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Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Role of Assistant Director with The Peacekeeping Task Force


 We currently have three separate Directorate roles with The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF).

The PKTF is currently in need of a competent, status-corrected man or woman to head up our office for Assistant Director. The decided structure to settle the number of our Board Members to three positions, rather than a full-level staff variation was simple. 

The PKTF was initially constructed by the Federation of States to function with minimal executive oversight positions. This decision was made from the outset of PKTF service conception.

To this date, the office holders of the PKTF remain content with growing this office no further beyond three key roles.

The following outline adds general dimensions to these offices responsible for providing serviceability to all American State Assemblies where peacekeeping operations are expected and provided.

A cursory outline:

(Executive Director - manages all levels of Administration where projects are approved. The managerial aspect that encompasses PKTF roles and responsibilities involves Project Development, Priority Planning, Scheduling, and Service Implementation.

This Director also leads the functions of the hiring strategy but does not necessarily carry out such physical functions of the hiring process.

(Assistant Director - maintains all key aspects of the Executive role within the Directorate Staff, but whose conclusive oversight or final decision-making determinations remain a derivative of Executive-level responsibilities. The physical hiring, firing or lateral promotion process of all lower level positions are generally managed by this office.

The Assistant Director assumes all administrative functions within the PKTF structure, in combination with, or in the temporary absence of Executive-level roles and responsibilities throughout everyday business dealings.

(Associate Director - manages all other aspects of administrative supervision and comprehensive reporting and compliance authorizations. This Director is the highest Administration Office responsible for monitoring the leadership positions within the body functions of any company where physical production takes place.

The key role of the Associate Director within the PKTF focuses largely on front-line oversight of all authorized projects as those projects progress beyond the development stage of operations.

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Take notice the "hinge point" between these three vital directorate positions is that of the role known as the Assistant Director.

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The Peacekeeping Task Force seeks to fill this third and final office within its Directorate as soon as reasonably possible.

Those Americans interested in the opportunity are encouraged to contact our main office by using the Contact feature on our website at on how to get started. Simply build the Contact Form around your inquiry in the message portion of the form regarding 

Although there are no underlying prerequisites, pre-established credentials, or collegiate credits necessary, such experiences are certainly welcomed. For those wishing to inquire further, or are beyond general interest are welcomed to create an account with Tue Continental Marshals Service - Vetting Services Site begin the simple vetting process.

Our staff will provide a follow-up, full featured article on the website in the coming days to provide more descriptive detail on the roles and responsibilities of the current Directorate with The Peacekeeping Task Force.


  1. Lily B. on Sonoma CountyFebruary 20, 2024 at 10:29 AM

    There is a lot of information in this job posting, and I would say, a lot here to think about. My advice to the reader trying to “figure” it out, in my opinion, would be to look for any pictures or graphics, because if you do not, one may miss out! If the average reader skims through it without looking closely enough, they sadly will leave the page scratching their head. So, this job posting may seem a little ambiguous to some as to what the daily job functions are, however, do not give up just yet! If you will be humble and humor me, please bring your attention to the big green square in the middle of the job description that says Administrative Assistant in ALL caps. If one reads this, you’ll have a clear clue to the daily job functions of an Assistant Director position. Very clever; I almost missed it myself! And now that I have read it a bit closer, I would say whoever gets the job has their work cutout for them as this job seems very fun, busy, detail oriented and not for the faint of heart, ie for any job slacker! Looks to me like one would need to be on top of their game, a mover and a shaker and ultimately a clear communicator along with some good organizational skills. And… let the race to the finish line begin. One, two, three, go apply! Of course, only if you feel that this job describes you!

    1. That's correct, Lily. Your assessment of this particular office as read from the information provided in this article is extremely accurate!


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