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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Announcing Your Peaceful County Presence

Sometimes the simplest declaration of purpose, especially when viewed through declaring peaceful intent can often times become overlooked by those seeking to express such declaration.

Only Items Needed:

a. A Civil Peace Flag on a mast.
b. A small drone with mounted camera.
c. Access to your local County Courthouse Lawn (or lawn nearby)
d. A pleasant day.

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Step 1a:

Visit your local township on a favorable day (sunny, calm winds, not too busy, etc.)

Step 1b:

Take with you a decent sized Civil Peace flag on a pole, for temporary planting purposes.

Locate a peaceful place near by your County Courthouse away from foot traffic, in an earthing area to gently plant your flag. (Flag planting is only necessary for about 15 minutes will suffice).

Step 2:

Take your borrowed, or owned drone, with a gimbled camera mount and visual remote device for flight.

Fly over and around your very own Courthouse grounds capturing the best of what your county seat has to offer from a height between 100 feet and below. (**Be sure to fly clear of any moving animals, low wires, and machinery).

Once you've captured moving images of a suitable lift off, flight around the vicinity after reaching suitable heights (focusing mainly on your courthouse with an admirable sense), then comes the 3rd and final step.

Step 3:

As you round off your flight, be sure to position your descent over your Civil Peace Flag (temporarily planted early preflight).

As you prepare your descent, the concluding focus now becomes the flag and the courthouse combined.

As you descend to capture the final image now to face your courthouse, (as of you lower the drone near to eye level) be sure to bring the camera lense where the Civil Peace Flag (in focus) can now be seen between the drones camera and your courthouse (as slightly out of focus in the background).

Extra Step: - post production

As part of your final edit, it would be perfect to add an audio track fitting for your location upon your County or State with your completed video.

This visual presentation can be duplicated upon all American counties, as well as anywhere on earth where a courthouse exists and a status-corrected man or woman dwells being owed lawful access to it for conducting lawful business.

And with that, The Peacekeeping Task Force/s (from all lawful, peaceful Land and Soil Jurisdictions) will be honored to see them and share in the peaceful and unique charm of all such counties worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice! We will plan to work on this!!


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