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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Announcing My Local Free Press Initiative on Substack

 Just a brief mention and link to my very first three minute read found on Substack.

My aim is to help illustrate and promote the potency that local Free Press can provide to Land and Soil Assembly development. Not only for local readers, but potential readers of surrounding counties - even to a worldwide audience thanks to modern digital technology.

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A special thanks goes out to Ed Movius for offering to provide an additional audio version of articles found on this BlogSpot. Ed has already been gracious with his time over the years by providing a convenient process of reviewing articles regularly published by the Federation of States.

A special link to his appreciative work and others can be found listed in the Footer of this BlogSpot.

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So, if our readers here are interested in how this particular personal local project of mine roles out and evolves gradually, have a look by clicking the link below. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe.

It's, of course no cost to subscribe for my complimentary work.

Have a great rest of your day!


  1. Hi Joe can you elaborate a little on your free press initive. Ie.. your plans once started. How to get started. I would like to do a little field reporting myself.

    1. Thank you for your question. I will be sure to draft and schedule a follow-up article providing more detail on this syndication project to County journalists. Please stay tuned. Please be sure to use the search function on the site as well to discover what has already been published regarding the project.


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