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Monday, October 2, 2023

Local Success Through Photo Journalism

 Photo Journalism is one of the many essential keys to Assembly success.

(Part 1 of 2) - Exercising Free Press

Perhaps one of the most effective methods to share news of findings from investigative reporting, writing and interviews is largely through photography.

Photography in general, is among the most suitable means by which to express and convey an ideology. 

Adding to this medium, when such images are uniquely qualified by authenticity with local appeal is when the highest quality of expression unto storytelling and news reporting can be appreciated.

The Peacekeeping Task Force is leaning in to the concept of taking on the peaceful challenge for perfecting the expressed illustration of The Bill of Rights.

And so, we begin with the First Amendment itself.

Among The Bill of Rights, (conveniently enough being First among the Amendments) is Freedom of Speech. We will be publishing sub articles describing each of these Rights as they have been agreed upon by those who placed such natural rights into an agreed upon service pathway for subcontracted Rights and Freedoms guaranteed to be respected during service.

The Peacekeeping Task Force will be touching upon each of these service Rights as we dive further into how the Amendments themselves served the People who are themselves sovereign, yet who volunteered to serve the sovereign people from among the sovereign nation states.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Here we see one of ten examples of how general thought is provided a medium of expression for pondering and an immediate means by which to convey such thoughts. As we begin analyzing the various notions provided in each of these Rights, we find it extremely important to place them in the context by which they were, are and should always be intended - in contrast to what the general public might believe these Amendments to be in the larger scheme - interior of governmental operations and exterior of nature.

First off:

All people (all of which who are naturally born sovereign) enjoy the opportunity of ALL natural rights - not simply "Ten" of them. By virtue of nature existing and people existing within it, by default lends itself to provide an abundance of opportunities to take part in and fully experience such rights.


When the people (all of which have the right to offer and serve other people (and to do so with relative peace of mind)) decide to do so, then so do they deserve to be properly recognized as being of, by and for the people; now serving as being among the People, yet still from among the people.

And so, with these two very simple distinctions are we then able to begin seeing what the purpose was, is and will always be unto People who freely serve other people by these brilliant measures.

Simply put:

All people possess the natural right to do as they so choose, so long as those freedoms of choice do not offend natural law whereby acting upon such choice freedom damages, destroys, omits, or swindles from the peaceful existence of other people OR from other People honorably serving mankind.

- All people possess natural rights.

(the right of the people) to become those who volunteer to become among (the People) (first and always).

- All People have Enumerated Rights that are emphasized as continuing to exist while they serve the sovereign people during the time through which they freely serve.

(the "Ten" enumerated rights guaranteed to the People while they are honorably serving the people).

When the People freely volunteer to serve the people; all of which were born sovereign, then the need for providing further emphasis into writing, so as to provide such guarantees whereby these particular Rights are preserved, honored and protected among those People who serve all other people.

The entire notion for all other Rights (Ten Amendments in total) as they were pinned within the bill itself is precisely for the same sentiment. And so, through this lens we are able to more easily appreciate what these Rights were intended to be, and for who- and why they were placed into writing as such.

The Bill of Rights are for the People - to be guarantied and protected by all who are parties to the contract in-where they agree to serve.

The Bill of Rights was not pinned to provide guarantees and protections to the people, because these people are not (in that moment) serving others and therefore already naturally have unincumbered opportunities to partake in these and other natural rights by default, and without limit.

In this - the People - are owed The Bill of Rights -


In this - the people - already possess these and all other natural rights by default of being born sovereign, and are, therefore not in need of - for themselves and in that moment, the same Bill of Rights.

Nevertheless, these same sovereign people respect, honor and strive to uphold and protect such Bill of Rights, so as their respectable servants are not mistreated, so that they may, in turn experience the natural freedom to serve the people safely and peacefully.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Future Wordwide Interviewing - Potential Offer

We are conducting research involved with the logistical aspects of brokering meetings with available members of the Federation of States and with everyone else around the world.

If you and your people are driven by a universal passion for working to make a positive change from decadence within government to decency among mankind, then we are excited for the opportunity to meet your acquaintance.

Our goal is multifaceted in terms of what The Peacekeeping Task Force can offer on the International level, but that our current limitations in reality have somewhat stunted growth potential so far.

Nevertheless, we persevere. In terms of service, our obstacles are quite simple.

We assist with the many logistical aspects of maintaining open lines of lawful and peaceful communication across all willing and able peoples of the earth, beginning with the American People and with the people they serve.

Proper logistical maintenance of various levels, along with numerous communication channels available for purposes of achieving such movements are extremely vital underpinnings to this organization!

Without these two main focal points, the initial charter bestowed unto The Peacekeeping Task force - which is to Evaluate, Educate and Coordinate all external peacemakers lawfully and peacefully - might otherwise fall short.

And so, it is with tremendous honor we offer to provide an official collaborative space for all other worldwide countries to meet with other active members of the Federation of States for The United States of America (Unincorporated) outside of these same United States of America.

We are continuing to set this feature up for success on our end. The pktfnews website will soon have a full page dedicated to scheduling such meetings.

Not only would the lawful persons from The Federation consider speaking with people's from all across the earth outside of these same United States, but of course also with those same State Assembly peacekeepers' Committees and with The Peacekeeping Task Force service members themselves.

For those interested learning more of what we are building at this very moment, please feel free to contact our offices by utilizing the comment sections herein, by email access located in the pktfnews website, or even by  > the direct SMS feature also located on the site (when it has been fully integrated into the site system - coming soon). <

Many thanks to everyone for their many voices of support and encouragement for the ongoing pktfnews site development and ongoing patience while we continue setting up shop.

All constructive comments, ideas and future site- feature suggestions are always welcomed.

Please check back regularly at the site, as well as - and especially to this blog station for more regularly provided website development announcements and general sub-article announcements.

It's always an honor to serve our readers and the worldwide scene with peace-centered, uplifting, positive and accurate news reporting.

We have much more to follow, so please stay dialed in to the blog for critical future updates.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Interview Scheduling Platform Opportunities

We are entertaining the potentiality for providing worldwide interview scheduling for the Federation of States.

We pitched the offer to the Federation earlier this week. We are awaiting to hear back at this time.

Through this opportunity, our support team would essentially be responsible for seeking potential guest panelists around the world, booking and providing an interview platform for future interviews with hard-hitting men and women many of us see and hear out there conducting similar worldwide peacekeeping work.

We are, in fact limited in our ability as a result of minimal staff at this time to effectively cover down on this particular opportunity. However, for those among the American people interested in joining with our growing team of international peacekeepers we are happy to hear from you.

If this offer is approved, we will essentially manage the outreach, screening, booking, scheduling, facilitating, recording, and maintaining the interview process between select members of the Federation and special guests interested in participating.

Keep in mind this opportunity is not yet approved.

We very much look forward to this and other similar opportunities and subsequent obligation to further serve the American people.

We will keep our readers informed if and when we are accepted and taken up on this exclusive service offer.

Feel free to comment on this and on any other articles found within this blog station.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Civil Peace Flag

We will be highlighting the topic of the American Civil Peace Flag and it's place revealed as part of our beginnings- as a nation evolved.

We will be building upon this topic as (among several others) an article-focused centerpiece of the website.

In this, we will be expressing our research, understanding and appreciation of the notion for the need to display; if so (in time and space of war), then who, and where are such People and Places identified as war efforts taking place.

In contrast, (in time and space of peace), then who and where are such people and places identified as a proper, peaceful demarcation.

- - -

In other words, if there is a war preparation measure, or functions expressing the need for maintaining implements of war taking place upon these American lands, then where are these found among the people?

And as such similar curiosities, then where also upon these same American lands are those who are of peaceful means; having nothing to do with the functions of war or warlike measures, harborings, storages, trainings, servicings or anything whatsoever at all?

- - -

The pktfnews site will be building and maintaining several showcasing articles such as this article and others as part of its premise as an up-and-coming newsworthy magazine source.

In this, we will be dedicating a team of skilled researchers for each highlighted article section we showcase. These showcases will remain highlighted apart from all other circulating articles throughout the site each month. Readers will typically find access to all highlighted articles within the Home Page Content, along with immediate access to all archived research of the same highlighted content at all times.

Our goal is to keep and maintain a type of "bird's-eye view" over these highly impactful topics as they earn their proverbial stripes in significance and, as a result, reputable worldwide circulation.

As we grow in experience and participation, we anticipate the site to be a remarkably sizable notice of intent for ongoing discussions on actionable, measurable and meaningful rhetoric about significant peaceful pathways ahead.

These highlighted articles found on the pktfnews site will remain focused and centered on these and other directly relevant articles. All freelance journalists seeking syndication on the site who would like to contribute to these newsworks and others are welcome to join as a freelancer.

Please bookmark this label within this blog post if you, or someone you know might be interested in joining the growing team of American researchers, writers, investigators, reporters, editor's and the like at this site location.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with those several of you within the above listed skillsets and interests; now and during future projects.

Newsletter Strategy

As the pktfnews site continues to open to full navigation, our team is also working simultaneously to provide a complimentary bi-weekly Newsletter for everyone who signs up.

The Newsletter will provide Exclusive article material of various projects taking place within all State Assemblies where peacekeeping efforts and campaigns are forming. The Newsletter will provide a progressive peak into these and other aspects of upholding and maintaining lawful American project practices.

This same Newsletter and its content will be provided weeks in advance of all future monthly news site updates. Each monthly update to the site, at the time of its first Edition launch will be rendered as a magazine layout showcasing intricate articles of what was previously provided as an Exclusive by each preceding bi-weekly Newsletter.

If there is anyone from among the various State Assemblies who would like to participate in building the particular Newsletter layouts and designs, we would be honored to have you join as part of our design team.

We currently have one remaining Open Position as part of our Editorial Team for Graphic Designer (see the Editorial Page on the site for the Team Support Roster listed under PRODUCTION).

Several very talented and dedicated minds are behind much of the success of the pktfnews along with several of the additional support elements accompanying site exposure.

Anyone from among the American State Nationals of the 50 nation states who are not currently considering participating directly with their own State Assembly Pillar activities at this time, but are still considering being an integral part of the great American Reconstruction effort in other ways, we welcome those of you to join our peacekeeping team.

Simply contact us at the email addresses or the SMS device contact feature listing located within the far left footer section of the site if or when you become interested.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...