Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Interview Scheduling Platform Opportunities
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
The Civil Peace Flag
Newsletter Strategy
As the pktfnews site continues to open to full navigation, our team is also working simultaneously to provide a complimentary bi-weekly Newsletter for everyone who signs up.
The Newsletter will provide Exclusive article material of various projects taking place within all State Assemblies where peacekeeping efforts and campaigns are forming. The Newsletter will provide a progressive peak into these and other aspects of upholding and maintaining lawful American project practices.
This same Newsletter and its content will be provided weeks in advance of all future monthly news site updates. Each monthly update to the site, at the time of its first Edition launch will be rendered as a magazine layout showcasing intricate articles of what was previously provided as an Exclusive by each preceding bi-weekly Newsletter.
If there is anyone from among the various State Assemblies who would like to participate in building the particular Newsletter layouts and designs, we would be honored to have you join as part of our design team.
We currently have one remaining Open Position as part of our Editorial Team for Graphic Designer (see the Editorial Page on the site for the Team Support Roster listed under PRODUCTION).
Several very talented and dedicated minds are behind much of the success of the pktfnews along with several of the additional support elements accompanying site exposure.
Anyone from among the American State Nationals of the 50 nation states who are not currently considering participating directly with their own State Assembly Pillar activities at this time, but are still considering being an integral part of the great American Reconstruction effort in other ways, we welcome those of you to join our peacekeeping team.
Simply contact us at the email addresses or the SMS device contact feature listing located within the far left footer section of the site if or when you become interested.
Monday, September 25, 2023
We have been listed in several channel locations on Mattermost with The American State Assemblies for about two years now.
The Peacekeeping Task Force team, along with several volunteer contributors, have maintained useful reader content periodically with mixed results. It has been our experience as peacekeepers (so far) that the forum is, and can often be quite a chore to utilize in a streamlined manner. At least, that's the way in which it appears and feels overall.
While we most certainly do appreciate the forum all together with its exclusive outreach features and like-minded community architecture, we have decided to begin focusing our content on the recently launched pktfnews website.
Of course we will continue to utilize the Mattermost Channel platform as long as it remains available to us, however our expectations are as we mature as an important peacekeeping conglomerate, so will our continuous need to improve communications needs to mature as well.
We are maintaining a linktree for easier accessibility and familiarity with where we are throughout the nation states - from the international to the county level. Our goal is to be available all across the landscape where and when we are needed.
As our readers know by now, we are still very new on the scene. As odd as it is realized, we are virtually without a comparable service competitor at this time. Nevertheless, we have chosen to waste no time while continuing to set up shop as consistently as necessary.
According to our current research estimations, perhaps; even if only by loose comparison, the only other peacekeeping services organization at an international level is - quite possibly only (ironically enough) - The United Nations.
For example, when we type in any internet browser "The Peacekeeping Task Force" what we find are predominantly provided publications regarding The United Nations. And, of course The Peacekeeping Task Force is not, nor will ever be affiliated with The United Nations in any way whatsoever we notice the irony of how The United Nations seems to command the notion around international peacekeeping.
And, if this does happen to ultimately be the case, then not only are we in the most extreme minority from among a vastly unattended industry sector, but we will also be swimming with the largest, most impressive paper tiger peacekeeping service entity ever envisioned during our modern time.
Needless to say, we are expanding our searchable capabilities beyond the familiar realm of Mattermost to include, but will not be limited to only these sites. As we grow to full maturity, we will continue to modify our internet presence as needed.
Please know we will continue to monitor the Mattermost channels we have established there, but as the pktfnews site evolves along with other directly associated sites we will eventually (gradually) begin having less and less of a daily presence on Mattermost.
For those interested in learning more of, and keeping up with what we provide to the American States and People, then frequent our various website and blog station locations for ongoing detail.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Now Hiring
Please visit our LinkedIn page located at the bottom center of the website footer for more detail on how you can join our team.
The Peacekeeping Task Force currently maintains 3 Directorate opportunities to serve the American people within this Federation level organization. The LinkedIn page was established recently to help broadcast the need for more office holders in a modern, more professional setting. For those of you who already have a LinkedIn account or are interested in setting up a professional presence online this is a healthy approach.
A LinkedIn account is also a great way to become familiar and begin loosely associating with various professionals from a wide range across the all-industrial realm. We recognize the value in this bridge-building opportunity between professionally inclined men and women at a juncture where DeFacto corporations meet the dejure.
LinkedIn has been highly regarded for many years now as a viable means of reaching out to others interested in serving in a respectable manner, providing the expected and necessary detail of skill levels, purpose and intent of business owners and potential future official workers alike.
We also have other office positions available within the pktfnews website for those interested in joining our Editorial staff in that venture.
Simply click the LinkedIn icon located at the footer section of the website to get started.
Friday, September 22, 2023
The Editor's Corner
Thursday, September 21, 2023
American Content Creators Support Effort
The Peacekeeping Task Force (pktf) News Site Developments
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
As Our News Site Continues to Evolve
My team and I truly are at the ground floor level of something immensely rewarding for the world! And we very well know it!
It has been my honor to maintain such an interesting working relationship with these fine men and women all along this journey. We all realize how integral it is (and will continue to be) to maintain the necessary decorum as we continue to build this level of information share to the world.
Everyday we grow. Everyday we learn something new. Everyday we contribute that which we have gathered for all the world to consider.
Peacekeeping is a vast simplicity. Vast in the sense that it achieves so much when upheld and illustrated. Simplistic in the sense that all kind-hearted men and women all over the earth desire nothing less for themselves and others in every direction.
Nevertheless, proper peacekeeping has its own natural enemies. Enemies such as contrast, polar opposition, vulnerably exploitations, mistaken identity, genuine misunderstandings and the like.
All in all, peacekeeping naturally competes against its own natural contrast. Being aware of this perspective alone, as we have observed is the easiest way to balance peacekeeping.
By remaining honest, transparent, optimistic, creative, significant, inspiring and consistent in all these notions is key to proper peacekeeping.
Our team with The Peacekeeping Task Force center our work on these attributes and others at all times.
We owe it to ourselves, our family, neighbors, communities, fellow American State Nationals/Citizens and to the people of our world to illustrate proper peacekeeping. And we assume no-one should expect anything less from us, than our own good faith efforts in providing such a work as this.
We hope you enjoy this and other relevant developments along the way. We welcome you all along for the ride.
Breaking Friendly Ground
We're Setting up Shop at This Time.
Welcome people and People's from all around the world. Please be patient as we begin building upon many months of preparatory work that led us to this day.
On behalf of The Peacekeeping Task Force for the Federation of States, for The United States of America (Unincorporated) it is our tremendous honor to have met this day in with excellent optimism and enthusiasm! Speaking humbly for our small staff of dedicated Americans, we will slowly, but surely (with more and more readiness over time) provide as much accurate and useful peacekeeping content as possible.
Your trust in our work through readership is our highest priority. And with such appreciation insists upon several responsibilities by which we strive to maintain.
Truthfulness in our content. Balance in our investigation. Timeliness in the provision of our material. Honor in our cause for peace. These elements and others are what guide our steps forward.
We appreciate all constructive feedback, opinions and suggestions as they help to add further dimension to our organization.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. We look forward to your presence with us here as well.
Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!
T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...
O ur inboxes have been met with significant interest in seeking more details about the role, while more continue to flow in daily. The rol...
T he Peacekeeping Task Force is taking the appropriate steps to peacefully counter all numerous logical fallacies asserted against the law...
A s a Veteran who honorably served our United States of America for nearly 25 years, I can definitely agree with many of what our current ...