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Monday, January 27, 2025

PKTF State Assembly Validation: Navigating Governance, Sovereignty, and Local Community Empowerment

 The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is dedicated to supporting lawful and peaceful governance through the validation of State Assemblies under the Federation of States' framework.

This article provides clarity on PKTF's role, emphasizing collaboration with State Marshal-at-Arms, individuals interested in becoming PKTF - Assembly LiaisonsState-elected Militia Commanders, and County Coordinators (also known as County Organizers).

Key Clarifications and Opportunities

State-Level Validation Focus:
PKTF exclusively validates State Assemblies, focusing on their Assembly Militia sub-pillars to ensure proper State Border Defense and internal jurisdictional integrity. County Assemblies, while recognized for their local governance efforts, are not validated by PKTF until their State Assembly achieves official standing.

County Assembly Collaboration:
PKTF engages with County Coordinators to ensure alignment with state-level governance. PKTF (State) - Assembly Liaisons are tasked with vouching for County Reeves and Deputy Continental Marshals, as well as confirming the presence of County Community Assembly Leadership. These observations are reported to the State Assembly Provisions Committee, ensuring that County Assemblies are accounted for without overstepping PKTF’s limited contact and validation authority at the county level.

Rare Scenarios for Immediate Engagement:
If your State Assembly’s elected officers physically live within a single County and have developed through proper due process, PKTF encourages immediate outreach. This rare scenario presents unique demographic and geographic opportunities, making such a State Assembly particularly significant for potential validation.

Assembly Militia Development:
PKTF supports State Assemblies in establishing or strengthening their militia structures. Validation focuses on assessing Community Safety Scope and Purpose as part of the broader goal of achieving full standing for the State Assembly.

Engagement Pathways:

State Marshal-at-Arms or interim officials are encouraged to collaborate with PKTF for potential liaison training and Militia development recommendations to an available, status-corrected man or woman from your own State.

If you currently have a State-elected or interim Marshal-at-Arms, then your State Assembly is in great shape for taking on a PKTF - Assembly Liaison!

Individuals interested in becoming PKTF - Assembly Liaisons can play a vital role in connecting PKTF with their State Assemblies.

County Coordinators are invited to work closely with PKTF through their respective State Assembly Liaison to ensure alignment with state-level peacekeeping efforts.

Local Liaison Training:
While PKTF does not provide local Liaison training or interface services at this time due to its current charter, it recognizes each County Assembly peacekeeper and actively engages Law Enforcement counterparts through the State-level Assembly Militia Command sub-pillar.

Path to Worldwide Recognition:
Once a State Assembly achieves official standing (with all four pillars chaired and published office holders), it is positioned for "Seatment" and global recognition. At this stage, validated State Assemblies can sponsor County Assemblies within their jurisdiction.

Call to Action:
If your State Assembly is progressing toward official standing or developing its militia sub-pillar, contact your Marshal-at-Arms or interim liaison to explore how PKTF can assist in achieving validation. For rare cases where State-elected officers live upon one County, provide details to PKTF immediately for tailored outreach recommendations.

By focusing on state-level jurisdiction and validation while collaborating with County Coordinators, PKTF reinforces the principles of American self-governance and supports lawful assembly restoration efforts across the nation.


  1. If an Assemble has proper seatment, why would the Federation PKTF need to be involved in a County's PKTF? This would be handled by the State PKTF as they, according to this blog, would have had Federation PKTF validation, therefore the State Assembly is free from any further Federation "training" or "validation".
    For proper seatment to occur, the State Assembly needs to have followed the "blue print" and can demonstrate that it can , and I paraphrase, handle it's own business. So why would the Federation PKTF need to be involved at the county level when they would have their state to help setup their county PKTF?

    1. Great question! PKTF is not currently able to provide Validation services to County Assemblies. However, an interesting dynamic is occuring upon a few American States, as well as some Foreign State Assemblies whereby the Four Pillars have been established and are awaiting validation by their State Assemblies for Standing themselves.

      The interesting aspect to this, in part, has to do with the geographic limitations and proverbial Catch 22 situation several of these County Assemblies, as well as their scattered interim or publicly elected State Officers are located. The quandary for those County Assemblies who are reporting as being ready for business are faced with the fact that their State Assembly is not yet fully Standing.

      And so, several of those State Assemblies are attempting to work creatively with one another one how they can build upon the teamwork they do have at a single location, upon a single County with all four of its pillars established, and how such teamwork might be possible as those working at the State Assembly level - which may not all be upon the same County - but who would like to work together to build upon having one of those established counties, perhaps become the interim State Assembly Capitol location until a more accommodating location for the future State Capitol concept can be achieved.

      This has been the healthy challenge that all State Assemblies have been confronted with in terms of which future county would potentially be their first State Assembly Capitol location. Whatever the county, each current State of State Capitol location has its State government location, as well as the county Seat itself itself also the local County Seat simultaneously.

      This has been an interesting topic for many of the current State Assemblies who are either nearing Standing from volunteersnfrom all across their State or by a single county having enough men and women to become the interim State Assembly Capitol location as a matter of simple logic and convenience for the entire State Assembly.

      In either situation, PKTF would simply like to know where to point its PKTF - Assembly Liaisons who are within the same State Assemblies in question here (wherever they may be living upon their State) to focus their assistance by helping to Validate its own State Assembly Militia sub pillar standing.

    2. Sorry for my typos. I'm in a meeting - trying to multitask by helping to answer such great questions while I wait my turn at the podium! Thank you, Dave! Please keep the great questions and comments coming!

  2. You might want to read the article one more David. It is not describing a "State Assembly" as fully Standing, then it's ability to them vaildite it's other counties, but one of its own other "County Assemblies" with enough local people there to have an "Assembly presence - as fully Standing and then patiently waiting for its own "State Assembly" to be Standing to then Validate the County. It reads as if PKTF is acknowledging that this development is taking shape as has been expected, and they seem to be preparing to help wherever they are able to wherever the "State Assembly" and it's elected People might be located - whether or not if it's local or scattered across the State without yet having a State Assembly Capitol. Either way seems to work for them. At least that's how I read the article. Makes good sense!


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