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Sunday, November 10, 2024

Making Strides with Fostering State-wide, State Guard, (Reserve Militia) Interface Discussion

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is actively expanding its outreach efforts for 2024/25 and beyond regarding the State Assembly Militia sub-pillar and State Border Defense initiatives for all American State Assemblies.


As part of this effort, PKTF is engaging with experts and thought leaders to foster discussions on the nature and role of State Guards, particularly highlighting the distinctions between State Guards and National Guards. These conversations aim to clarify the unique position and responsibilities of State Guards within the framework of state sovereignty and border protection.

The link below will take you to a humble team of folks who have been working for quite a while at garnering attention to who and what a State Defense Force is, and why it is Constitutionally vital by way of Federal agreement for all American nation states to have its own State Guard as opposed to an adjacent, stand-alone National Guard absent of the State Guard.

State Defense

PKTF continues to broaden its correspondence with lawful Americans and peacekeeping Foreign State Assemblies operating within the Land and Soil Jurisdiction. The focus is on promoting respectful dialogue about state border protection under American Common Law, emphasizing how proper state border defense benefits local governments, citizens, and public servants alike. Readers interested in these developments and other related topics are encouraged to visit the main PKTF website at

As a Gentle Reminder:

The PKTF also welcomes questions and comments from readers to help enrich the discussion and provide additional perspectives on these important issues.


  1. It seems that this is a win-win scenario. We win because we are the force to be recloned with. If we have a bonafide state border guard then we have sovereign state citizens and nationals who have a direct "skin in the game". We are not paid professionals, at least at this point. We have a duty to respond based on our voluntarily deciding to be part of our functional defense force. What could be more important at the most critical aspects of a border incursion.? This makes us setting American Peacekeeping Communications (APC) our first priority.

  2. Praise the Lord, pass the ammo.

  3. Greetings good people.


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