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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Offering Previous Training Access and Conference Replays for all Peacekeepers

 Our management team continues to grow at a responsible rate and talented rate.

Thanks to readers and commenters across the various communication outlets, we have considered your shared advice. And we appreciate every opportunity to receive all such advice from our supporters.

Since the start of May 2024 (Series One Liaison Training), our Staff has offered access to all replays, along with previously provided attachments to screenshare presentations during such training. Doing so has offered the ability to remain resilient and flexible with all time zones and challenging family work schedules experienced by all participating Assembly Liaisons (in training). However, the inevitable limits to adequate storage space for such meetings have now been reached - regardless of how cleverly our studios have recorded prior meetings. These same recording limitations will only persist as training content continues to accumulate.

And so, we have made the appropriate, cost-effective adjustments.

Announcing our unlisted Rumble Channel audio/video of all previously held Assembly Liaison training conferences.

Local Newsworthy Reporting

Upon request, all people enrolled in our Assembly Liaison Training Series will now have access to all prior training without the need to be provided with a replay link located on a limited server or the need to be supplied a limited link via email. Those currently enrolled in this vital training will have access to all unlisted training, so long as the Rumble server is online.

For added safety to all previously conducted training, PKTF now backs all training conferences to local servers, in multiple locations separately. Doing so helps to minimize the total loss of our training models as these models stand as worldwide proof of our peaceful service model.

PKTF has chosen to utilize this cloud storage feature for several reasons. Many reasons have to do with service genre, whereby local Outreach efforts are the ultimate default position for all future peacekeeping ventures for all liaisons. Other reasons for choosing a local news reporting channel, is that it is provided by a major alternative network platform that is easy to use and has a robust cloud storage feature.

Rumble is also, conveniently teamed with another growing popular alternative network platform called Locals whereby Content Creators can post, manage, and retain their work all while being given the option to receive viewers' support in exchange for exclusive community interaction and content options.

The Peacekeeping Task Force advocates these and other similar alternative networking platforms at this current time. Our team strives to utilize as many platforms as found to be professionally useful. This has shown to be a rather tedious venture at time, and is one that has shown to grow slowly, but surely over time.

Notice of Function -

For those of our enrolled PKTF - Assembly Liaisons:

To access our entire Series Training Conference recordings, please be prepared to receive directions on where to go to on our Rumble access channel to our unlisted library for review of all prior training. Once a training meeting, conference, or tutorial has been provided that pertains directly to PKTF - Assembly Liaison service details, those of you who have enrolled in the training will be provided the link for each unlisted recording.

This option will then allow our IT office to clear all previously held meetings from our designated meeting platform, thereby allowing for a renewed recording capacity without having to spend our limited funds for increased storage capacity.

For more information about this prior meeting publication feature and network selection strategy, please feel welcome to comment below.

We are always eager to read from those who follow and support our ongoing work.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Regarding Current Donations Towards our Work

 We have now begun receiving recurring donations from satisfied readers and supporters of our peacekeeping work.

These are people and People (status-corrected or otherwise) who have contributed in the past, and are now offering to contribute further. Kind words of encouragement, thought-provoking questions, commentary, and ideas along with nominal monetary donation amounts have been provided by these same men and women previously.

This is tremendously uplifting and greatly appreciated on multiple levels! Many thanks go out to supporters that provide such means of assistance, both in terms of encouraging commentary and monetary support.

While most of our current supporters choose to remain anonymous, we are working on various methods to increase our means of appreciation. By developing ways to at least return honorable mentions to those who support our work, we would like to instead emphasize each respective State Assembly as a whole. This is a viable, alternative strategy rather than revealing the names of the men and women who donate monetarily (who choose to remain anonymous).

If you are a donor of financial support, but who chooses to maintain anonymity, we want to respect your decision.

In most cases, we are aware of who you are, but are not always able to determine as to which State Assembly you are a part. If you are such a donor, we encourage you to also provide any separate commentary you feel would help identify your State Assembly under any of our sub-articles on this blog, or in emails. It will be by these means we by which can better express our gratitude for your support, by also uplifting your particular State Assembly in future articles in the process.

Without readers support (both through commentary and monetary means) we would not be in a position to carry on our work at a pace suitable to the cause.

Although The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) was created by the Federation of States, it is not the responsibility of the Federation of States to fund our work. All our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly service development comes from purely voluntary hours from dedicated men and women who wholeheartedly believe in what we do is right and just - lawful, peaceful, effective, and necessary. Despite the challenge, our PKTF Staff do not currently maintain a weekly or monthly paid position at any level.

In future operations, PKTF will be funded annually by each member State Assembly as a result of approval based upon each annual review of our proposed organizational services. Until that time, PKTF relies completely upon whatever generosity is bestowed to our organization by people like you. And in this, we are extremely humbled and thankful!

Thank you, once again to all supporters and recurring supporters for your appreciation in our work.

Your generosities are well received and truly helps to keep this benevolent organization growing through its infancy - to its inevitable maturity.

For our other readers who might also be in a position to donate at some point (either by providing commentary, monetary support, or both) you will always find our available Comment Section at the bottom or each article, as well as an exclusive Contact Form and Cash App link at the bottom of this blog for your support convenience.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Updating our Service Timeline

 Several readers have inquired about our visual service timeline located on the website asking if our team might be able to provide more article content regarding more of what took place through 202-2023.

We are in the process of putting more of those details together when more available office time becomes available. However, we do have a few articles being drafted at this time in reference to how The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has successfully evolved over such a short time.

Much of the draft details we are working on so far include cursory mentions of how the first PKTF Directorate became off-center of what their service objective was, which is what our current service objective still remains. Other details in draft include how The Continental Marshals Service (during its own infancy) systematically carried forward with its primary service function in the Land and Sea Jurisdiction with considerable success despite PKTF assistance. Without a fully functioning peacekeeping service to aid in its Evaluation, Education and coordination needs, external peacemakers and peacekeepers (County Reeves, Continental Marshals, and State Guardian Militia services) will inevitably meet challenges beyond their ability to serve effectively.

This is where PKTF service assets at the international level offer provisional, logistical, and collaborative services that merge all three peacekeeping services together simultaneously, and superb accuracy!

We encourage our readers to visit our current timeline here > to visualize more on what the PKTF pathway has been like up to our current timeline.

If you would like to suggest any other details throughout the timeline - areas across the timeline itself you would like more detail please feel free to contact us using our current Contact Form. Simply place into the Subject Line what area/s of interest you would like more detail about, and our editors will add your request to their editorial workload.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison Offices are Increasing

 Much appreciation and admiration goes out to ongoing State Assembly growth trends from The Arizona Assembly!


Graphic image representation of The Arizona Assembly, State Seal

Along with gracious private investment and volunteer service from fellow, lawful people of The Arizona Assembly - Arizona now also have a Central location to further facilitate its own lawful peacekeeping efforts.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is currently between training series with over 25 American States and two foreign countries on two continents. Training will resume mid July, 2024, and open up with specific detail scenarios focusing on international land, sea and air jurisdiction where peaceful planning measures are concerned. Now with the opening up of the new Phoenix, Arizona office, more interactive training opportunities become available moving forward.

The Arizona Assembly is the second American State Assembly to have implemented the use of a physical meeting space. Both status-correction meetings can be held at these locations, along with the primary service function of building a more professional peacekeeping interface with members of other law enforcement services at the State of State and Municipal service provision levels.

Phoenix, Arizona will become the second State location to stand, while the current Louisville, Kentucky location works alongside Arizona as the Central Office for PKTF service roles and responsibilities.

Although not quite where Arizona is at this time, however, numerous other State Assemblies (during previous PKTF Assembly Liaison training meetings) such as Florida and Pennsylvania, have reported similar service build-out planning progress opportunities for the near future.

Readers should soon expect follow-up articles on this BlogSpot (and on the magazine site) illustrating a photo journalistic perspective of the new Phoenix, Arizona office location. Along with reports and virtual meeting replays of lawful, peaceful business being conducted from the Phoenix office, PKTF will also provide available meeting replays from multiple office locations for current and future PKTF - Assembly Liaison training purposes.

Again, much appreciation and admiration to the men and women of The Arizona Assembly for your willingness to invest in success and continuous volunteer sharing of your valuable time  towards your peacekeeping presence and other necessary State Assembly sponsoring efforts.

We will certainly see your Laision Team at the office next month.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Most Effective Means For Conflict Resolution

 The evening was felt less comforting than it would have been as the sun went over the crystal blue, cloudless horizon for me yesterday.

It was myself, along with a complete roster of The Continental Marshals invited to a special meeting for a particular growing American State Assembly to the south. I must say this meeting was quite unique! However, regardless of the rarity of those having attended, the theme of the cause for the meeting itself was the familiar "Conflict Resolution" issue.

And, I must also say these particular conflicts are largely - similarly internal by nature of the details, and are (almost entirely) the same relative conflict details my team and I have witnessed other Assemblies struggle through, and who have now also arrived at the other end with impressive perseverance!

The genre continues to be an all-too familiar selection among the people. The theme of the scenario is also well known. The stage has been set. The only differences in this occasion, though are the simply location of the altercation and the people involved are - themselves fairly new to the scene.

The remedy, however, for the repeat occurrence of train wreck type drama scenarios is (and will always appear to be) a proper and complete internal conflict cooperative resolution asset service.

A possible abstract depiction of a State-elected Marshal-at-Arms and State Assembly-appointed Ombudsman Service 

If only for the fact that the Federation of States thought it best to have both The Continental Marshals Service and The Peacekeeping Task Force in special attendance to offer help by sharing joint perspectives on the issues - was, indeed an interesting, and uniquely productive opportunity!

This particular Assembly has reported to have been grappling with such issues for a significant amount of time already (perhaps for well over a year). And, although those currently serving within the Assembly does appear to be active and eager to grow their Assembly, they currently lack one or two elements built to help restore harmony amongst mounting issues.

Please meet:

  • The State-elected Marshal-at-Arms 


  • The State Assembly-appointed Ombudsman Service

Without both these service providers; one State-elected to maintain singular loyalty to the State Assembly organization itself.

...and the other (a separate and impartial organization) an Assembly-appointed role built to offer an exclusive environment by effectively intercepting bonified grievances to a proper setting - thereby shielding the General Assembly meeting floor from excess internal issues.

And, of course, this then sets the entire service journey of Conflict Resolution into a very impressive productive motion!

Needless to say, without both internal peacekeepers working in correct tandem to deal with real, or perceived conflict, then this (as well as any other government service structure) will falter, become stagnant, grow bitter towards serving members, accuse others, one to another frequently for any negative progress, and so on.

Regardless of the scenario. Regardless of the Assembly. Regardless of the genuine honesty of the people and caliber of their Citizenry. Without an existing, balanced team of internal Assembly peacemakers geared around providing Conflict Resolution will always - always struggle unnecessarily!

To all other American State Assemblies currently without:

Please consider placing immediate focus on the service role of State-elected Marshal-at-Arms Assembly-appointed Ombudsman Service.

If there be a learning curve for either, or both service roles, then this is another fine opportunity to exercise self-governance by seeking knowledge and comprehension on how these two service measures work together providing excellent results of resolving most all internal conflicts.

We encourage reaching out to other industry leaders, other successful State Assemblies, as well as the annals of history to find valuable information on how these two Assembly peacemakers work together, and how they are designed to function as a most cohesive unit.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Donation Appreciation

Since the time we began receiving donations on the 18th of May, 2024 five generous contributions from readers have offered.

I struggle to find the words to express our deepest appreciation for your support in our work. And since we do not sell our work, nor do we receive a profit or compensation for our time and effort, it renders our gratitude for your generosity much more challenging to express!

In this, we would like to extend our acknowledgement to everyone who has donated so far, in the same manner we would for all future donors.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) currently uses only the Cash App application for receiving direct donations. Cash App, however, does not provide a means of returning to donors - words of appreciation from recipients. This makes it a bit of a challenge to identify beyond the /cashtag/ of "who is who" when donations come in through the app.

And, so, PKTF is currently working to develop other means of extending our gratitude for all supporters providing us with donations (large or small) as these amounts truly do add up over time.

We are currently working on a Donor Wall that will be found on our Donations Tab, under the Campaigns Button at in the near future. From here is where all donors that would like to be recognized for their support can be found. And though we do realize some donors would prefer not to be recognized directly, we want to offer at least the opportunity for donors to provide general detail of what State Assembly they are apart. This way, we can at least provide an honorable mention to those State Assemblies, by Name whose generous members have supported our work.

For example, if you are a current or future donor, but would like to remain anonymous for your donation, then please contact us by using the Contact Form here > PKTF General. Simply provide a brief comment, along with your contact information and how you would like to have your donation acknowledged, and we will process your suggestion accordingly. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then we will defer to only providing a general acknowledgement to the Name of your State Assembly instead.

The future Donor Wall will provide both honorable mentions for people, by name, as well as for the Names of those State Assemblies respectively.

We will be providing future subarticles, as well as more full-featured articles on these and other relevant topics in the days and weeks ahead.

Once again, many thanks to all our readers worldwide who have been in a position to support our work so far! Our team is dedicated to providing the much needed interface between sovereign men and women and their current, and future subcontractors (at both local and State levels). With your words of encouragement and opportunities to support our current, and future service infrastructure we will most definitely succeed!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The "sovereign citizen" pejorative is Sinking Fast!

While "the jury is still out", as the idiom goes, it is quickly becoming apparent as to the verdict on this "paper tiger" narrative.

The term "sovereign citizen" is, indeed dying a terrific death in the educated minds of kind-hearted people all across the earth. And the evidence surrounding this victory is just over the horizon.

The root cause for the end-of-life can be found by singling one word out of the equation. And that word is "citizen."

In this, the sovereignty expression begins to stand alone as a non factor. We will, however return to the embrace of sovereignty in later articles, and how the desperate attempt to couple these two words together was perpetuated for an impressive 60 plus year's - until today.

As we turn our focus on the word citizen, along with it's etymology, we then begin transitioning into its Jurisdictional boundaries and service vicinity, it's vessel, it's roles and responsibilities, then finally to the Equal Rights associated with it's status.

As mentioned above, the jury is still out regarding its verdict on the matter. And, so, as we wait patiently for the presentment let us ponder just a few from among the mounds of evidence gathered so far.

Citizenry (as it's vessel being a "citizenship") is a necessary, limited status functioning within an evolved community of self-governing people. Citizenship (when joined into and navigated respectfully) should be experienced on behalf of the governed as a tremendous honor among mankind! And, in turn for this honor, such same levels of respect for serving the people be returned by the governed to its Citizenry (it's People) for their honest service.

When examining the evidence so far should be well known as an appreciative fact. People in service to people should always be appreciated, especially among communities where self-governance is what underpins the community as a whole.

What has been purposefully distracted from the entire equation, and of which has largely, successfully caused such confusion through its purposeful distortion up until recently has been that of the insistence upon "compulsory service."

Compulsory service, or the persistent instance to carry the label (along with sensitivities for the Rights of such People" as a "Servant of the people") does seem to have been the linchpin.

Certain select intelligence communities, in all fairness to speculative observations have, therefore, seemingly thought it best to maintain an extremely loose affiliation between People who freely volunteer to serve others with honor, and those people who respect others in voluntary service.

These same intelligence communities have apparently attempted to maintain a fragile, yet potent narrative between the priority (compelling) need to maintain an honorable Citizenry, while simultaneously seeking to earn genuine respect among the people (sovereigns) for their service.

Empirical evidence has shown, thus far a consistent deficiency in both - a willingness by sovereign men and women to continue voluntarily serving other sovereign people who have consistently maintained a record of disrespect towards their servants over time.

Ongoing research of both the previous records, and current observations of the same undertakings are leading to these details being the prevailing evidence on the matter. When encompassing the lawful duty around self-governance and voluntary, yet necessary element of needing to serve those who are also responsible to self-govern inadvertently causes a very interesting paradigm!

When abuses to servants, while in voluntary service to other's goes without correction only leads to even more disrespect to the opposing scale, (as well as a lack of future volunteer service) often leads to bitter animosities. It is at this point where a pivot has been shown to have taken place slowly over time.

We are beginning to uncover the finer details behind the notion of volunteer servants being neglected, disrespected, verbally abused and taken advantage of by those whom they have served. And, in all fairness to historic observations we can attest to the record as reflecting such a narrative whereby we are told that "harsh servitude" is, indeed a part of our past - at least on some level or another.

If this is the case, and of what we are experiencing today is a type of "turning the table" parallel shift in roles, as well as a sense of nullification unto natural jurisdiction, then we can start to appreciate such an attempt to press onward with using the "sovereign citizen" pejorative in an attempt to undermine by gas-lighting those seeking lawful political status-correction by correcting the record to that of a foreign sovereign.

Now everyone among the sovereign men and women appears to be compelled to serve others (as part of a Citizenry), and that now everyone among the sovereign men and women appears to be receiving the same unilateral levels of disrespect by those who now behave with and maintain a self preservation "citizen sovereign" hybrid status.

And so, here we appear to be at this time. It bears repeating that the jury is still out on this as fact, but, the details are most certainly evident!

- What might be the remedy of the above observations be the case in fact?

> The sovereign people must, themselves consider to continue temporarily volunteering to forego a portion of their own sovereignty to serve their communities, and to do so honorably.

> The sovereign people who remain fully sovereign must consider maintaining self-governance by upholding common law, while returning deserving respect to the People who serve their communities.

> The sovereign people must consider never to compel, manipulate, purposefully or recklessly mis-characterize, or deceive anyone to voluntarily (or involuntarily) serve another, nor foment the same exploitation upon anyone to remain in voluntary servitude beyond a reasonable length of term.

> The sovereign men and women must consider continuing to honor and protect the Equal Rights of the People (their Citizenry) in service to their communities at all times.

This very much appears to be where we are at this point in time!

More to follow as we venture on with more op-ed pieces like this on the topic of properly dismantling the "sovereign citizen" pejorative.

Lawfully and Accurately Dismantling the False Assertions of the Sovereign Citizen Pejorative

T he Strawman Argument and The Strawman Theory. Some would claim the debate is nearly over. Others might suggest that the debate is just beg...