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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

To Concerned American State Assemblies - Be Advised

 We are developing an exclusive Call-Out of known businesses across the Continental United States known or suspected to be grifting off the status-correction process.

We will work diligently to research those alleged businesses that are not operating in good faith. The reports coming in reflect abuses such as offering to provide automated paperwork processes found to be in error.

In addition to the reported errors, these businesses are found to be soliciting exorbitant prices for such services without providing contact information pointing their clients to their respective American State Assembly for proper recording.

These poor business practices and others will be a part of our ongoing, nationwide exposure campaign highlighting these negative consumer reports as they continue to be gathered.

For information about any alleged status-correction services operating dishonorably, we want to hear from you.

For alleged businesses, in the manner described above supporting the name of The American States Assemblies or claiming to be part of the Federation of States for The United States of America (Unincorporated), please let our offices know.

Thank you, in advance for your participation in helping expose wrongdoing exploited against honest men and women in The United States of America.

More Interesting Additions Being Provided on our PKTFnews Site

 Our team will add a growing list of call-to-action items to our Navigation Window in the coming hours and days.

From here, general readers, professional investigators, fellow law enforcement, and lawful peacekeepers will be provided with a service outline of priority information about open claims of unlawful incarcerations.

These outlines will help to shed more light on claims of gross trespasses against lawful American State Citizens and American State Nationals.

During the launch of our news magazine website in August 2022, we piloted an Emergency Information Service Bulletin and an associated Family Relief Fund project to help spearhead this initiative. The project went well throughout the test run publication which ran for approximately 90 days. Through such success, PKTF intends to restart and move the project into regular service as part of our support service circulation very soon.

Such allegations of unlawful detention, arrest, interrogation, booking, incarceration, trial, sentencing, and/or imprisonment can become life-changing stressors! If found true, any criminal claims for unlawful treatment across such procedures deserve a proper venue for public reporting. And our growing team of professional peacekeepers is in the business of providing such a venue.

But we need your generous support!

The time it will take to bolster this highly valuable bulletin will consume many consistent hours of upkeep!

As our State Assemblies grow, so too is the real threat of unwelcomed harassment and inconvenience that result from various, less-than-lawful service providers whose annual training will be found to be proportionally insufficient and wanting for updates. PKTF would like to assist with offering information capable of providing such updates to consider.

Nevertheless, these trespasses have and may continue to persist unless The Peacekeeping Task Force offers a unilateral All Points Bulletin highlighting such encroachments.

Soon, will resume its Community News and Reporting Service Section.

While we are optimistic this section will remain fairly on average low in reporting content, we felt the need to revive this service due to a recent uptick in allegations of unlawful apprehension of Americans by State of State and Federal Law Enforcement across a handful of states.

If anyone status-corrected on the public record - is a part of your State Assembly, and is being treated in this manner, we would like to hear from you.

Before proceeding, we need to learn more details through your State Assembly Coordinator of state-elected (or interim) Marshal-at-Arms.

We will also need to as much ongoing detail of the criminal actions being levied against the American State Citizen or American State National for our reporting process. This is made available best by direct family members of the unlawfully accused and accosted American for accuracy and frequency of detail updates. These are the primary necessities to make this service project a success.

Please spread the word within your public spheres as we gather more instructional necessities for ramping up this project. Once our team has gathered all updated procedures, we will provide a full-featured article on our magazine website.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

As we Continue Closing the Walls in on the False (Paper Tiger) Sovereign Citizen (Strawman) Offenses


We will attempt to remain as respectable and reasonable as possible, while - at the same time insisting on remaining assertive against those who pursue various alternative realities regarding lawful status-correction.

As we make our way to drawing a fair line in the sand with who is who among us, we realize this needs to be approached with gentleness through mutual respect, while rejecting any declaration of harm to anyone man, woman, offspring, volunteer or unvolunteered citizen, or any other manner of group constituency.

We must - through this, then begin to further assert the intent of true American sovereign people and their People (sovereigns in their own right, yet voluntarily, and temporarily serving their people) through recognizing those in Assembly who do take their honorable responsibility toward self-governance seriously!

To better achieve this, we must begin to bring light to the previously mentioned "fair line in the sand" when it comes to properly recognizing, and therefor segregating one's American State Assembly having superior, concurrent general jurisdiction from that of - District Assembly having mere limited jurisdiction.

However, before we are even able to settle this distinction, we first need to begin perfecting addressing the few and far between, yet gradually persuaded and maintained falsity regarding public or private belligerent behavior.

The underlining question is - what actual truth is there regarding a genuine linkage between people who study, exercise, and declare status-correction publication - and those of merely allege similar schools of thought? Who among the people are indeed status-corrected, and who also somehow subscribe to fomenting a priority need of resorting to open displays of violence, fraud, blatant disrespect or terroristic threats at any level towards law enforcement? - (as a result of status-correction)

These questions, and more will be flushed out in future sub articles and full featured articles in the coming weeks.

It will be here where we adjust our focus for sharply snapping the chalk line used to cut all unfair grouping among those who practice violence as a means to assert their political status correction. And from here, we would like to bring to the public attention a product of what repealing the Smith-Mundt Act itself has brought to the public venue.

Government sponsored, negative or duplicitous propaganda crusades against their own population, (particularly against the natural right to enter (or reject) contract obligations through political status-correction) is what has been occurring for at least 1 - 2 decades overall in the Continental United States.

All this, and more news and information are on the way on this vital topic!

If you like what you see so far, please consider ceding our researchers and editors with some support by commenting below with what you'd like written about as a follow-up to this sub article.

We are always thrilled to receive comments and email from our readers and supporters.

And, if you are in a position to donate to our cause for righting the wrongs that have been slowly, but surely perpetuated purposefully over time - please consider donating to help keep our websites modern and up to date.

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated!


Lawfully and Accurately Dismantling the False Assertions of the Sovereign Citizen Pejorative

T he Strawman Argument and The Strawman Theory. Some would claim the debate is nearly over. Others might suggest that the debate is just beg...