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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Which Peacekeepers? Whose Peacekeepers?

 We will try to make this as simple and to the point as possible:

Which local and State Assembly peacekeepers do PKTF seek to collaborate with on an ongoing basis?

1) All County Reeve's (Sheriff's) and their counterparts - Municipal de facto County Sheriff's.

2) All County Deputy Continental Marshals, as well as their Postal Area Regional Chieftan and their counterparts - supervisory under the U.S. Marshals Service

3) State Assembly Militia Field Commanders and their counterparts - Regional Command under The National Guard Bureau.

> These three are all elected (Reeve's and Commanders) or appointed (Deputy Continental Marshals and Regional Chieftan) peacekeepers that are external to all Assembly functions. These peacekeepers maintain the peace OUTSIDE of their respective assemblies. And, if they do NOT maintain peace outside of their Assemblies, then larger issues may arise as a result.

While we do thoroughly recognize other peacekeeping roles INSIDE of the Assemblies, PKTF does NOT Evaluate, Educate, or Coordinate perpetual oversight communication efforts that would involve Validation or Training to Marshals-at-Arms or Ombudsman Services where these offices are concerned.

> These two are elected (Marshal-at-Arms) or appointed (Ombudsman) peacekeepers that are internal to all Assembly functions. These peacekeepers maintain the peace INSIDE of their respective assemblies WITHOUT Federation oversight. And, if they do NOT maintain peace inside of their Assemblies and seek to promote open, peaceful engagements with the general public of their General Assembly and supporting sub pillars, and with the Federation, then larger issues may arise as a result that might involve PKTF on some other level pertaining to any potential resolve due to accidental or otherwise purposeful breakdown in communication deriving elsewhere.

Although we do work with and always allow for multiple open lines of communication, and do offer baseline, surface level items that contribute to general education on general service functions, PKTF does NOT train, oversee, validate, or vet these (Marshal-at-Arms or Ombudsman) internal peacekeepers.

As well for PKTF - if its services do NOT maintain peaceful means between those services mentioned above that would comprise the balance of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL peacekeeping efforts based upon these sectors at the local and State level - also seeking to promote open dialog with the general public and with the Federation, then larger issues may arise.

Rest assured, PKTF will always strive to promote and keep this balance.

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