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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Promoting The Continental Marshals Service, Service Contact

 Arguably the best, most effective and eager to serve, International peacekeeping organization America has to offer! Announcing, yet again The Continental Marshals Service for The United States of America (Unincorporated).

We put together a couple honorable mentions on our site as we were setting up shop mid, 2023. But, we feel honored to be among the first to continue publicizing the diligent work these men strive to provide the American people on a daily basis.

Through several of their own ups and downs; struggles and accomplishments these men located sporadically across all ten Postal Service Areas maintain a consistent vigilance where lawful peacekeeping transcends State boundaries. This endeavor in and of itself is quite different than any of the other two peacekeeping services provided outside Assembly functions!

These same men must continuously analyze work detail, unlawful practice description, environmental and priority threat assessment, imminent danger scenarios, behavioral criminal reporting, inventory, requisitions, service proposals, investigations, vetting, etc. and the like- all while being made available for interfacing with several of their own Incorporated counterparts.

Throughout their several years long journey so far, The Continental Marshals Service (CMS) stands waiting, ready and willing to serve the American people by working hard to protect the people and their private assets against all criminality taking place within their Jurisdiction.

Right from the start, CMS maintains passing a rigorous Entry level Exam, designed by their Chieftain for all interested American men prior to further consideration into their service ranks!

From that point, they also maintain a multi-phase interviewing process culminating into a Final Out interview with The Senior Chief Marshal himself. Once passing each of these entry phase lines, all newly Inbound Continental Marshals are then tasked with the duties and responsibilities that parallel counterpart services across all ten Postal Service Areas, and upon those States that fall within those separate Postal Areas of Responsibility.

The challenges have been both small and great in terms of service development over the past several years, but these truly dedicated men have met each challenge with relative ease matching their own individual peacekeeping determination.

CMS has also invested considerable funding of their own, with no outside subsidiary assistance towards development or service maintenance since they took on the role of Land and Sea Jurisdiction, peacekeeping service. Most have contributed hundreds, if not thousands of collective hours and funds to achieve the level of knowledge and serviceability under which they currently operate.

And, although their services often times go unnoticed, nevertheless they are honored to serve and eager to consider adding to their Chieftain ranks as they continue building out all ten Postal Service Areas to Full Service Capacity.

CMS is currently at - approximately 35% service rate nationwide. They are reporting expectations to be at 70% or greater by years end.

If you, or someone you know within your Assembly would like to learn more on how you too might be able to join CMS, please feel free to contact their offices at your earliest convenience.

You can reach them here >

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We will be sure to provide a full featured article on the CMS over on our PKTF site when time for our writers and editors permit. Due to limited manpower availability overall, they too are extremely busy with other PKTF news site build-out projects.

We apologize I'm advance for any inconveniences these delays may be causing your own research intake.

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