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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Civil Peace Flag

We will be highlighting the topic of the American Civil Peace Flag and it's place revealed as part of our beginnings- as a nation evolved.

We will be building upon this topic as (among several others) an article-focused centerpiece of the website.

In this, we will be expressing our research, understanding and appreciation of the notion for the need to display; if so (in time and space of war), then who, and where are such People and Places identified as war efforts taking place.

In contrast, (in time and space of peace), then who and where are such people and places identified as a proper, peaceful demarcation.

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In other words, if there is a war preparation measure, or functions expressing the need for maintaining implements of war taking place upon these American lands, then where are these found among the people?

And as such similar curiosities, then where also upon these same American lands are those who are of peaceful means; having nothing to do with the functions of war or warlike measures, harborings, storages, trainings, servicings or anything whatsoever at all?

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The pktfnews site will be building and maintaining several showcasing articles such as this article and others as part of its premise as an up-and-coming newsworthy magazine source.

In this, we will be dedicating a team of skilled researchers for each highlighted article section we showcase. These showcases will remain highlighted apart from all other circulating articles throughout the site each month. Readers will typically find access to all highlighted articles within the Home Page Content, along with immediate access to all archived research of the same highlighted content at all times.

Our goal is to keep and maintain a type of "bird's-eye view" over these highly impactful topics as they earn their proverbial stripes in significance and, as a result, reputable worldwide circulation.

As we grow in experience and participation, we anticipate the site to be a remarkably sizable notice of intent for ongoing discussions on actionable, measurable and meaningful rhetoric about significant peaceful pathways ahead.

These highlighted articles found on the pktfnews site will remain focused and centered on these and other directly relevant articles. All freelance journalists seeking syndication on the site who would like to contribute to these newsworks and others are welcome to join as a freelancer.

Please bookmark this label within this blog post if you, or someone you know might be interested in joining the growing team of American researchers, writers, investigators, reporters, editor's and the like at this site location.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with those several of you within the above listed skillsets and interests; now and during future projects.

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