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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

General Financial Questions Brought to Our Offices

 We continue to receive questions through our inboxes regarding general questions along the lines of various, personal financial concerns our readers struggle with all throughout the year.

And although The Peacekeeping Task Force does not manage financial advice to our readers, we certainly are empathetic to these concerns from sincere people who reach out to us.

The only advice we are able to provide at this time is for everyone seeking such remedies to contact their respective American State Assembly.

For example, if you were born on, and currently live on Florida, then contact The Florida Assembly.

If you were born on Maine, but now live on Texas and have lived on Texas lands for a year and a day, then contact The Texas Assembly. 

If you are someone from another country but have lived on (for example) Texas, Indiana, Idaho, or Illinois (or any other State) for many years peacefully and are not currently receiving beneficial assistance (from The State of State or Federal government), then contact these American State Assemblies. 

Our readers can locate and contact these Assemblies for more concise information on status-correction and financial remedy on our website at If you currently live upon any State where you do not find a website listed on, then please let us know. These American State Assemblies can be found under the States Menu at the top of our website.

We are aware there still remains about a dozen States where The American State Assembly for that State is not currently listed. These same States are currently working diligently on bringing their sites back up or are in the process of establishing their website for the first time. Please remain patient while these same assemblies build up their online presence.

If you are someone who currently dwells on any one of these 50 American State Assemblies but is only currently seeking advice on financial remedy, please remain extremely patient! Be aware of the fact these Assemblies are extremely busy with establishing their respective Assembly Pillars for purposes of properly standing up their lawful structure - particularly that of their Jural Assembly structure.

Most American State Assembly coordinators and State-elected officials simply do not possess the time, resources, or staff available to assist with personal financial remedy advice at this time.

With that said, if you're interested in receiving more expedient advice on such matters and would also like to become knowledgeable on how to assist others also seeking various financial remedies, join your American State Assembly and get involved.

Please leave us a comment below if you would like to learn more on how to navigate through your own American State Assembly website.

Comment below if this sub-article was particularly helpful for you and if you would like to see a full article regarding this subject matter on our website at soon.

Thank you.

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