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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Regarding Current Donations Towards our Work

 We have now begun receiving recurring donations from satisfied readers and supporters of our peacekeeping work.

These are people and People (status-corrected or otherwise) who have contributed in the past, and are now offering to contribute further. Kind words of encouragement, thought-provoking questions, commentary, and ideas along with nominal monetary donation amounts have been provided by these same men and women previously.

This is tremendously uplifting and greatly appreciated on multiple levels! Many thanks go out to supporters that provide such means of assistance, both in terms of encouraging commentary and monetary support.

While most of our current supporters choose to remain anonymous, we are working on various methods to increase our means of appreciation. By developing ways to at least return honorable mentions to those who support our work, we would like to instead emphasize each respective State Assembly as a whole. This is a viable, alternative strategy rather than revealing the names of the men and women who donate monetarily (who choose to remain anonymous).

If you are a donor of financial support, but who chooses to maintain anonymity, we want to respect your decision.

In most cases, we are aware of who you are, but are not always able to determine as to which State Assembly you are a part. If you are such a donor, we encourage you to also provide any separate commentary you feel would help identify your State Assembly under any of our sub-articles on this blog, or in emails. It will be by these means we by which can better express our gratitude for your support, by also uplifting your particular State Assembly in future articles in the process.

Without readers support (both through commentary and monetary means) we would not be in a position to carry on our work at a pace suitable to the cause.

Although The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) was created by the Federation of States, it is not the responsibility of the Federation of States to fund our work. All our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly service development comes from purely voluntary hours from dedicated men and women who wholeheartedly believe in what we do is right and just - lawful, peaceful, effective, and necessary. Despite the challenge, our PKTF Staff do not currently maintain a weekly or monthly paid position at any level.

In future operations, PKTF will be funded annually by each member State Assembly as a result of approval based upon each annual review of our proposed organizational services. Until that time, PKTF relies completely upon whatever generosity is bestowed to our organization by people like you. And in this, we are extremely humbled and thankful!

Thank you, once again to all supporters and recurring supporters for your appreciation in our work.

Your generosities are well received and truly helps to keep this benevolent organization growing through its infancy - to its inevitable maturity.

For our other readers who might also be in a position to donate at some point (either by providing commentary, monetary support, or both) you will always find our available Comment Section at the bottom or each article, as well as an exclusive Contact Form and Cash App link at the bottom of this blog for your support convenience.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Updating our Service Timeline

 Several readers have inquired about our visual service timeline located on the website asking if our team might be able to provide more article content regarding more of what took place through 202-2023.

We are in the process of putting more of those details together when more available office time becomes available. However, we do have a few articles being drafted at this time in reference to how The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has successfully evolved over such a short time.

Much of the draft details we are working on so far include cursory mentions of how the first PKTF Directorate became off-center of what their service objective was, which is what our current service objective still remains. Other details in draft include how The Continental Marshals Service (during its own infancy) systematically carried forward with its primary service function in the Land and Sea Jurisdiction with considerable success despite PKTF assistance. Without a fully functioning peacekeeping service to aid in its Evaluation, Education and coordination needs, external peacemakers and peacekeepers (County Reeves, Continental Marshals, and State Guardian Militia services) will inevitably meet challenges beyond their ability to serve effectively.

This is where PKTF service assets at the international level offer provisional, logistical, and collaborative services that merge all three peacekeeping services together simultaneously, and superb accuracy!

We encourage our readers to visit our current timeline here > to visualize more on what the PKTF pathway has been like up to our current timeline.

If you would like to suggest any other details throughout the timeline - areas across the timeline itself you would like more detail please feel free to contact us using our current Contact Form. Simply place into the Subject Line what area/s of interest you would like more detail about, and our editors will add your request to their editorial workload.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Peacekeeping Task Force - Assembly Liaison Offices are Increasing

 Much appreciation and admiration goes out to ongoing State Assembly growth trends from The Arizona Assembly!


Graphic image representation of The Arizona Assembly, State Seal

Along with gracious private investment and volunteer service from fellow, lawful people of The Arizona Assembly - Arizona now also have a Central location to further facilitate its own lawful peacekeeping efforts.

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is currently between training series with over 25 American States and two foreign countries on two continents. Training will resume mid July, 2024, and open up with specific detail scenarios focusing on international land, sea and air jurisdiction where peaceful planning measures are concerned. Now with the opening up of the new Phoenix, Arizona office, more interactive training opportunities become available moving forward.

The Arizona Assembly is the second American State Assembly to have implemented the use of a physical meeting space. Both status-correction meetings can be held at these locations, along with the primary service function of building a more professional peacekeeping interface with members of other law enforcement services at the State of State and Municipal service provision levels.

Phoenix, Arizona will become the second State location to stand, while the current Louisville, Kentucky location works alongside Arizona as the Central Office for PKTF service roles and responsibilities.

Although not quite where Arizona is at this time, however, numerous other State Assemblies (during previous PKTF Assembly Liaison training meetings) such as Florida and Pennsylvania, have reported similar service build-out planning progress opportunities for the near future.

Readers should soon expect follow-up articles on this BlogSpot (and on the magazine site) illustrating a photo journalistic perspective of the new Phoenix, Arizona office location. Along with reports and virtual meeting replays of lawful, peaceful business being conducted from the Phoenix office, PKTF will also provide available meeting replays from multiple office locations for current and future PKTF - Assembly Liaison training purposes.

Again, much appreciation and admiration to the men and women of The Arizona Assembly for your willingness to invest in success and continuous volunteer sharing of your valuable time  towards your peacekeeping presence and other necessary State Assembly sponsoring efforts.

We will certainly see your Laision Team at the office next month.


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