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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Our Series Two Training for PKTF - Assembly Liaisons is Fast Approaching

 July 20th is Day 1 when we resume where we left off during the last week of May.

Time truly does slip by quickly when considerable progress is made! And our Assembly Liaison Service at the State level is already beginning to take on new heights.

For our current Assembly Liaisons (in-training) - please be prepared to bring your General Assembly progress reports such as questions your General Assembly has asked of you that you may not have had clear answers to during those meetings.

Thank you all as well for your attendance during our initial Series One Introduction and Training Conference that launched during the first week of March this year. We have received an impressive amount of positive feedback throughout that time.

At the company (and now management) level, we have also made some considerable progress within The Peacekeeping Task Force despite being on Administrative Leave. Much or what makes this organization work requires ongoing progress each week. 

However, when we do take time off, we do minimize certain training functions in order that our Liaisons can return to their Assemblies (this being that of their Assembly Militia development and its Citizenry progress and their General Assembly committee reporting opportunities) and share what they have learned.

As this final week comes and goes, we are expecting to receive a significant amount of discussion along these lines as our Series Two training ventures into the realm of scenario based daily operations within and without State Assembly Militia participation.

These scenarios will be built around what is anticipated to make up the bulk of preliminary contact between all known State of State subcontractors who are the counterpart equivalent to our unincorporated peacekeeping offices and service organizations. And this is just the start of our Series two training rollout.

So, if you currently have a Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison, or if you are growing more interested in attending our training, please inquire further by commenting below or reach out by using the contact form below for more detail on how to get involved.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Announcing our Line - as a Live Chat Feature

 Just a quick update for today regarding some of our ongoing communications build-out on this blog platform.

We are happy to announce we have added a new Live Chat feature here for anyone to use who also uses the same application. The worldwide application is called "Line" which is highly regarded as among the most widely used communication applications available.

We decided to give Line a try simply because we felt our readers deserved an opportunity to chat with our editors here on this blog.

Blogger leads the way in providing one of the most highly accessible and easy to use blogs today.

Through this, we find that our editor's are able to update the blog more conveniently (as opposed to far less accessibility opportunity on our main site Since Blogger is more accessible for our editors, we thought it best to add a monitoring Live Chat feature here as well.

So, if enjoying the opportunity to speak with someone in real-time who is on the other end of the same article your reviewing, or other added service feature your researching listed here on our Blog, then feel even more encouraged to reach out and interact with our on-site editor using the Line application for answers to your questions.

Editors online (within operating hours daily - 10 AM to 9 PM Eastern) at the time your on as well are usually able to respond to your questions within minutes, or even seconds.

Give Line a try today. It's free. And, so is the opportunity to chat with a member of our peacekeeping Staff.

You will need to download the application first before being able to use this feature. Simply go to your App Store and ask for Line by name.

If you have any issues on your end, do not hesitate to comment below this article and share with us your issue.

You'll find the Line - Live Chat bubble in the lower left corner of each page.

This is the Quick Reference Code to enter our Live Chat through Line

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Offering Previous Training Access and Conference Replays for all Peacekeepers

 Our management team continues to grow at a responsible rate and talented rate.

Thanks to readers and commenters across the various communication outlets, we have considered your shared advice. And we appreciate every opportunity to receive all such advice from our supporters.

Since the start of May 2024 (Series One Liaison Training), our Staff has offered access to all replays, along with previously provided attachments to screenshare presentations during such training. Doing so has offered the ability to remain resilient and flexible with all time zones and challenging family work schedules experienced by all participating Assembly Liaisons (in training). However, the inevitable limits to adequate storage space for such meetings have now been reached - regardless of how cleverly our studios have recorded prior meetings. These same recording limitations will only persist as training content continues to accumulate.

And so, we have made the appropriate, cost-effective adjustments.

Announcing our unlisted Rumble Channel audio/video of all previously held Assembly Liaison training conferences.

Local Newsworthy Reporting

Upon request, all people enrolled in our Assembly Liaison Training Series will now have access to all prior training without the need to be provided with a replay link located on a limited server or the need to be supplied a limited link via email. Those currently enrolled in this vital training will have access to all unlisted training, so long as the Rumble server is online.

For added safety to all previously conducted training, PKTF now backs all training conferences to local servers, in multiple locations separately. Doing so helps to minimize the total loss of our training models as these models stand as worldwide proof of our peaceful service model.

PKTF has chosen to utilize this cloud storage feature for several reasons. Many reasons have to do with service genre, whereby local Outreach efforts are the ultimate default position for all future peacekeeping ventures for all liaisons. Other reasons for choosing a local news reporting channel, is that it is provided by a major alternative network platform that is easy to use and has a robust cloud storage feature.

Rumble is also, conveniently teamed with another growing popular alternative network platform called Locals whereby Content Creators can post, manage, and retain their work all while being given the option to receive viewers' support in exchange for exclusive community interaction and content options.

The Peacekeeping Task Force advocates these and other similar alternative networking platforms at this current time. Our team strives to utilize as many platforms as found to be professionally useful. This has shown to be a rather tedious venture at time, and is one that has shown to grow slowly, but surely over time.

Notice of Function -

For those of our enrolled PKTF - Assembly Liaisons:

To access our entire Series Training Conference recordings, please be prepared to receive directions on where to go to on our Rumble access channel to our unlisted library for review of all prior training. Once a training meeting, conference, or tutorial has been provided that pertains directly to PKTF - Assembly Liaison service details, those of you who have enrolled in the training will be provided the link for each unlisted recording.

This option will then allow our IT office to clear all previously held meetings from our designated meeting platform, thereby allowing for a renewed recording capacity without having to spend our limited funds for increased storage capacity.

For more information about this prior meeting publication feature and network selection strategy, please feel welcome to comment below.

We are always eager to read from those who follow and support our ongoing work.


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