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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Moving Forward with Peace and Honor to Confront Blatant Falsehoods Regarding the "Sovereign Citizen" Pejorative Campaign

  The Peacekeeping Task Force is taking the appropriate steps to peacefully counter all numerous logical fallacies asserted against the lawful rights of self determination from free and sovereign men and women on earth.

In the coming articles on our site, our research teams and editor's will be reporting on loosely affiliated, yet fairly blatant and consistent false claims alleged against peacefully and properly declared, recorded, published and cured status-corrected Americans living lawfully upon the Land and Soil of America.

Such false allegations will be defended against those men and women in good-standing; having committed no criminal offenses, dishonor, or trespasses against any other living man, woman, or to any other of such same kinsmen, or their offspring - in any capacity whatsoever.

A loosely construed pejorative and oxymoron that holds no lawful definition in any known law dictionary, but is used in an intellectually dishonest manner against an otherwise uneducated, or uninformed population.

The Peacekeeping Task Force will further attempt to provide remedy through clarity of the following:

Any such false allegations against such innocent people, or People who have been, or are now somehow being falsely...

• associated with in any way -

• financially supported or educated through -

• inspired or motivated by -

• co-existing alongside or in receivership of promotion from -

any Incorporated Citizenry of any fictitious Form or Substance who declares themselves as being that of a "Sovereign-Citizen".

Likewise, we will soon be preparing to offer peaceful solutions to all other people's living upon other continents.

Similar tactics against other innocent people worldwide have been falsely alleged against, or being made subject to false claims by this same pejorative assertion from intellectually dishonest publication entities.

The Peacekeeping Task Force intends to lawfully assist with bringing a peaceful end to this continuous verbal neglect and reckless abuse for all lawfully declared sovereign men and women having been mischaracterized and subsequently mistreated.

Please feel welcomed to support our work by commenting below, or by emailing your questions regarding this, or any other peacekeeping initiative our officers and liaisons will be working on during 2024 and beyond.

The bulk of our featured articles will be found on our official website - - for more information and content.


  1. Thank you to the amazing peace keeping task force! We love you and appreciate all you are doing for this wonderful land and the people!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Anonymous Reader. We are honored to provide measurable, memorable, lawful means to better ensure the people of the world what we do.

  2. As a PKTF General Assembly Liaison candidate, I am looking forward to the opportunity to help dispel this dangerous and destructive misinformation and character assassination tactic. This must be brought under control, sooner than later. Of course, we will do this in a peaceful, law-abiding fashion.


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