Dearest readers,
Please follow the Quick Reference link to one of our channels on Telegram where we share at length by addressing a man regarding his expressed allegations of PKTF roles and functions.
The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) will remain steadfast in it's ability to remain calm when facing harsh resistance built upon falsities, while vining for it's level of service recognition that reflects it's charter.
In this, our Staff fully realizes that it may take a bit more time before the majority of some people, based upon their own ability and availability to measure critically while gleaning from our work as to the nature of this peacekeeping organizations purpose and intent.
Listed under -General PKTF Development Discussions -
Nevertheless, it is not without brief moments of feverous struggle that we meet people harboring mindsets that are significantly bent on maintaining false assumptions and allegations regarding this great work!
For the sake of keeping this article short, please follow the channel to where such false claims were asserted, as well as a somewhat lengthy, but highly informative preface and follow-up to the claims as a primer for further discussions your own Assembly Liaison peacekeepers will be promptly adding to their Training Series. Your peacekeeping Liaisons will always strive to take every opportunity that would otherwise appear contentious, and embrace it for purposes of transforming the same opportunity into building peaceful bridges.
Shalom ~