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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Progress Can Be Made When Traditional Sovereignty Faces Progressive Aspirations



Mankind’s Rights and Freedom

Both the 2030 Agenda and the Declaration of Independence emphasize the rights and freedoms of mankind, as well as the reality that corporations have been provided with a "personhood" identified as having rights "equal" to that of "human" rights.

The 2030 Agenda might be seen as somewhat grounded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, aiming to promote equality and non-discrimination. Similarly, the Declaration of Independence highlights individual rights of lawful persons and their corporate entities having equal liberties and the pursuit of life, liberty to enter into honest verbal and written agreement, and property through happiness of those pursuits.

Vision for a Better Future

Both documents envision a world where individuals can thrive. The 2030 Agenda seeks to eradicate poverty and ensure prosperity for all, while the Declaration of Independence envisions a true corporate coexistence of people through lawful and peaceful Assembly based on Jurisdictional boundaries equality and lawful justice.


Scope and Focus

  • 2030 Agenda: A worldwide initiative named as a "global" framework addressing economic, social, and environmental issues with specific goals applicable to all countries.
  • Declaration of Independence: A national document focused on political autonomy and self-governance for the American colonies and future sovereign nation states.


  • 2030 Agenda: Involves international collaboration, partnerships, and a comprehensive set of goals and targets for sustainable development.
  • Declaration of Independence: Primarily asserts the - then colonies' - and future sovereign nation states right to independence from British rule, with a structured, bottoms up implementation approach for broader societal to State Assembly self-governing necessities.


  • 2030 Agenda: Covers a wide range of issues including poverty, gender equality, climate action, and sustainable development.
  • Declaration of Independence: Focuses on political independence and grievances against British Territorial and Papas Municipal governance through acts of usurpations through corrupt subcontracting service manipulations.

Caveat: Balancing Ideologies

Research suggests that balancing these ideologies can be achieved by integrating principles of mankind rights and the potential for maintaining sustainable development of corporate "equal rights" into national policies without compromising nation state sovereignty. This involves:

Strategic Integration Approaches

  • Fostering international cooperation while respecting sovereign national contexts and priorities
  • Aligning development policies with earth wide goals
  • Maintaining foundational sovereign national principles
  • Creating flexible implementation frameworks

Key Considerations

  • Preserving national autonomy and responsibility towards self-governing
  • Promoting collaborative earth wide problem-solving
  • Ensuring cultural and political sensitivity
  • Developing adaptive policy mechanisms

The United States of America (Unincorporated) can commit to aligning its jurisdictional development policies with the 2030 Agenda while maintaining its foundational principles. This approach allows for shared earth wide goals to be pursued alongside national interests, helping to ensure that neither ideology loses its essential character.

This is a well-balanced approach at honoring traditional principles established by the framers of the New World where all who are born upon the Land and Soil retain their sovereign responsibilities, while simultaneously considering progressive viewpoints without disruptive tendencies or creating hindrances.


  1. The problem with Agenda 30 is that it includes a depopulation program.
    Thats the first thing that needs to be addressed when dealing with those agencies. The methodology behind the genocidal tendencies.

  2. Indeed! And while these influencial world entities - upheld by the Club or Rome (such as is responsible for the existence of artificially created corporations) are left to their own devices without being held to account for their true intentions, is when the lines become blurred. Plausible Deniability is at play in this, as well as in every other scenario played out by these artificial entities.

    It is only when sovereign beings among men call these artificial entities forward to explain the cause for their duplicitous behavior. Only the sovereign beings among mankind and those whom they have chosen freely to govern such affairs cam bring these questionable deeds in the making forward for clear explanation as to their purpose and intent.

    In this instance, leadership from among these particular think tanks should assert clearly and concisely that the "depopulation" they are truly advocating for for is in regards to corporate ownership and the operations therefore under the Club of Rome.


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