific Roles
These Assemblies are close to completing requirements but are missing:
An interim Assembly Militia Commander or official elections for key roles.
PKTF's Role: PKTF assists these Assemblies with durable concepts and Federation wide updates on all other Assemblies in developing their Assembly Militia sub-pillar which best prepares them for Standing validation with actionable plans.
3. Missing Ombudsman Service
These Assemblies have all other interim roles filled but lack an Ombudsman Service—a critical component for internal peacekeeping amid conflicts.
PKTF's Role: PKTF focuses on advocating for proper training, as well as surface level education preceding adaquete, certificable training establishing an Ombudsman Service while, themselves assisting greatly in the development of their own Assembly Militia sub-pillar.
4. Lacking Key Roles and Training
These Assemblies have significant gaps, including:
No acting Marshal-at-Arms working with PKTF on fundamental issues such as State Border Defense mechanisms or Assembly Militia build-up.
No Ombudsman Service or Assembly Militia Commander because of a lack of training efforts.
PKTF's Role: PKTF offers initial guidance to establish a legal foundation while prioritizing education and training.
5. Little Coordination but Lacking Core Offices
These Assemblies have a measure of coordination but no:
Interim Marshal-at-Arms or Ombudsman Service actively engaging in peacekeeping or border defense concepts with PKTF.
Assembly Militia sub-pillar.
PKTF's Role: In these cases, PKTF must engage directly with the General Assembly Coordinator as a temporary extension of the Federation when there are no other internal peacekeeping components.
6. Inactive or Unestablished
These Assemblies possess no quantifiable activity:
No identifiable State Marshal-at-Arms engaging in concepts of border defense or militia formation.
No Ombudsman Service, Assembly Militia sub-pillar, or available State Coordinators.
No internet presence or other evidence of organization.
PKTF's Role: As a last resort, PKTF contacts any available coordinator to encourage first steps toward lawful organization.
The Challenge of Engagement
In some rare cases periodically during 2024 situations, interim Marshals-at-Arms have, for some strange reason, and with no viable reason to do so, had chosen NOT to engage with PKTF on valuable discussions related to State Border Defense mechanisms or how their citizens could achieve this vital peacekeeping task through the Assembly Militia sub-pillar. As bizarre as that might sound when spoken by many of our readers, this was a true occurrence during 2024. Needless to say, this gross lack of engagement - decided by the one of two internal Assembly peacekeepers chose not to promote peaceful interaction which has significantly slowed growth in those certain States where these conversations are essential to advancing safety advocacy and organizational development.
The pinnacle of PKTF’s services is built upon ensuring safety, maintaining open dialogue about safety protocols, and being well-organized in the event of an emergency. Without effective communication skills, all Assemblies risk unnecessary delays in their development process.
To all Assemblies: take this opportunity to further your cause for state sovereignty and peacekeeping. Together, we can ensure all Assemblies possess the tools they need to succeed!
Joe, for number one, would it not be the role of the Militia Commander that would work with the PKTF on border defenses? Number one implies that all vital roles/positions are filled and active. Does it not?