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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

When PKTF - Assembly Liaisons Inquire of their Assembly, This is Why

We currently have a few questions floating through various workshops between Coordinators who - of some are in need of questions to be answered.

Among them have to do with the activities of their PKTF - Assembly Liaisons.

We thought it best to touch upon these, as well as other great questions that deserve thorough answers as soon as reasonably possible. So, let's do that now.

Below is a thorough breakdown of the correct ins and outs regarding such inquiries. These details are also used to remind our Liaisons how best to answer such questions when asked of them by the various members of their same Assembly:

Comprehensive Outline for PKTF Assembly Liaison Inquiry Process


Purpose and Structure of Inquiries

  Focus on participation rates for key peacekeeping service entities:

1)  Marshal-at-Arms

2)  Ombudsman

3)  Chief Continental Marshal

4)  County Reeves

5)  State Coroner

6)  State Troopers Office

7)  PKTF Assembly Liaison

  Designed to motivate lawful participation and track progress in building Assembly Pillar structures.

Responsibility for Inquiries

• Conducted primarily by the PKTF Assembly Liaison.

• In absence of a Liaison, responsibility falls to:

• State Coordinator

• Assembly Militia Commander

• State-elected Marshal-at-Arms

Reporting and Progress Tracking

• Generate periodic reports for The Peacekeeping Task Force.

• Monitor progression rates of participating State Assemblies.

• Assist in the Validation Process managed by PKTF.

• Support development of Committees and Joint Committees related to Assembly Militia responsibilities.

Current Initiatives

• Collaboration with The Ohio Assembly Militia Commander.

• Biweekly interviews to share experiences and insights.

• Use of the PKTF Rumble Channel for exposure and engagement.

Additional Service Opportunities

• Improved coordination with State of State Law Enforcement through accurate jurisdictional data.

• Creation of educational opportunities to enhance public understanding of peacekeeping roles.

• Building momentum for presentations that promote peacekeeping initiatives and participation.

Future Potential Services

• Serve as envoys or lawful counsel with access to incarcerated individuals denied other forms of legal representation.

• Qualified PKTF Liaisons could bridge gaps in legal access, providing crucial support to those incarcerated.

• This role enhances flexibility and offers a unique advantage in interfacing with incarceration centers.

This comprehensive approach aims to strengthen State Assembly peacekeeping efforts while fostering community engagement and education.


  1. Kimberly Mayer 🕊💛🌅November 10, 2024 at 9:01 AM

    Good day! Thank you PKTF !! This is helpful for many to continue to comprehend the honored role of PKTF liaison, As one having been blessed with attending and attempting to fulfill one of the State liaison service roles I can share:
    1. Wow! Pktf is thought through, well studied balanced in mindful compassion for all parties whom ever become involved and advancing the peace bridges necessary for all Assembly’s to stand, seat and lawfully govern according to The Great American way.
    2. In response to a question from within an Assembly: Yes, as a PKTF liaison we are asked to report to PKFT regarding our Assembly’s !
    And, this same reporting goes both ways. It is also for reporting to the Assembly’s regarding PKTF. Not spying on Assembly’s, rather involved openly and by invitation by ones State Assembly.
    3. My experience of the entire Liaision experience and honor in being considered by my State Assembly and PKTF has been cherished. Having this friend in relationship while we work to Assemble to stand has been key to our progress and having this relationship with PKTF has advanced this growth. It also is expediting it, our growth, in having the direct access to the PKFT team and The Federation directly when necessary. In growing, new experience presents and in all our learning inevitably, “What now?!” hits! PKTF, Thank you again for helping! If they don’t know, they work with us to figure it out!
    But Wait! There’s more !
    They don’t just help identify true issue defining; they help create the Way’s forward ... in Big Ways!! Example: Global Ombuds Initiative! Services in days announced and a Global Family manifested and is well underway to help all to peacefully resolve conflicts going forward.
    No kidding, I witnessed this ... days friends, it only took days for PKTF and the Good Merit to snap countries into action! Thank you.

    And, simultaneously - Bravo PKTF! Let’s just roll out another Global Service!! APC! American PeaceKeeping Communications on The PKTF PeaceBridge Network!! What this means? It means the first steps toward An American infrastructure of communications beginning with the Emergency Services for Americans on American infrastructure operated by Living Declared American’s! And, it is Already operational and has been an in testing while many haven’t even heard!
    As such, Active pursuits in Anti human trafficking Operations are actively being supported - Go Get these [evil] xxxx!
    And, Lord Bless our families in North Carolina and Florida after these vial weather manipulations which have devastated everything in these locations. Again, Thank You PKTF and many others for pre-emptively moving on The PeaceBridge Network so it could be used to support rescue and recovery efforts for our good men and women and all they love.
    So, again - radios are available and already in hands and in use!!! Yes, you American reader, you can have a radio today!! Contact your PKTF liaison for more information!! And, it’s only going to get better!! Thank you for working to provide safety and support for us All!!
    In Summary, I am honored and proud to serve along with PKTF as the Peaceful Lawful body equivalent to The United Nations on Land and Soil. They have demonstrated compassionate, approachable and accessible response with positive enthusiasm and an All Win Attitude and approach.
    I look forward to the continued support and education being offered to All Assembly liaisons and learning the best ways we continue to make friends with the de facto to guide the smooth transitions back to operating America and our Global family under Law of The Land as beautiful living men and women, in Peace, Harmony and Greatest Good for All... “of, for and by The People. It is So! Thank you PKTF!

  2. Thank you, Kimberly,

    Your kind words in keen observation to what PKTF has and continues to offer is greatly appreciated!

    I am confident that - with enough iteration and reiteration through these efforts, PKTF will soon - hopefully - become a common household name held in high regard! Your words of encouragement and attention to service information is, indeed, comforting and accurate, and is very well received by this team of peaceful volunteers within PKTF.

    Please comment, question, or share anything else you feel as productive to this blog at any time.

  3. Liaisons interface with 3 committees/pillars and make 2 reports. One report to your Assembly and one report to the PKTF. : 1. General Assembly, 2. Outreach Committee and 3: Militia Pillar. The PKTF asks that these 2 reports be in writing and emailed to either us. Find our emails here:

  4. Thanks for this article. I did have questions as to why PKTF would ask any questions to an assembly by a liaison. I will post this article locally. Thanks and best ... Mark


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