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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Why Our Team Does What We Do - A Field of Dreams Worth Dreaming

We have all been asked - on one level or another  - "why do you do what you do?"

I will not speak directly for the small group of volunteer peacekeepers currently working alongside me at the moment. But, rather I will only speak for myself and for  the American Peacekeeping Service Provider organization being offered.

I am more than confident in the sentiment that - "if you build 'it', 'they' will indeed step forward." And, who are they, but those who will inevitably come after us with extreme gratitude for the integral groundwork we have provided.

It should go without saying, anything worth building that offers goodness (no matter the size of its grandure), (especially in a world where such bold architecture of goodness seems few and far between), should be endeavored and will be sought by other good and rightly qualified people to join the same effort.

I have been long convinced that this is part of our benevolent nature. People, especially those who yearn for such experiences are drawn to what their inner voice calls out to obtain. And if that same voice calls out loud enough, but no such experience is yet found, then are these same people - themselves compelled to get to work building.

Those who are unable to build, but are aware of the opportunity wait patiently.

Those who are able to build, intently seek the materials to begin.

Those with the materials, but may have only a limited outlook on the possibilities, nevertheless a concerted effort is extended to offer their provisions from afar.

Those with stellar skill and know-how to build, but are reluctant to join the effort due to other dissimilar obligations, feverishly observe with extreme optimism for their future participation opportunity!

Then, there are those from among the people, and People who have very little, but do possess a small ration of each attribute and intrigue. These are from among the visionaries whose calling it is to do what they can to "set the playing field" for all others (participant players and spectators alike) who come soon thereafter.

These are the people and People who are drawn to the dream - to measure, to snap the line, and to (with somewhat novice hands) carefully cut the portions needed (the the best of their imperfect ability) to begin adding dimension and familiar shape to the field itself. In this, their only hope is that they are diligent enough to offer their  limited labor, to garner just enough enthusiastic support, and to take the effort beyond the mere notion of this field of dreams.

In-so-doing, the dream begins to take on physical form, impressive weight, useful functionality and versatility, obvious durability, and a descriptive, universal, and welcoming purpose. And before time has even had a chance to be considered a potential loss, the dream has become a full fledged reality, whereby time, instead carries away the mere dream of it into the past.

The question will always come before the effort. However...
Indeed! Yes! If you build your part, They Will Come!

Now the actual players miraculously manifest along with their specific skills, talents, and required equipment.

Their respective coaches and other support members with them.

Friendly opposition join to bring their perspective challenges to the field as well - as expected.

Concessions are being topped off to provide for a more comfortable engagement.
The field lights are turning on one by one - brightening the early evening grounds.

Spectators already aware of the development continue drawing near to the field - having been cheering from a distance for this season all along!

Even more fanfare begin arriving unexpectedly as long time, loyal supporters send out word of opening day.

Before I realize it, the heat of the first pitch is thrown, and the solid crack of the bat can be felt from the stands and heard across the entire park. And it's a high fly ball down the center - it's going... going... going... - "Game On" is now off and running!

And to think, it all started with a compelling dream of something good and right needing to be built into a reality.

Looking back, on the early days of initial setup, something anomalous occurred.

On that same day, onlookers noticed the stands seemed to have appeared with little to no effort seemingly on their own.

One might ask - "who built these stands?" Another might suggest in answering - "perhaps the same someone who instilled the dream to build the field from the very beginning." The answer remains a gentle mystery.

From there, amazing dreams are made a firm reality! And from there, even more amazing possibilities are achieved!

Please consider doing what you are able, to help build. So, that when the team, supporters, and fans arrive, they will all offer up the best show of innings for an entire lifetime worth cheering!

Selah ~

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