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Friday, January 10, 2025

A Story of Dedication, Sovereignty, and Voluntary Service

We truly do rely solely on donations at this time 

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF), a unique creation of the Federation, has been steadily building its reputation and operations since its revival in 2022. And PKTF has operated entirely on bread and black coffee affordability ever since. In fact, we did not even start accepting donations until May, 2024. ...first time ever with opening up for accepting donations.
Unlike many worldwide peacekeeping organizations that receive funding from their parent entities or member states, PKTF operates without financial support from the Federation. This distinction is crucial to understand, as some assume that a chartered organization automatically receives funding from its chartering body. This is not always the case contrary to novice comprehensions on the topic of "service charter selections."
In PKTF’s case, this has never been true, and its progress has been driven entirely by the dedication of its directors, volunteers, and supporters.

For those interested in learning more about PKTF, it is remarkably simple to do so. A quick online search for "The Peacekeeping Task Force" will lead to information about its mission, activities, and updates. This accessibility reflects PKTF’s commitment to transparency and outreach as it continues to serve State Assemblies and individual supporters alike. Even more simple is it to access commentary sections leaving open the ability for people who have questions to do so by sharing their comments across the various networking platforms our team utilizes. We do read and reply to all questions and comments eventually.

Since its restart, PKTF has relied on the selfless contributions of its four directors, who have pooled their time, skills, and resources to create a service that assists State Assemblies in preparing their militias for success through Federation validation. The team has also raised nearly $1,767 through donations from generous individuals and State Assemblies since May 2024. These funds have supported training programs for American State Nationals interested in becoming PKTF - Assembly Liaisons, as well as management of both websites, and has helped ensure the success of State Border Defense operations for State Assemblies nearing Seatment tailored to each Assembly’s unique needs in that regard.

All of this, and much more absolutely free! We could provide these services so much more smoothly and efficiently with operational funding, but, somehow we are able to achieve quite a lot with very little - at least for the time being. HalleluYaH for that and for the opportunity!
PKTF’s story is one of resilience and dedication. Initially suspended due to a lack of leadership after its first iteration, the organization was revived for the second, and current iteration by the equally as current Executive Director in 2023. This leader’s vision and commitment inspired others to join the cause, creating a team united by their belief in sovereignty and self-governance—the foundational principles of the American Dream.

With all due respect, if anyone has made blanket statements or claims as if what they claim are facts to the contrary, we are here to assure everyone that those claims hold no merit.
To those who may have misunderstood PKTF’s funding structure or assumed Federation support, PKTF offers understanding and encourages further inquiry into its mission. The organization thanks readers and supporters for their interest and invites comments to foster dialogue about its journey.

As PKTF continues to grow, it remains steadfast in its mission: to serve with care, dedication, and a commitment to doing what is right for the people.

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We would also like to give a special thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in the local peacekeeping awareness logo outreach project as well.

Although we have given numerous logos away for free since we do not expect donations upfront, we want to sincerely thank those of you who have offered to donate to us by providing our design team with a dollar amount for a "cup of coffee" more or less along the way.

We truly do appreciate your same appreciation.

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