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Friday, June 7, 2024

Donation Appreciation

Since the time we began receiving donations on the 18th of May, 2024 five generous contributions from readers have offered.

I struggle to find the words to express our deepest appreciation for your support in our work. And since we do not sell our work, nor do we receive a profit or compensation for our time and effort, it renders our gratitude for your generosity much more challenging to express!

In this, we would like to extend our acknowledgement to everyone who has donated so far, in the same manner we would for all future donors.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) currently uses only the Cash App application for receiving direct donations. Cash App, however, does not provide a means of returning to donors - words of appreciation from recipients. This makes it a bit of a challenge to identify beyond the /cashtag/ of "who is who" when donations come in through the app.

And, so, PKTF is currently working to develop other means of extending our gratitude for all supporters providing us with donations (large or small) as these amounts truly do add up over time.

We are currently working on a Donor Wall that will be found on our Donations Tab, under the Campaigns Button at in the near future. From here is where all donors that would like to be recognized for their support can be found. And though we do realize some donors would prefer not to be recognized directly, we want to offer at least the opportunity for donors to provide general detail of what State Assembly they are apart. This way, we can at least provide an honorable mention to those State Assemblies, by Name whose generous members have supported our work.

For example, if you are a current or future donor, but would like to remain anonymous for your donation, then please contact us by using the Contact Form here > PKTF General. Simply provide a brief comment, along with your contact information and how you would like to have your donation acknowledged, and we will process your suggestion accordingly. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then we will defer to only providing a general acknowledgement to the Name of your State Assembly instead.

The future Donor Wall will provide both honorable mentions for people, by name, as well as for the Names of those State Assemblies respectively.

We will be providing future subarticles, as well as more full-featured articles on these and other relevant topics in the days and weeks ahead.

Once again, many thanks to all our readers worldwide who have been in a position to support our work so far! Our team is dedicated to providing the much needed interface between sovereign men and women and their current, and future subcontractors (at both local and State levels). With your words of encouragement and opportunities to support our current, and future service infrastructure we will most definitely succeed!

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