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Monday, May 13, 2024

A Major Communications Platform for all Card-carrying Peacekeepers is on the Horizon

 For those people optimistic to have a stellar communication systems environment available soon, know that The Peacekeeping Task Force is working diligently to bring this to the benevolent few, but growing many worldwide.

Where Mattermost might very well have missed the mark on service overall, Element shows overwhelming promise for our lawful guardians!

Announcing our platform.

- Coming Soon -

Sunday, May 12, 2024

An Interesting Approach for our PKTF - Assembly Liaisons in the Upcoming Future

 For more information around some of the dynamics surrounding our PKTF - Assembly Liaisons at the State level, please see our latest full featured article over on our site regarding Growth Trends for 2024 regarding this topic.

Many people have begun embracing the scope and breadth of this endeavor - what exciting opportunities are just ahead for our Assembly Liaisons. As these roles and expectations become more familiar in the hearts and minds of benevolent people worldwide, so too will our American State National, professional men and women liaisons growth excited for the service opportunity.

Serving the people and their communities in honor is the goal. Remaining diligent to foster lasting, genuine service relationships in the face of uncertain times and contrived, unnatural disturbances is the objective.

The people and People of these - The United States of America (Unincorporated) are educated to the schemes and maneuverings of clandestine evil-doers whose objective is to syphon a positive service, and seek to turn such right-ruling efforts against itself. These same people and People will simply not allow such negative influences to take root.

We stand by those brave men and women who service and protect their community infrastructure in the way in which the people and People expect - according to Natural, Common, and Merchant Law respectively.

We look forward to your comments.

Please share comments on the full-featured article on the site here as well. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Growing List of Common Law County Sheriff's

 As the American States grow gradually - (adding slowly, but surely more and more Soil Jurisdiction County Reeves), so too grows the awareness behind the hidden mystery of this particular, American County Guardian Service.

The hidden aspects become all too apparent as current research reveals the obvious obscurity behind the design of the Sheriff Star itself. But, more on those details a bit later in this article.

What we would like to touch upon first is the priority need for establishing a mental (and, when possible - physical) presence for County-level peacekeepers at this time during the American State Assembly, organic, Restoration evolution.

The Office of Sheriff (County Reeve) is of a most particular importance to County structure - if only by the fact that he (or she) is, indeed the only elected Guardian of the County that the people dwell upon! In this, it is the people who ultimately protect the County, by way of electing the only Guardian tasked with upholding and amplifying American Common Law across the County. And so, the County Reeve is the direct extension, at the County level of the American people themselves that elected him.

With this Office comes a significant amount of tremendous responsibility to the County people! The recognition of service is one of equally tremendous adoration for honorable service by the people, who themselves are also, collectively engaged in honorable self-governance upon their County! So much so is this honor, as it is also exemplified by the unique design of the Star worn by the County Reeve while in Office.

Today, however, research is hard pressed to actually locate an existing image of a proper 5-pointed, upright Star having 5 sharp points (as opposed to having bulbus points). Believe it or not, even with Artificial Intelligence, generative image assistance algorithms it is still a real challenge to prompt a clear abstract image production of a 5-pointed Sheriff Star having sharp points.

Regardless of such oddities, our ongoing research continues to reveal even more interesting preservations of this particular, County- level high-office. Even the traditional name of this County "Reeve" (Guardian) over that of "Sheriff" (or Shire - Reeve) is also quite telling, whereby a Shire is a "Township" setting, yet a Reeve is a Countywide Guardian.

We plan to publish more article content on this particular high-office on our site in the coming days, but we did want to reveal a bit of the apparent purpose to hide the traditional image of the Star, as well as the Title of the Office from the minds of The American People as a whole.

At nearly every aspect when investigating the traditional implementation of this particular Office, obvious (intentional) roadblocks are met by the researcher. All evidence gathered through current investigations lead to a reasonable conclusion, in that those who currently control the larger narrative simply do not choose to reveal accurate education about the Office of County Reeve.

To the fact that it is unreasonably difficult to locate a proper 5-pointed Sheriff Star (one without bulbus points, but rather be 6, and 7,  pointed stars without bulbus points instead) and largely incorrect type of smelted precious metal used to fashion the Stars.

All this, and more we will be discussing in more lengthy articles over on our monthly magazine site this month (time permitting).

If you are interested in learning more about the honorable role of a County Reeve, or would like to share your current findings about this extremely necessary County-level Guardian function, please feel free to comment below or send us an email. We are happy to share any comments or questions our readers might have by placing such contextual value in future articles.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The PKTF Telegram Channel


The Peacekeeping Task Force's presence on Telegram

As with all social networking platforms our Team utilizes, Telegram is currently among the most popular (or potentially, highly useful) alternative platforms.

Other platforms such as UGE, LinkedIn, MeWe, Clouthub, Substack, and Reddit (just to name a few) are all viable networking alternatives we currently use along with Telegram.

Despite various contentions, several other social networking platforms have been caught up with (such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (none of which we have ever used since PKTF inception) over the past several years - Telegram is largely absent from such controversies. The unique and dependable features Telegram offers our Teams and readers worldwide cause this particular platform to make our select list of preferred networking assets. At present, the only annoying setback Telegram suffers (from our vantage point) is the occasional, uninvited bot-driven solicitor abruptly joining our channels with nonsensical items or ideologies for sale or consideration - then is promptly deleted, blocked, reported, and banned when able.

Admittedly, my team and I are not yet frequently utilizing Telegram features to the extent, or necessity we would like. In fact, (up until this month), much of our focus has been largely on Training conferences built upon - resulting from our prior monthly PKTF featured article and blog post sub-articles.

Since the first week of March 2024 our Team has been working closely with over 25 of our American states on a one-on-one basis regarding PKTF - Assembly Liaison development. Until recently, the logistics behind this endeavor have been considerably time-consuming and involved! But this is soon to be adjusted to fit our current growth trend and networking projections with more streamlined, familiar meetings as more American states become further involved and similarly familiar with the same training material.

Along with these same training material adjustments, the PKTF will soon provide more project detail exposure across Telegram and other networking channels and pages in the coming days and weeks. As we learn to operate Telegram more proficiently, our readers should expect to find considerably more content the platform boasts to accommodate all Telegram users.

Thank you, to all readers here and on Telegram where PKTF content and discussions continue to take place. If you still need to join us over on Telegram, please always feel welcome to join the group linked above in the top graphic.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Now Accepting Donations

Many thanks to our readers over the past 9 months who have inquired about how people might be able to donate to the cause.

Up until today, The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has not been in a suitable position to accept donations. Since setting up our online presence as a Federation of States charted peacekeeping service back in August 2023, we have not been a stand-alone servicing organization able to accept direct donations from any contributor. Aside from working briefly with The Continental Marshals Service on various Family Relief Fund projects, the PKTF itself has not taken in donations of any kind.

For current, and future service operations, the PKTF will be supported directly by all participating American State Assemblies for international peacekeeping services they are owed on an annual basis. In addition to this same service strategy, the PKTF is now able to accept private donations directly from all status-corrected Americans and American State Assemblies in session using the Cash App digital application.

Please be advised:

At this time, the PKTF does not directly accept donations from foreign, corporate entities.

Although operational funds are surely needed to keep current with ongoing project developments, our present charter does not accommodate accepting foreign subsidies or private investment influences from entities outside of our American State Assemblies. We are honored to maintain this level of service integrity to whom those sovereign American nation States that the Federation of States has dedicated its vision.

Our service team recognizes certain potential vulnerabilities that accompany foreign influences, especially when such outside influences are presented in the form of potential financial support. Nevertheless, whenever outside donation offers are presented to our offices (now and in the future), PKTF will only consider accepting such donations, so long as our American State Assemblies are provided the details of such foreign contributors in advance.

>> (Regarding those people who are not yet status-corrected and on the Public Record, your donations of up to $20.00 USD are certainly welcomed worldwide and are greatly appreciated!) <<

As of this evening, May 3rd, 2024 the PKTF is now accepting direct donations through our Cash app listed here >>$PKTFgift << for your convenience. Along with this fundraising initiative, we will be providing a monthly summary of how much our contributions have been gifted and where such donations are being used along the way each month.

In the very near future, the PKTF will also be providing an exclusive Service Outline detailing all additional service features we currently offer to our American State Assemblies, along with a developmental project service diagram for all future service opportunities and an ongoing service description for each additional service option.

All this, and more is being put together this year, 2024.

So, please keep this blog bookmarked and subscribed among your favorites as we continue to work within our means bringing our readers all the details regarding these, and other relevant initiatives.

Exciting Opportunity: Join the Continental Marshals Service as a Temporary Intern!

  T he Peacekeeping Task Force is proud to sponsor a unique opportunity with the Continental Marshals Service (CMS) for temporary intern pos...