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Monday, July 29, 2024

Supporting Local and State Businesses Offering Sensible Measures Around Conciliatory Efforts

 The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) will soon offer a local and State listing of businesses in array, as an accessible directory of American owned and operated Assembly, Community Affluence services.

When businesses are added across the 50 States, they will be specifically listed as family-owned conglomerates. Each business will be promoted as those geared towards providing a wide range of State Border Defense services during times of priority need. When not facilitating such services in times of priority need or emergency, these businesses offer to provide similar, if not precisely the same local goods and services to the public during times of stability.

As with all American businesses at the indigenous level - each contributing to that which comprises their State Assembly purpose and intent - nothing defines each local community better than that of small owned and operated companies.

Without such ventures alive and well throughout our American counties, our family and friends are subjected to the turbulent nature of Incorporated franchise establishments at every conceivable angle regarding commerce and trade.

And to make matters even more ubiquitous...

With an ever-apparent lack of American-made (or procured) products, priority services, skilled labor, ingenuity, coordinated operations, and maintenance - even subcontracted State of State services and other corporate franchise service provider framework takes a significant toll on its own reliability!

And so...

If you are, or someone you know is an American small business owner, and status-corrected, we are happy to offer promotional assistance.

If such business is in a position to assist with augmenting provisional goods and emergency services to your State Assembly Militia, Border Defense vitality, then PKTF can also help.

Simply contact our office by using the Contact Form at the bottom of this blog, and our team will be happy to further assist with advertising your work on our site.

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