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Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Difference in Capacity Deserves to be Recognized and Respected

There is a massive difference between what an American State National and an American State Citizen provides to their local and State Assembly!

The question might now be now is - why were we not taught thoroughly about this during our Government sponsored Education experience?

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The suffering, as a bi-product of this neglect is now causing almost an instantaneous lack of distinction between the two capacities. This is entirely unexpectable in a rational civilization!


Join the discussion here as a talking point in the comments section here and elsewhere.

Let's work together to get the message out beyond the Assembly environment.

We will begin opening up by expanding on multiple platforms with this weighty talking point.

Together we will be building off this extremely pivotal "need-to-know" knowledge factor while sharing focused opinions in the comments section.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Natural Jurisdictions - 101

The Lesson on natural Jurisdiction has Never Been Taught in Public Schools to any Significant Degree - at all!

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We should not be surprised at the fact that very few adult men and women (and far less younger people - who should already be aware of such factual matters) comprehend natural Jurisdiction that exist in reality and how people coexist with one another along these same boundaries.

Furthermore, it does not help - nor is it fair to have to grapple with other people who seem to find entertainment in keeping an ora or fog of ignorance over the learning curve of those whose stand to benefit greatly by learning these very simple facts of reality.

Every American man and woman (born upon the Land of any 50 States) - is born a sovereign.

And true Sovereignty is absolutely determined by the ways and means through which the status of all business (responsibility) and affirmation (identity) is conducted.

And so, when we continue to experience gross levels of ignorance on these and other related matters, and when we continue to realize that the notion of sovereignty attempting to be relegated down to little more than a romantic sentiment, then is when we can know more of why we were neglected to be taught properly and thoroughly about what a true "sovereign" is and what is the true meaning behind the title of "Citizen."

Surely, by now we are starting to realize - the words "Sovereign" and "Citizen" do not harmonize when attempted to be used in a sentence.

This should be our first lesson in fact.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Branching Out as we Begin Reaching More Readers

We're branching out just a bit further regarding reputable social content platforms such as LinkedIn and other tried and true venues.

Please find us over on Reddit as well. Leave us some feedback and an arrow up (or down) - whatever the direction you feel this service is going or has the potential for going along with your well-aimed comments.

The Peacekeeping Task Force on Reddit

Find us on Reddit and also through LinkedIn at this link

Making Strides with Fostering State-wide, State Guard, (Reserve Militia) Interface Discussion

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) is actively expanding its outreach efforts for 2024/25 and beyond regarding the State Assembly Militia su...