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Saturday, May 4, 2024

The PKTF Telegram Channel


The Peacekeeping Task Force's presence on Telegram

As with all social networking platforms our Team utilizes, Telegram is currently among the most popular (or potentially, highly useful) alternative platforms.

Other platforms such as UGE, LinkedIn, MeWe, Clouthub, Substack, and Reddit (just to name a few) are all viable networking alternatives we currently use along with Telegram.

Despite various contentions, several other social networking platforms have been caught up with (such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (none of which we have ever used since PKTF inception) over the past several years - Telegram is largely absent from such controversies. The unique and dependable features Telegram offers our Teams and readers worldwide cause this particular platform to make our select list of preferred networking assets. At present, the only annoying setback Telegram suffers (from our vantage point) is the occasional, uninvited bot-driven solicitor abruptly joining our channels with nonsensical items or ideologies for sale or consideration - then is promptly deleted, blocked, reported, and banned when able.

Admittedly, my team and I are not yet frequently utilizing Telegram features to the extent, or necessity we would like. In fact, (up until this month), much of our focus has been largely on Training conferences built upon - resulting from our prior monthly PKTF featured article and blog post sub-articles.

Since the first week of March 2024 our Team has been working closely with over 25 of our American states on a one-on-one basis regarding PKTF - Assembly Liaison development. Until recently, the logistics behind this endeavor have been considerably time-consuming and involved! But this is soon to be adjusted to fit our current growth trend and networking projections with more streamlined, familiar meetings as more American states become further involved and similarly familiar with the same training material.

Along with these same training material adjustments, the PKTF will soon provide more project detail exposure across Telegram and other networking channels and pages in the coming days and weeks. As we learn to operate Telegram more proficiently, our readers should expect to find considerably more content the platform boasts to accommodate all Telegram users.

Thank you, to all readers here and on Telegram where PKTF content and discussions continue to take place. If you still need to join us over on Telegram, please always feel welcome to join the group linked above in the top graphic.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Now Accepting Donations

Many thanks to our readers over the past 9 months who have inquired about how people might be able to donate to the cause.

Up until today, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has not been in a suitable position to accept donations. Since setting up our online presence as a Federation of States charted peacekeeping service back in August 2023, we have not been a stand-alone servicing organization able to accept direct donations from any contributor. Aside from working briefly with The Continental Marshals Service on various Family Relief Fund projects, the PKTF itself has not taken in donations of any kind.

For current, and future service operations, the PKTF will be supported directly by all participating American State Assemblies for international peacekeeping services they are owed on an annual basis. In addition to this same service strategy, the PKTF is now able to accept private donations directly from all status-corrected Americans and American State Assemblies in session using the Cash App digital application.

Please be advised:

At this time, the PKTF does not directly accept donations from foreign, corporate entities.

Although operational funds are surely needed to keep current with ongoing project developments, our present charter does not accommodate accepting foreign subsidies or private investment influences from entities outside of our American State Assemblies. We are honored to maintain this level of service integrity to whom those sovereign American nation States that the Federation of States has dedicated its vision.

Our service team recognizes certain potential vulnerabilities that accompany foreign influences, especially when such outside influences are presented in the form of potential financial support. Nevertheless, whenever outside donation offers are presented to our offices (now and in the future), PKTF will only consider accepting such donations, so long as our American State Assemblies are provided the details of such foreign contributors in advance.

>> (Regarding those people who are not yet status-corrected and on the Public Record, your donations of up to $20.00 USD are certainly welcomed worldwide and are greatly appreciated!) <<

As of this evening, May 3rd, 2024 the PKTF is now accepting direct donations through our Cash app listed here >>$PKTFgift << for your convenience. Along with this fundraising initiative, we will be providing a monthly summary of how much our contributions have been gifted and where such donations are being used along the way each month.

In the very near future, the PKTF will also be providing an exclusive Service Outline detailing all additional service features we currently offer to our American State Assemblies, along with a developmental project service diagram for all future service opportunities and an ongoing service description for each additional service option.

All this, and more is being put together this year, 2024.

So, please keep this blog bookmarked and subscribed among your favorites as we continue to work within our means bringing our readers all the details regarding these, and other relevant initiatives.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Answers to Questions Walk Hand in Hand

 Several of our readers (or at least those from among people around the world aware of The Peacekeeping Task Force) are reporting experiencing prolonged issues seeking answers to select questions related to our work.

Hopefully this sub-article will help shed a brighter light onto the solution far and wide!

Of course, we are familiar that a continuous effort will be required; with outreach in mind (a solid word-of-mouth, group effort approach) before any semblance of a critical mass, level of awareness regarding our services become more commonplace.

Please know, The Peacekeeping Task Force takes questions very seriously as part of our service obligation to The American State Assemblies and to all readers of our work!

As part of this service, we go the extra mile by seeking to memorialize all pertinent questions brought to our offices by adding them, with the corresponding answer as part of our Frequently Asked Questions on the website.

In fact, a significant portion of our service description is in being obligated to highlight such inquiries in a manner that maximizes all relevant questions for our worldwide reading audience.

If you have questions, we are obligated to provide a suitable, accurate and robust answer within a reasonable timeframe.

In this sense, when the people seek, The Peacekeeping Task Force is there to assist in the search.

Our overall service framework is designed to build durable bridges for peaceful men, women, corporate entities and serious researchers - welcomed and encouraged to cross back and forth at will.

So please, if you have any questions (either about the contents of previous articles, published services, current and future development announcements, roles and responsibilities of The Peacekeeping Task Force, and so on) - do not hesitate to reach out to us as soon as reasonably possible.

We always, thoroughly enjoy hearing and reading from everyone!

If we do not have an answer to a question in a timely manner, we will adopt all such questions as if they were our own, and will seek tirelessly to locate the correct answer as soon as reasonably possible. Then, we will publish both question and answer accordingly - for all to view.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Stay Connected to The Latest Peacekeeping Task Force - Hot Topics

 Announcing our most recent notification service - The Peacekeeping Task Force Newsletter.

A complimentary, bi-weekly announcement product equipped with numerous dedicated perspectives on what our professional staff are working on during any given 8-10 week period.

We have been contemplating how to provide this free notification service in a way that is robust, just as much as it is designed to be informative.

Image from the first portion of our two to three page bi-monthly Newsletter. Be sure to visit the PKTF news org website and click the same image on the Homepage to access the embedded Newsletter in PDF.

According to our current schedule for 2024 and beyond, our team plan to provide at least a half-dozen exclusive PKTF Newsletters as part of our contribution to all subscribers of our Internet News Magazine site - With each bi-monthly issue, this team will gladly set aside a portion of their busy work weeks, to provide an added emphasis and optimism on further showcasing those items of interest listed within our newsletters in follow-up articles.

All bi-monthly newsletters are, and will be continuously designed to prime our readers for learning more about what areas of service interest our PKTF Staff are focused on most intently during any given publication period. As these newsletters offer only surface level details about any given product operation, our editors will already be working on featured articles to support each Newsletter that goes before future each monthly news issue.

We are grateful for the words of encouragement and moral support from our already interested readers through their inspiring commentary during recent magazine issues. 

Our team anticipates an ongoing, natural curiosity from future readers worldwide inquiring more about how genuine peacemakers conduct business. And The Peacekeeping Task Force is eager to meet, and exceed these - even our own level of anticipation over future progress.

For more information about what is found on our Newsletter, please visit where you will find a link to the full Newsletter itself linked from the Homepage.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Other Services Provided by The Peacekeeping Task Force for Prior Service Members of The American Armed Forces

 Please read the following post located on our LinkedIn page for more details on how The Peacekeeping Task Force centers a considerable amount of it's service projects around honorable Prior Service Members.

We will be bolstering our efforts during 2024 of this priority service made available to all American State Assemblies as each Assembly builds out their own Outreach Committee project management capabilities.

Numerous current, and prior service military members and veterans continue to reach out to our offices seeking process information regarding their upcoming, or previously conducted ETS - Transition Process.

A visual depiction of returning home to "civilian status" after Military Service 

With regards to future Transition obligations (or adjustments to prior Transition strategies) - these services should be conducted smoothly and concisely in terms of completely ex-filling any and all prior service obligations.

Whether your Military Service Transition requirements are in the near future, or are now behind you; where any unforeseen or unwarranted Return to Service obligations are concerned, PKTF is available to make your political status-correction proclamation process become a confirmed receipt onto the public record.

PKTF would like to help make certain such transitioning requirements are seamless and correct - according to the law.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...