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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Our Series Two Training for PKTF - Assembly Liaisons is Fast Approaching

 July 20th is Day 1 when we resume where we left off during the last week of May.

Time truly does slip by quickly when considerable progress is made! And our Assembly Liaison Service at the State level is already beginning to take on new heights.

For our current Assembly Liaisons (in-training) - please be prepared to bring your General Assembly progress reports such as questions your General Assembly has asked of you that you may not have had clear answers to during those meetings.

Thank you all as well for your attendance during our initial Series One Introduction and Training Conference that launched during the first week of March this year. We have received an impressive amount of positive feedback throughout that time.

At the company (and now management) level, we have also made some considerable progress within The Peacekeeping Task Force despite being on Administrative Leave. Much or what makes this organization work requires ongoing progress each week. 

However, when we do take time off, we do minimize certain training functions in order that our Liaisons can return to their Assemblies (this being that of their Assembly Militia development and its Citizenry progress and their General Assembly committee reporting opportunities) and share what they have learned.

As this final week comes and goes, we are expecting to receive a significant amount of discussion along these lines as our Series Two training ventures into the realm of scenario based daily operations within and without State Assembly Militia participation.

These scenarios will be built around what is anticipated to make up the bulk of preliminary contact between all known State of State subcontractors who are the counterpart equivalent to our unincorporated peacekeeping offices and service organizations. And this is just the start of our Series two training rollout.

So, if you currently have a Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison, or if you are growing more interested in attending our training, please inquire further by commenting below or reach out by using the contact form below for more detail on how to get involved.

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