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Saturday, May 4, 2024

The PKTF Telegram Channel


The Peacekeeping Task Force's presence on Telegram

As with all social networking platforms our Team utilizes, Telegram is currently among the most popular (or potentially, highly useful) alternative platforms.

Other platforms such as UGE, LinkedIn, MeWe, Clouthub, Substack, and Reddit (just to name a few) are all viable networking alternatives we currently use along with Telegram.

Despite various contentions, several other social networking platforms have been caught up with (such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (none of which we have ever used since PKTF inception) over the past several years - Telegram is largely absent from such controversies. The unique and dependable features Telegram offers our Teams and readers worldwide cause this particular platform to make our select list of preferred networking assets. At present, the only annoying setback Telegram suffers (from our vantage point) is the occasional, uninvited bot-driven solicitor abruptly joining our channels with nonsensical items or ideologies for sale or consideration - then is promptly deleted, blocked, reported, and banned when able.

Admittedly, my team and I are not yet frequently utilizing Telegram features to the extent, or necessity we would like. In fact, (up until this month), much of our focus has been largely on Training conferences built upon - resulting from our prior monthly PKTF featured article and blog post sub-articles.

Since the first week of March 2024 our Team has been working closely with over 25 of our American states on a one-on-one basis regarding PKTF - Assembly Liaison development. Until recently, the logistics behind this endeavor have been considerably time-consuming and involved! But this is soon to be adjusted to fit our current growth trend and networking projections with more streamlined, familiar meetings as more American states become further involved and similarly familiar with the same training material.

Along with these same training material adjustments, the PKTF will soon provide more project detail exposure across Telegram and other networking channels and pages in the coming days and weeks. As we learn to operate Telegram more proficiently, our readers should expect to find considerably more content the platform boasts to accommodate all Telegram users.

Thank you, to all readers here and on Telegram where PKTF content and discussions continue to take place. If you still need to join us over on Telegram, please always feel welcome to join the group linked above in the top graphic.

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